The Pastor's Pulpit
When your number falls!
By Pastor Allen
Oct 19, 2009 - 8:58:59 AM

The topic of this article alone would cause one to think of winning a sum of money, that’s those who play the numbers at their favorite (Web Shops and U.S. Lotteries).  Sorry, this is not the kind of number I’m speaking of today. In the Bahamian colloquialism whenever somebody dies it was often said that “God has called his or her number”

Whether you’re ready or not, whether you believe in God or not, I can assure you of one think and that is; your number is going to fall or be called one day.  I’ve spoken out against the religious leaders and their twisted prosperity gospel for many years and will continue to do so.  Likewise, today’s church is miserably failing the nation by not preaching and teaching about eternal life and the preparation thereof.

On any given day one can turn on the television or radio and hear the country’s religious leaders (Pulpit Pimps) screaming and making noise about material things, which they call “God’s blessings.  But if the truth be told and material things like houses, cars and money are God’s blessing, then it would seems as if God is only interested in or cares about the religious leaders.
In reading this article one need not be a Harvard graduate or a theologian to conclude that as a religious nation, we’re on the wrong side of the fence spiritually. The nation’s pursuit of the dying tourist dollar and the incomplete prosperity gospel of the religious church is subtily wreaking havoc upon families just as much as the lawless gun toting young men on the streets. Gone are the days when the church would preach about Hell’s Fire. Today it’s all about Getting a Blessing, over the years I’ve attended hundreds of religious events (conferences, seminars, etc) both locally and internationally; and all of them had one thing in common; sucking money from their attendees, in Jesus’ name.

As a nation in order to rescue our young men and women from the kingdom of darkness and preserve a godly generation, we’ve got to boldly address and confront at all cause this wicked spirit that’s within church leadership. There is a whole lot of talk in the church today about the kingdom; we’ve got kingdom bread, kingdom water, kingdom junkanoo groups, kingdom this and kingdom that.
The question I have for you religious fruit cakes is this “which kingdom you’re talking about?”            
Before you quickly answer the above question, let me share something that should also cause you to think further. The kingdom of God represents light, if all of your kingdom talks and cliché are truly of God; why is it that the kingdom of darkness is wreaking such a havoc in this so-called Christian nation?
The powerless religious church leaders are now marching in the streets and crying for the government to do something about the crime and the country’s high murder rate. Then again I can understand why the marching and crying to the government for help. It’s because our nation is filled with religious Christians rather than empowered disciples of Yeshuwa Messiah.

Watch this!
Lk.9:1. Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.  Do you see that? He didn’t call His twelve Christians but rather His disciples / discipline ones.
In speaking of building His church here’s what Yeshuwa said to His disciples in Matt.16:19. And I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shal loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Why is it that the today’s church is so powerless against the kingdom of darkness? Its because church leadership have conformed to religion and are in pursuit of finances rather than a genuine relationship with Father Yahweh; the religious leaders have all got forms of godliness but are void of His power.
As crazy as it may seem even the worst sinner would love to hear some Good News, but what the church is calling good news is nothing more than money motivated messages that are primarily benefits church leadership or their sacred cows (church buildings). The gospel / Good News to a generation that’s heading in the wrong direction is one of hope and guidance in the right direction / path. As a nation, if we truly believe in God and heaven we would have been teaching our young men and women about Hell and the consequences of sin rather than this name it, and claim it twisted prosperity gospel.

Many of our young generation are living ruthless lives as if they’re not going to die one day. This also is the result of the church failing to teach as Hebrew.9:27. Says “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”

This article is intended to be a wake up call for us as a people, and the importance for us to prioritize our lives; and to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness so that when our number is called, we would be able to hear Him say “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

May the FOG (Favor of God) be with you:

For questions or comments contact via or Ph.1-242-441-2021.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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