The Pastor's Pulpit
It’s All About LOVE!
By Pastor Allen
Feb 14, 2009 - 12:20:10 PM

What about Valentine?  Is it the two dozen roses, the box of chocolate or the gourmet dinner and other gifts that are given on this day? As always, I know that we’re an educated people therefore I need not try to explain the story of Valentine and Cupid. So for the purpose of this exercise let’s focus on that which should be the essential ingredient of the Valentine celebration: Love. Now, remember you’re an educated people so I won’t have to dissect the four facets of love. (1) Agape – God’s unconditional love, (2) Erros – Sexual love, (3) Phileo – Friendship love, and (4) Storge – Family love.

The famous Tina Turner sang her golden song “What’s Love got to do with it?” This question is still asked today as it relates to some marriages and relationships. It is impossible for men who don’t know and have a personal relationship with God (Yahweh) to love women unconditionally. A man that knows and has a personal relationship with God understands the revelation of 1John.4: 8. For God is love. Therefore he knows how a woman should be treated and treasured.

An abusive relationship with Ike Turner gave birth to Tina’s song; in essence Tina was saying that despite all the money, stardom and fame. The kind of love that Ike brought to the table she’s had enough of; therefore “What’s Love got to do with it?” As February 14th is celebrated or acknowledged as Valentine’s Day; I want to assure you that there are many women who will suffer some form of abused even on this day by a man that is purchasing roses and chocolates for the occasion.

There are a two fold dynamics at work in these types of situations (1) At times some of these men are often found in the church (religious goats) they can quote a scripture at the drop of a dime or preach and teach an anointed message. (2) Most women who remain is these types of relationship suffers from a self esteem and don’t know their self worth. Therefore in spite of good sound counsel, nine times out of ten they would return to the same type of treatment. Time and space would not allow me to dissect these dynamics and expose this devil for who he truly is. He could be singing in or leading the choir, he may also be a faithful instrument player in the church; or a big tither of which the church can’t afford to lose so the Pastor says nothing to him about abusing his wife. Then worst of all this abuser could be (The Mand-of God, The Bishop, Apostle, Doctor, or Prophet.)

It makes sense for me to speak first and foremost to the men in the world about how they should treat their wives. When the church is filled with so-called men of God who are abusing their wives and nobody wants to talk about it. Why? Is it in order to avoid the embarrassment that comes with this exposure? Listen, if it takes exposure to drive this anti-Christ spirit out of our homes and churches then so be it.

As a Pastor, I don’t ascribe to the Valentine notion nor am I judging or condemning those who do. All I’m saying is that I don’t wait for February 14th to give my Queen, my gift from God; roses and chocolates. My wife receives these and other gifts consistently throughout the year. My first ministry is unto God then to my wife and family and then the church / local assembly.

Whenever a man loves and treats his wife / gift from God with the utmost respect; that man honors the giver of the gift Father Yahweh. Watch this!

In the natural, you being the father of a daughter who is married to a man that abuses her; what are the chances of her husband finding favor in your sight? Prov.18:22. Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor from the Lord.

There are many husbands within and outside the churches that are consistently struggling to make ends meet. They can often be heard saying stuff like “if it wasn’t for bad luck; I wouldn’t have no luck at all” or “I’m so broke; I can’t pay attention.” What these men fail to understand is that the favor and breaks that they’re looking for in life is easily obtained based upon how they treat their wives.

The old traditional (incomplete / twisted) religious teaching by many of our forefathers of the faith of “Ephesians.5:22. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord” has done grave injustice to many marriages, as wives were made to suffer all forms of abuse (verbal, emotional, and financial) and even worst (physical abuse) at the hands of their husbands. Meanwhile they were advised by some ignorant religious leaders to hang in there until the Lord works it out; because it’s the wife’s duty to be there for and submit to husband (I say that’s Foolishness).

One of the most despicable acts a husband can ever commit, is for him to abuse (punch or slap) his wife; and even worst for this man to claim to know and have accepted Yeshuwa Messiah as his Lord and Savior.

The roses and chocolate are good, but don’t stop there; here’s what Ephesians.5:25. says “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” The love that husbands are commanded and expected to give their wives derives from Father Yahweh of whose image and likeness we are made; in the Greek that love is: agapaō - ag-ap-ah'-o.

Come on husbands and you men that are on your way to becoming husbands; from this Valentine’s Day until the Lord’s return, let our wives experience the God kind of love that we’re well able to give.

For questions or comments, we can be contacted via E-mail:   or Ph.225 – 3850 or 441 – 2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen Kingdom Minded Fellowship Centre Int’l,

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