Radiant Health - Angelika Christie
The power of Food to sustain life, or kill
By Angelika Christie, ND
Nov 14, 2008 - 12:41:33 AM

What is the meaning of food for you?

This week I want you to become aware of how you feed your body. How much do you care what you put into your mouth and swallow? What part of you decides what to eat and how much? These are not silly questions but necessary assessments for you to understand your behavior.

I hear so often that people are trying to lose weight. When I ask specific questions of how they want to accomplish it, most answer: “I try to eat healthy, and exercise”. Good, I say, so what do you eat and what kind of exercise do you practice? Now answers get a bit vague, because unless you know exactly what you do, why you do it, what the results are and what the healthier alternatives are, the intention will probably stay as intention rather than become a real plan of action.

Let me give you an example:

You are the proud owner of a good car. If you don’t already know, you find out what the best gasoline, oil, and breaker fluids are to enjoy your car in good running condition for as long as possible. Or would you experiment with garbage in the hope that your car will take the abuse without breaking down quickly? Of course not! You know exactly what your car needs. Compare this to your body; isn’t you body even more important and valuable than your car? How come you don’t know what exactly your body needs to run smoothly without breaking down?

Why do we buy food that makes us sick? Because the breakdown does not happen on the spot! I wish that would happen though, because we all would learn very quickly what the right food for our body consists of. Most of you eat three or four times as much as your body needs. This accounts for wide spread obesity and premature aging. Yes, getting diabetes, heart problems, kidney failure, high blood pressure, and cancer are signs of a lethal lifestyle ending in early death. This could be easily prevented by attention to the fuel that your body runs on.

Whether you believe that God created Man according to the old Testament, or you believe in evolution; I trust that we can agree that the design for our physical body is ancient; thousands of years old. Our brains may have grown smarter, but the building blocks to sustain life are still the same: we need protein, fat, and carbohydrates for energy and for cell renewal. You say, “ I knew that!” Great, but do you also realize that unless these groups come from fresh, natural sources, which we call “life food”, our bodies can not properly digest them and mostly stores what it can not recognize as fat in the least threatening areas; as far away as possible from the vital organs. Yes, ladies you know the areas well! Why is live food so important? Because only food in it’s natural state contains all the enzymes that are so important for utilization into energy and cell renewal.

If you eat mostly cooked and processed food, you are a ticking time bomb for early death, and we are not talking about the gentle and kind and painless slipping into the afterworld. You will battle with death in a painful way because you have invited it with dead food. What magnifies the horrible end result is that you eat so much of the dead food, which creates acid in your body, until your body shuts down and your life was short and painful. Is it really worth it? Do you really want to give the peas and rice, the macaroni and cheese, the potato salad, the soft breads and all the canned and processed foods such importance? What would you live on if you were to survive in the wilderness?

Living in our sub tropical climate, these heavy, greasy foods are totally wrong. I always wonder where this typical Bahamian food culture originates. When you think of what grows in our climate, fruits and light vegetables come to mind, also fish and chicken and maybe goat; as a fat, the coconut would be the ideal choice.

I know I am challenging you here; I told you I would sometimes. Most of us are sleepwalking, running on some program loaded with bugs and viruses that have accumulated over the years from commercials and fast foods, and an misconception that more and cheaper is better, Let me tell you it is not! Quality, fresh food in small portions is what keeps you healthy and energetic into your golden years.

In the following weeks I will explain in more detail about food and its nutritional value, and it will not be boring, I promise.

Why not you start today on a new course? If you follow me with my articles and take action in small steps, you will be surprised how good you will feel by the end of this year. For this week I ask you to have no more than one starchy food per meal, and take half of the portion off your plate. Eat slowly and chew well. You think you can do this? I believe in you, so let’s get started on a healthier you. If you want to follow my advice, cut out my weekly articles and keep them for reference. Tell your friends to join or support you.


Call: Angelika Christie, ND at 242-352-1010    Grand Bahama Island

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