The Pastor's Pulpit
The Wealth of a Nation!
By Pastor Allen
May 18, 2009 - 9:30:20 PM

It is said that the wealth of a nation, is predicated upon the health of that nation. Let’s look at the main ancient health care facility in this country, the PMH. In this day and time when the world is rapidly changing / developing, as modern technology and new discoveries are on the rise daily. How is it or why is it that the Bahamian public still has to endure the out-dated, ancient Princess Margaret Hospital?

Now! To those Bahamians who may not have had the opportunity and pleasure to travel abroad and visit a few health care facilities / hospitals; and have accepted the visionless remarks that (The Bahamas is blessed to have the PMH, in comparison to other hospitals in this region), I say “May God open your eyes and give you wisdom to know that you deserve and should demand better”

What I find most disturbing and unacceptable is that; to the best of my knowledge from the time Sir. Lynden became Prime Minister; just about every Minister of Health were Doctors.

Listen! Don’t get me wrong, I thank God for the PMH; but from then to now; are we saying that no Minister of Health has the testosterone, vision and care for Bahamians to demand that “Not another Hotel, Resort or major investment takes place in the Bahamas until a BRAND NEW state of the art Hospital is built in this country for the people”

Administrations after administrations have consistently failed the Bahamian public as it relates to a new modernized hospital. I know that this may sound a bit far fetched; but I do believe the both the former government and the present government sees no need or urgency to provide a new state of the art hospital.

Why? Because governments via the vehicle of politics have methodically trained and conditioned the majority of people to think and except second class standards and services. If a poll were taken today 85 % of the Bahamian public would agree that “The Government just need to fix-up the PMH”

It’s through this level of ignorance by the people that governments see no urgency or need for a futuristic, state of the art hospital.

The wealth of this nation is not, nor will it ever be in tourism and banking; but rather it has and will always be in its people. Billions / millions of dollars have been poured into the Atlantis, Bar-Mar, Albany and other tourist oriented projects throughout the Bahamas; but when it comes to investing into the lives and future of Bahamians; every Prime Minister and Minister of Health has failed miserably as they consistently take the band-aid, cosmetic approach to the existent, ancient PMH.

What the present day politicians have on their sides is this:

The politicians are enjoying the fruit of visionless, compassionless leadership due to the fact that the so-called men of God / Watchmen; are all busy building their empires and dynasties in the name of Jesus. Meanwhile God forbids that some form of sickness or disease befall a member of their congregation or any other Bahamian; their contaminated, powerless churches are in no position through prayer to bring about a healing, which result in the ancient PHM being the last hope.

There was a time when the Bahamas could have boast about its SUN, SAND and SEA, but those days are history. Other Caribbean Islands have taken that boast from the Bahamas and to add insult to injury; Cuba’s doors are being swung wide open to the tourist market. So, wake up Bahamas; and take your head out of the SAND, what else do you have to offer? What’s your plan? Are you going to have Junkanoo 366 days of the year on every island?

I do believe that the Bahamas has some of the best Doctors in this western hemisphere, and if that’s the case. Why? Why? Then Mr. Prime Minister and Mr. Minister of Health can’t you “Statesmen” see the burning need for a state of the art hospital in the Bahamas; one that would be the envy of the Caribbean.

This is a fair saying: “If the people don’t know any better, it’s the leader’s job to teach and show them better?”

Leaders (Government & Church), seeing that we’re all in the peoples business and it is a fact that a state of the art hospital will cost Millions of dollars.

How patriotic would it be, if the leaders of the four thousand plus churches throughout the Bahamas would put their agenda aside and financially unite for this cause and partner with the government to build such a hospital for the people?

God’s word is always true: Watch this! Prov.29:18. Where there is no vision the people perish.

Here’s what the scripture does not say “Where there is no vision the leaders perish”

In closing; this article has absolutely nothing to do with PLP or FNM but rather all to do with the health and wealth of Bahamians; but on the other hand “Who the cap fit.”

For questions or comments contact us via E-mail:  or Ph.441-2021 or 225-3850.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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