The Pastor's Pulpit
The Poor : (P)eople (O)verlooking (O)pportunities (R)epeatedly
By Pastor Allen
Jun 10, 2009 - 1:49:03 PM

Matt.26: 11. For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.

There are numerous verses in the entire bible that makes reference of the poor, as with the above mention scripture Matt.26: 11. Yeshuwa Messiah makes a statement that has flown totally over the heads of many of today’s Christians; “For ye have the poor always with you” This word Poor in the Greek is: ptōchos - pto-khos' which has several meanings (1) a beggar, (2) a pauper, and (3) one or many that is denoting absolute or public mendicancy.

As beautiful and as blessed as these Bahama Islands are; despite the superficial, sometimes eloquent presentation of the nation’s future by both the former (PLP) and present (FNM) government. The Bahamian public to a greater degree has been well trained to be and to think poor. Remember, the acronym for poor is: People Overlooking Opportunities Repeatedly.

The Bahamas has always been the envy of the world, as other nations from both far and near sees the wonderful opportunities that lies within these islands and gracefully embrace them. There have been, there now is, and there is yet coming other nations; that will methodically exploit these opportunities and the Bahamian people due to our identity crisis of not knowing who we are as a nation. Despite the devaluing of the Jamaican dollar and their economic vows, Jamaica has never lost her identity. Likewise Haiti, Cuba and many other Caribbean Islands that may look forward to the tourism; has not sold its land and prostituted its people as the Bahamas has and is yet doing.

God has blessed each of these Bahama Islands with unique gifts and resources of which foreign investors waste no time of tapping into. The majority of the residents of these island over the past twenty – thirty years have been trained to look too Nassau for vision and guidance. Unbeknown to the other islanders that the leaders in Nassau are themselves blind and are looking too and depending on foreigners for vision and guidance. Therefore whenever such vision is cast and guidance are given; this is done within and for the best interest of the ones casting the vision (The Foreign Investor) and not so much the Bahamian people.

To ensure that the vision becomes a reality the smart investors always seeks out the weakest links of and amongst the people (a political, a civic or a religious leader) and through financial gifts and promises; these influential voices are able to deceitfully persuade others to go along with and support such visions. The Bahamas is a very rich land / country, but its people are poor. 15% of the people are controlling 85% of the nation’s riches, whereas 85% of the people are fighting and killing one another over the 15% of wealth / riches that is been thrown to them.

Watch this!

The politicians have made it abundantly clear that the goal or objective of their fight is to see which party gets the gun / power; The Rabbit or The Farmer.

The goals of the religious leaders are to see which one can construct the largest church building, live in the finest homes, drive the finest cars, etc.

As one looks at these two facets (Politic and Religion) which are pivotal and very influential in nation building; none of them are solely intended to help or position the people to live an empowered / blessed life, whereas the both of them are established on the backs, sweat and support of the people; these two systems ultimately benefits their leaders, family and close associates.

Yeshuwa’ sayings in (Matt.26:11. For ye have the poor always with you) indicates that no matter we will always have a People that will Overlook Opportunities Repeatedly; therefore the Poor we shall have with us always. As a Bahamian reading this article, you don’t have to be one of the Poor.

I’m of the view that there are three types of people:

1) A watcher: This is the people that sit or stand around for years watching things happen right before their eyes; be that good or bad and does absolutely nothing to help or stop such a thing.

2) A wonderer: This is the people that are always wondering what’s happening or what’s going to happen to their future; they’re full of talk “of what they’re going to do” but when the rubber meets the road and its time to put – up, these folks never shows – up.

3) The makers: These are the people that despite the obstacles, hurdles and oppositions, they are committed to the cause of change and seeing their dreams and desires come true. They’re not sitting back waiting on the government or foreign investors to make things happen for them. Unlike the religious minded Christians / Church – folks who have gotten just the information of Rom.8:31 and Phil.4:13. These makers / Kingdom Minded disciples have gotten the revelation that “If God be for them, who can be against them” and that “They can do all things through Christ who strengths them

I pray that you would quickly understand and accept the fact that despite all of the rhetoric by your political and religious leaders; they’re in no position both spiritually and naturally to assist you in living the good, abundant life that Yeshuwa Messiah speaks of in John.10:10.

Remember: Poor is – People, Overlooking, Opportunities, Repeatedly. You need not be poor any longer; look for and embrace every legitimate, legal opportunity that God allows to come your way.

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail: or ph.441-2021 or 225-3850

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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