How Thermography can save your life
By Angelika Christie, ND
Dec 27, 2008 - 2:49:57 PM
As an early detection device, Thermagraphy has been used for over 40 years in many Medical Institutions and Universities. In the early 80’s the FDA recognized it as an option in breast cancer screening; yet the AMA has successfully lobbied against this procedure as a viable safe alternative to mammograms. I guess it is just too hard to break an old mold that produces a multi billion-dollar business. Consequently, most Health Insurances refuse to reimburse their clients for Thermography screening, which makes it difficult to be available to most people. We need to change this, and I tell you why:
As I written prior in other articles about the dangers of mammography screening for healthy women, I recommended the non-invasive, safe and more accurate use of Thermography to detect temperature changes in breast tissue by way of a special, heat sensitive camera. Gentlemen don’t stop reading now, because this does not just apply to women and breast cancer screening; any part, or the entire body can be screened for early detection of almost any disease. Why? Let us explore how high or low skin temperature can indicate disease even at a stage where it is impossible to find with any mechanical device.
Different from diagnostic tests like X-rays, Cat scans, MRI’s and Ultrasound, which detects changes in your anatomy, Thermography detects physiological changes (hot or cold spots) and changes in metabolic processes. The temperature sensitive camera scans the body and produces a colour image on a computer screen. This has to be done twice, three months apart, to get a personal baseline reading, after which an annual screening is recommended to detect any changes from your normal personal profile.
We know that cancer cells require a larger blood supply, which creates heat within and around the cells. This heat radiates to the skin surface even if you don’t feel it. Every organ and tissue is connected to the skin within the electrical matrix of your body. People with heart disease, or any inflammation in their body often feel a skin tenderness or sensitivity to touch around and in the area of the problem. The fact is, that heat irregularities within your body is an indicator of disease that may not show up for many years. Would it not be comforting to know that we have given notice and time to take action with lifestyle changes and consequently prevent any further development of the disease? The earlier the detection, the easier it is to reverse a condition and return to perfect health.
Interestingly, as early as 480 B.C. in the time of Hippocrates, physicians used to apply wet mud to a patients body for screening purposes. They would watch and take note on the area of the mud that dried first, which was a sign for a hot spot, indicating an underlying disease.
One of the first modern- day physicians who used a thermo device to study his patients was Dr. Ray Lawson. He discovered an increase of temperature patterns in his female patients who later developed breast cancer. Since no protocols were followed, the procedure was performed for observation purpose only. Today, clinicians familiar with Thermography can differentiate between an inflammation and other conditions like cancer. I believe that particularly cancer is detected so early because of the metabolic processes that feed nourishment and a greater blood supply to pre-cancerous cells long before they form a tumor. Would it not make sense to use a device like Thermograph to screen for early detection, which is non-invasive, painless, and totally risk free? You think it must be very expensive, but it is not. I would like to see screening with Thermagraphy available to us in the Bahamas. Why don’t we have access to more advanced screening devices that are harmless yet accurate? Where is our freedom of choice that can protect our health?
The first step is to get informed. Next we have to refuse any harmful procedures that are unnecessary or outdated. And finally we have to get together as health consciences people and demand the best possible procedure from our medical doctors and the re-imbursement by our Health Insurances. I know we have some work to do here, but after awareness and knowledge of a problem, action must follow to change the ‘Status Quo’. I think we have arrived at that point where change has proven itself to be possible, even rightfully necessary. Just think of the fall of the Berlin Wall, consequently freeing people from the grip of Communism in East Germany. The best example for sudden change was the election of Barak Obama as President of the United States of America. I know I am a bit off my subject here, but we need to wake up and re-examine the “Status Quo” in many areas of our lives and strive for excellence. Our health should not be subjected to Lobbyist or the Pharmaceutical Industry, nor any powerful organization that profits from keeping us chained to outdated or dangerous procedures. It is not just the knowledge that sets us free, but also the right action on that knowledge. Stay informed and always defend your freedom of choice.
In my next article I will write about the many healing properties of Far-infrared treatments and other frequency devices that provide maximum benefits for you.
Dr. Angelika Christie is the Managing Director of Radiant Health Center You can contact her at 242-352-1010 or email
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