The Pastor's Pulpit
Where are the Godly Leaders?
By Pastor Allen
Dec 8, 2009 - 8:40:52 PM

As this year comes to a close and we embark upon a New Year, it’s only fitting that I should ask the question “Where are the Leaders?”

I do know that we (Bahamians) are very religious and spiritually spooky; insomuch that if Yeshuwa Messiah (a.k.a. Jesus the Christ) himself was walking the streets throughout the Bahamas, he would be dumbfounded at the level of religious foolishness that’s taking place in his name by the so-called leaders.

The high murder rate, the deterioration of the family structure and values and the other social ill’s demands an answer to the question “Where are the Leaders?” 
Over the years lots of sensational quotes and philosophical definitions has been given about leadership both internationally and locally; yet the Bahamas continues to cry for the manifestation of true leaders. We have all heard the leadership quotes by John Maxwell “that everything rises and falls upon leadership” or “Failing organizations are usually over-managed and under-led  by Warren G. Bennis.

The deterioration of our country clearly speaks to the fact that there is a great lack of true Godly leadership.  Yes, I know that this statement would offend some of the big shot religious leaders who are guilty as Hell and responsible for the moral and spiritual decay of this once beautiful Bahamas.  I do sincerely pray that they are deeply offended and can find some testosterone to stand up and be counted worthy as leaders.  

Watch this!
Through ignorance; in reading this article many would be politically and religiously offended; but do I care, by no means whatsoever. If anybody truly knows the writer of this article they would know that there are two strongholds of this country that I don’t give two red nickels about and they are (Politics and religion).  For as far as I am concern the chief criminals in this country are the Politicians and their business partners the religious leaders.  

There are many untold, unheard of matters and situations that have and are yet taking place in this country that will never make the News Papers headlines or ZNS TV, and yet no form of leadership dare to put their agenda aside and cry out against the injustice that is being inflicted upon the poor and downtrodden.
As I’ve stated before, I’m convinced that Bahamians are suckers for bad treatment. For how is it that as a nation we’re so comfortable with electing or trading one facet of corrupt leaders for another?  
Listen! I don’t care what anybody has to say. In this country today it’s all about the money, that’s in the political arena and especially in the church.  Here’s both sides of the coin: (1) A politician can enter the political arena as a financially broke man or woman; but five or ten years later they’re millionaires, and (2) The senses of the nation is that the other route to gain substantial financial wealth is via starting your own church.

In the secular world there is this saying that  “Elvis has left the building”  well likewise; spiritually I can say that “the fear of God has left the Bahamas” 

From the church perspective the word and concept of leadership has become just another religious cliché that is being used to continually pimp the people?
There is no need for me to give the Hebrew and Greek definition of the word Leadership; for this information is given every year at the religious conferences.  Yet, our communities, our families and our nation is still crying out for the manifestation of leaders; what’s wrong with this picture?

I’ll tell you what’s wrong! For years annual religious conferences provides good leadership information, but void of leadership revelation.
There is a huge, a major difference between information and revelation.  I can assure you that there is at least two churches in every community throughout the Bahamas.  Can you imagine the impact that these churches would have in their communities had they truly had a revelation of leadership / the ability to influence?
But to the contrary; the divided religious churches enjoys the idea of staying within their four walls dancing and singing about God, rather than uniting and collectively pooling their resources to strengthen weak families of their communities and help develop positive leaders among misguided the young men and women.

Personally, I am solely disappointed at the religious leaders of this country as they have methodically used the word of God to pursue and secure their financial well being and the building up of their ministries.  Meanwhile forsaking the many troubled families of their church’s communities thereby leaving the young men and women to the mercy’s of the gang leaders and drug dealers who have now become their role models.
This ungodly tactic and practice have given way to the moral and spiritual decay that we’re experiencing today as a nation.  It’s evident that today’s leadership have embraced the concept of (Get all you can; and Can or bank all you get) 

Let’s not kid ourselves or allow anybody else to do likewise. The New Year 2010, is going to be just as difficult or even worst for many Bahamians especially the ones with an itching ear for political and religious rhetoric.  As many can’t wait for their next set of political rallies and Church’s Anniversary, Pastor’s Appreciation day and a barrage of religious conferences with their fancy themes.
The development of leaders is costly, which calls for the investment of much time and money of a teacher / leader into the lives of potential leaders.  Despite all of the eloquent speeches at the conferences, seminars, workshops, etc; the cultivating tools of time and money are paramount in the developing process of new leaders.

It's somewhat liken to a curse to ask a religious leaders to deny himself for a period of time to invest money and time into the life and development of potential future leaders.

Where are the Godly Leaders?

For questions or comments contact us via or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,  

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