The Pastor's Pulpit
What IF?
By Pastor Allen
Mar 3, 2009 - 1:30:03 PM

What if The Bahamas was a nation where 55 % of its citizens were true disciples (Discipline ones) of Yeshuwa Messiah and His teachings? As difficult as it may seem to be and except at times, the Bahamas is truly a Christian nation.

Now! Before a religious “Amen” comes out of your mouth; please allow me make my case and point first as it relates to being a Christian nation. It is said that the definition of the word Christian is to be (Christ–like). Let me assure you that the enemy has done a very effective job in distracting and rendering many so-called Christians powerless as to who they truly are in Yeshuwa Messiah. The watered down religion of Christianity has produced communities of dislocated religious minded Christians; whereas a genuine relationship with Father Yahweh through His Son Yeshuwa produces kingdom minded disciples.

To add insult to injury many prominent church leaders locally and worldwide have gained their riches, built their mega churches and ministries upon the religion of Christianity.

If the religion of Christianity was of Christ, how and why is it that nowhere (absolutely nowhere) in Christ’s teachings did He ever called his followers Christians? Now, I must admit and do agree that many Christian churches both far and wide have and is yet doing some wonderful works; but might I remind you, that Yahweh (God) is not nor will He ever be impressed or moved by man’s religious works. Here’s Yeshuwa’ answer to religious works:

Matt.7:21. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

: 22. Many will say to me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?

: 23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Selah: stop for a moment and ponder / consider the above scripture.

One need not be a theologian or a rocket scientist to understand the simplicity of our error as a religious nation, and the fact that the gate of hell is prevailing against the over four thousand powerless churches in the Bahamas.

Do you remember the definition of a Christian (to be Christ–like)?

Watch this! If you were scheduled for a life saving surgery and the success of this surgery is based upon the blood that has been made available for you.

Would you like to hear your doctor say “we don’t have anymore blood; but we’ve going to try some red blood-like substance? We don’t know if it’s going to work, but we’re going to try it any how.

The devil never runs from religious Christians or blood-like substance church goers; because he knows that they’re not true disciples that’s covered in the blood of Yeshuwa. Throughout Yeshuwa’ teachings He always referred to His followers as disciples (discipline–one).

Christians could never be referred to as disciples (discipline–ones), because they’re moved by every wind and doctrine; one year they’re Baptist, the next year they’re something else and so on.

A Christian could never join the Islamic or one of the other faiths where their followers may be called upon to die for their faith.

As I’ve stated sometime ago, if one were to do a search of religions on the World Wide Web they would easily discover that Christianity is ranked among the other world religions such as Buddism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Wicca and Witchcraft, etc.

During the time Yeshuwa walked the earth religious leaders and their erroneous teachings were his greatest opposition. Today the religious Bahamas is just a modernized version of the religious community that came against Yeshuwa as He walked the streets of Palestine. The religious leaders are busy doing their own thing; supposedly in Jesus’ name and are inflicting grave hurt and harm to the body of Christ.

Based upon the level of truth that the Father revealed to Peter in Matt.16:18, Yeshuwa said “that upon this rock / truth, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”

Is Christ divided?

If the answer to this question is no; Then why is it that we’ve got over four thousand divided, powerless churches here in the Bahamas? Whose church is it today? Is it the Bishop or the pastor’s church? Religion has its origin in man and it has taught religious Christian to lift up their leaders and mention Jesus’ name in the process.

If we (The Bahamas) want to be a nation that sees and experience the power / prosperity of God; here’s what the bible says about nation / people.

(Ps.33:12. Blessed (or empowered to prosper) in the nation whose God / ĕlôhîym - el-o-heem' is the Lord - yehôvâh - yeh-ho-vaw'; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance)

For questions or comments we can be contacted via E-mail:  or Ph.242-225-3850 or 441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen Kingdom Minded Fellowship Centre Int’l

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