The Pastor's Pulpit
Your Gift
By Pastor Allen
Dec 16, 2009 - 5:32:23 PM

Just in case or in the event that some of you are upset with and wants to stone me for sharing some truths in last week’s article, that doesn’t line up with what you’ve been taught and now believe concerning your favorite holiday namely; Christmas and your expensive Christmas tree.

Well, for the purpose of this exercise can I humbly ask you to put down your religious stones for a few minutes and let’s talk about your gifts and the giving thereof; after which if you choose to you can proceed with the casting of your stones.

And just to show you that I’m not the Grinch trying to steal your Christmas:  Here’s what I have to say to you “Merry Christmas”

Okay, so let’s just say that December 25th is Yeshuwa Messiah, a.k.a. Jesus the Christ birthday;  how is it then that every year we spend thousands of dollars on gifts which we give to one another, rather than giving the gifts to one who’s birthday it is?

Think about this and see if it sits right with you!

Let’s say that it's your birthday and everybody:  Your family members, your friends, your neighbors and co-workers, they’re having a big party in the back yard for you.  But here’s the thing; the gifts that they’ve brought to the party they are exchanging them with one another rather than giving them to you (Wow).  And then to add insult to injury; everybody is declaring that it’s your birthday and you’re the reason for the celebration, yet you’re not the recipient of the gifts? (interesting)    

Trust me, I do understand that the truth about Christmas and all that is put into it; is not something that the religious mind-set wish to hear, especially if the truth conflicts with their beliefs. Therefore this aspect of Christmas will never be given its due diligence by the so-called anointed, God fearing religious leaders.  

If the truth be told today’s concept of Christmas has become nothing more than a commercialized, merchandising period that’s mixed with many acts of religious worships and church services; that financially benefits store merchants and crafty religious leaders. 

What gift are you giving this year? Or what are you looking to receive? Could it be (1) A flat screen TV, (2) A new car, (3) Some kind of jewelry, (4) A ward of cash, etc;  Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing with the giving and receiving of gifts; as a matter of fact, I enjoy being on both ends of the tangible gift concept.
As a religious nation and looking at things from the spiritual aspect; I can honestly say that we’ve seriously missed the mark of giving the one true gift to each another that moves and touches the heart of God. 

This is the gift, is the gift of love. The murder rate and the manner in which we treat one another speaks clearly of this.  As you’re reading this article, there is someone right here in the Bahamas who may have been looking forward to receiving a Christmas gift; but they’ve encountered a person or persons who knew nothing about the gift of love and thereby causing an untimely death.

Bahamas, we got lots of work to do. This year 2009, we’ve done a whole lot of talking mixed with very little sustainable action as it relates to crime and the other ills of our once beautiful nation.  We have all pointed fingers at various governments and agencies for the harvest we are reaping today; yet collectively we remain silent when we see small, petty offenses being committed; not understanding that it's these little offenses that opens the doors to serious crimes.

Listen, whatever evil, criminal forces we fail or refuse to confront today; we will run from and cry about tomorrow and so on. It’s time that we put our political and religious biases aside and diligently rediscover the gift of love that the Bahamas was known for. 

To all of our leaders, this I say “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care”

Religious, Political, Civic and Parental leaders it’s imperative that we come together and stop the hemorrhaging of this nation.  For we’ve allowed selfishness and greed to caused the grave and the prison to consume far, far to many of our young men and women.  As we’re crossing over into a brand New Year 2010, if we are willing and obedient; we can flip the scrip on the forces of evil and take back our streets and communities.

We have got to start giving the gift of love throughout the length and breath of the Bahamas.

Watch this!
Our giving in this country over the years has not been one of love, but rather that of a corrupt political and contaminated religious system that has ignored the downtrodden and under privilege.  I say to these powers that be “Enough of this foolishness, if I have to reach out to the international media / community to expose the dirt and corruption that's in the pulpit and parliament, then so be it” 

As of 2010, it’s truly going to be Better in the Bahamas; firstly for Bahamians and then for all others.
What gift can you give to the Lord, since it’s His birthday we celebrating? How about this, He would rather you give a little love to your neighbor. And then instead of retaliating against those who have wronged you; pray for and love them.

Prov.18:16. A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.

What’s your gift?

For question and comments contact us via or or Ph.1-242-441-2021

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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