Robbin's Nest - Robbin Whachell
Slow Down for Christmas
By Robbin Whachell, Editor, The Bahamas Weekly
Dec 20, 2012 - 10:56:17 PM

I seem to have a more difficult time each year getting into the spirit of Christmas. I am not sure if that is because the youngest of my four children is now sixteen, or the ever present commercialism that puts me off in such a way, that I attempt to have no part in it.  My eldest and I joke that it should be called 'Giftmas'.

I feel almost justified about going easy on the holiday season now as I feel I gave my children idyllic childhood Christmas'. Something I grew up with. Before moving to The Bahamas we lived in a log home in North Vancouver on the ocean at the base of a mountain, and it was a picture perfect scene each year. When we moved we carried all our Christmas heirlooms with us. I ended up getting rid of most of them when we returned to Canada, all save the baby ornaments that were bought for each child in their first year of life, each containing a baby photo.

My youngest child pushes me each year, and I applaud her spirit, because if it were not for her 'need' to feel akin to her memories of family, I know we'd still get together on Christmas day, but it might be a bit more sparse. She always insists on a live tree, and we have a perfect one again in our living room, despite having to yet figure out how to dispose of it from our highrise dwelling in January! Last year my son and I sawed the tree into one foot segments and bagged it for disposal, leaving a brutal needle scene in our living room.

After getting snapped into my senses, for the love of my family, I push myself into the decorating, music, shopping, planning, purchasing of goodies and boxed chocolates, eggnog, Christmas crackers, etc. In the end, I never, ever, regret the time I take, nor the money I spend, to pull together the holiday spirit.

In reflection, I realize it is THE one time of the year that we set aside, at minimum a few days, and at best a couple weeks, to focus on family. In our fast paced world, (and we need only reflect on how FAST the past year flew by!) it would be easy to just coast from one day to the next, one month to the next, or one year to the next as we numb ourselves out with electronic gadgets (or whatever it is that keeps us 'busy') that make us feel plugged into the oneness of life.

No other time of the year (unless you are on a vacation away) does their come that feeling of 'just slow down'... and I know I most certainly need it!  The holiday season can renew our faith (whatever yours may be), our love (for self, family, etc), and our mental health.

So as I sit in my holiday-hued home, I hope that my Christmas heirlooms are somewhere being enjoyed in The Bahamas, whether in a classroom or in someone's family. These were gifts that were given to my family, and many hand-made with love. All were annual reminders of the bigger family that we are all a part of.

I want to take this time to wish you and yours the peace that CAN be found in the holiday season. It's simply a choice.  Be flexible and allow the spirit of family to fill you. There are no regrets in efforts we put toward our loved ones.

Merry Christmas!

About the author: Robbin Whachell is a publicist, writer, photo-journalist; and co-founder/ editor of one of The Bahamas' leading news sites, Ms. Whachell is a successful entrepreneur and pioneer in online marketing. Aside from being a recognized media personality and community builder, she is known for her networking and social media skills, and has a background in information management and film.She can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Skype. Reach Robbin by email at

Also by Robbin Whachell:

The Transformation of Christmas

Christmas Nostalgia

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