The Pastor's Pulpit
The Will of God
Nov 18, 2009 - 1:52:21 PM

As a Pastor, I’m often hearing persons while requesting prayer and seeking spiritual guidance or advise asking questions of wanting to know “what is the Will of God for their lives?”

Wanting to know God’s will for one’s life, is the most important question that a human being can ever ask.  As we know there are many persons who have and are yet sacrificing their all to climb the ladder of success; only to discover some years later that the ladder of success in which they’ve climbed is attached to the wrong building / vocation.

It’s somewhat like a person taking a very long, tired some bus ride and at the end of the journey they’ve discovered that they were on the wrong bus. The scenarios may vary, but I can assure you that there are lots of well meaning (Religious Christians) in this nation; who if they would be honest and not ashamed would say “ That’s me”    

Watch this!

Many within and outside the four walls of the church are singing the songs of Zion; but have yet to truly experience an encounter with Yahweh, or to say it another way; “we‘ve got lots of educated religious folks who (mentally or academically)  knows the word of God, but they don’t know the God of the word” 
As a believer, knowing the will of God for your life is a matter of spending quality time in His presence and being obedient to his word.  If there is ever a time that a believer needs to know God’s will for his or her life, that time is now.  Outside of knowing God’s will (especially) for a believer;  is nothing more than a frustrated religious journey of which many in the church are taking, and are trying to invite the un-churched / unsaved to be a part of.

Now, excuse me for being a bit slow or stupid, seeing that I didn’t attend a theological seminary (cemetery) as your Mand-of-God.  But if I was one of the so-called un-churched / unsaved my question would be “Why should I take a frustrated, joyless religious journey with you?”
The very day that a believer has an encounter with Father Yahweh, the will of God for his or her life is made known; as such an encounter will bring about a conspicuous change. With that being said; let’s talk about the will of God for our lives, and in so doing let‘s look at the scenarios below.

1. Would a worker from B.E.C. or F.P.L. remain the same after a bare physical encounter with a live / hot high tension wire?

2. Would a swimmer in the open sea be the same after an encounter with a Great White Shark?  Or would a person walking in the woods be the same after an encounter with a Grizzly Bear? And 

3. From the Bahamian perspective. Would there be evidence of one having an encounter with Monkey Tamarind?

Listen! It is literally impossible for a believer to have an encounter with the I AM and he or she remains the same. 

There are many religious interpretations and views of the will of God.  Be that as it may, I’m not about to argue or split hairs with anyone about that.  But for the purpose of this exercise I’m speaking of  God’s expressive will, and His permissive will.

The word will in the Greek is:  Thelema, Thel'-ay-mah; which has several meanings as follow: (1) a determination,  (2) act or choice,  (3) a decree, (4) a volition, (5) an inclination, (6) a desire, and (7) pleasure,     

Its of the utmost importance that the body of Christ understand and get a hold of God’s will for their lives;  that’s if they intend to live the abundant life which Yeshuwa spoke of in “John.10:10”

One can attend religious conferences, seminars, revivals, etc; three hundred and sixty five days (365) of the year; and have hands laid on and be prophet-lied too. But knowing the will of God for one‘s life is a personal matter between that individual and God himself.

Unfortunately in the body of Christ, far to many marriages and families have been destroyed based upon false emotion led prophecies given in Jesus’ name. As a result many children are left wounded, scared and are perishing as their frustrated mothers; and in some cases fathers have been religiously bamboozled into making a life changing decisions outside of God’s will for their lives.    

Finally, I urge you take the time and study the scripture verses below as you discover God’s will for your life.
In the Old Testament / Old Covenant:  Hosea.4:6. States “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”  

In the Hebrew this word destroyed is: damah, daw-maw';  which has several meanings as follows: (1) to be dumb or silent, (2) to fail or perish, (3) to be cut down or cut off, (4) to be brought to silence or to be undone.

In the New Testament / New Covenant:  John.3:16. States “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”

In the Greek this word perish is: apollumi, ap-ol'-loo-mee;  which means (1) to destroy fully, (2)  to  die, (3) to lose, (4) to mar,

It is not God’s will for his children to perish in any area of their lives; e.g. (health, emotions / relationships, finances, etc;).

Here’s what  3John.1:2. Says concerning that;   “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth“.`11``b 

For questions or comments contact us via or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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