The Pastor's Pulpit
Thanks & Thanksgiving!
By Matthew Allen
Nov 26, 2009 - 2:44:17 AM

THANKS: The word thanks is mentioned seventy-three (73) times in seventy-one (71) verses in the entire bible. 
In the Old Testament the word thanks is mentioned thirty-six (36) times in thirty-five (35) verses:
In the New Testament the word thanks is mentioned thirty-seven (37) times in thirty-six (36) verses.
In the Hebrew the word thanks is: yadah, yaw-daw';  which has several meanings as follows: (1) to revere or worship with extended hands; (2) to bemoan by wringing the hands, (3) to make confession, (4) to shoot forth praise.

And: In the Greek the word thanks is: eucharisteo, yoo-khar-is-teh'-o;  which also has several meanings as follows: (1) to be grateful, (2) an act of express gratitude,  (3) to say grace at a meal:

THANKSGIVING: The word thanksgiving is mentioned twenty-eight (28) times in twenty-seven (27) verses in the entire bible. In the Old Testament the word thanksgiving is mentioned twenty (20) times in nineteen (19) verses

In the New Testament the word thanksgiving is mentioned eight (8) times in eight (8) verses.

In the Hebrew the word thanksgiving is: towdah, to-daw'; which has several meanings as follows: (1) an extension of the hand, (2) adoration, (3) a choir of worshippers, (4) confession, (5) a sacrifice of praise.

And: In the Greek the word thanksgiving is:  eucharistia, yoo-khar-is-tee'-ah; which also has several meanings as follows: (1) an act of gratitude, (2) a grateful language.

As a nation, do we really give sincere thanks unto the Almighty God for His grace and mercy; and for all that He has and is yet doing for us?  The scripture tells us in First Chronicles Chapter Sixteen and verse Thirty-Four.

1Chr.16: 34.  O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.

In reading this article; you know that as a nation we’ve perfected the art of murmuring and complaining. We murmur and complain about everything and everybody, and then religiously we find a scripture verse or two, to justify our complaints.

But all is not lost: Do remember the song that we sang in Sunday School? (That’s when churches use to have Sunday School).  Am I complaining?  No, I’m not.
I am just reminiscing of when the church embraced every opportunity to come together and collectively give God thanks; and Sunday School was one of those opportunities.
The song from Sunday School was “It only takes a spark, to get a fire going.”  Can God use you to be that spark to start a fire of thanksgiving in this nation? Or is it that you’re like everybody else that’s busy in being the Worshipful Master / H.N.I.C (Head Nigger In Charge) of their regime?

What is Thanksgiving?  Thanksgiving is a spiritual act of worship that is sought by the Father.  The times, tests, trials and challenges that are at hand has only come to birth true worshippers; for hears what the bible says about this type of worshippers

“John.4:23  But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

As we celebrate this thanksgiving seasons; can I say to you that thanksgiving is a way of life and its not based on a calendar date.  True spirit led thanksgiving is a key that will unlock any door that God has ordained open for an obedient child of God; which the enemy has caused to be locked by whatever means.

Don’t allow your thanksgiving to be based upon a political or religious favor, or by your material possessions.  In-spite of what you have or don’t have; despite of what you’re going or may have gone through, determine in your heart to bless / give thanks unto the Lord; thereby giving Him access into your affairs.

Watch this!      

Amidst all of David’s troubles here’s what he said.  Psalms.34: 1. I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
This word bless in the Hebrew is: barak, baw-rak'; which have several meanings as follows: (1) to kneel, (2) an act of adoration, (3) to congratulate, (4) to praise, (5) to thank.
In closing, please know this! “Don’t allow where you are, to determine who you” (e.g.  a Bahamian may visit China or Haiti; but that doesn’t make him or her a Chinese or a Haitian).  Likewise, whatever situation you’re in or facing right now; don’t let that situation determine who you are.  For the truth of the matter is: YOU are the righteousness of Yahweh in and through Yeshuwa Messiah.

Happy Thanksgiving; and may the FOG (Favor of God) be with you.

For questions or comments contact us via or Ph.1-242-441-2021.

Pastors Matthew & Brendalee Allen
Kingdom Minded Fellowship Center Int’l,

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