Service Organizations
Kingdor Parkinson Foundation Walk / Run on March 25
Mar 10, 2017 - 8:29:14 AM


Nassau, Bahamas - The Kingdor National Parkinson Foundation will host their Moving Day (Fun Walk/Run Competition) on Saturday, March 25, 2017 starting at 6 am at Montagu Beach Park.  A registration form is attached (at bottom) for easy download.

ingdor National Parkinson Office on West Avenue, west of Centreville Primary School, at any of the Sports Center locations: Harbour Bay, Marathon Mall, Sandy Port or at Club One Fitness Centre, Sandyport Plaza.

Here is an important facts about Parkinson’s disease and the terminology Moving Day and the why:

Parkinson's disease is a chronic, degenerative neurological disorder that affects one in 100 people over age 60. While the average age at onset is 60, some people are diagnosed at 40 or younger. There is no objective test, or biomarker, for Parkinson's disease, so the rate of misdiagnosis can be relatively high, especially when the diagnosis is made by a non-specialist. Estimates of the number of people living with the disease therefore vary, but recent research indicates that at least one million people in the United States, and more than six million worldwide, have Parkinson's disease.  In The Bahamas we are still uncertain of an approximate number of people stricken with the condition, but, if we take a universal estimate based on the number of persons with a particular disease, then it can be suggested that one in every 100 older persons over the age of 60 years have the condition.  Kingdor devised a questionnaire to obtain this information, therefore, the organization will again seek the doctors and healthcare professionals assistance in this vain.

Parkinson's disease was first characterized extensively by an English doctor, James Parkinson, in 1817. Today, we understand Parkinson's disease to be a disorder of the central nervous system that results from the loss of cells in various parts of the brain, including a region called the substantia nigra. The substantia nigra cells produce dopamine, a chemical messenger responsible for transmitting signals within the brain that allow for coordination of movement. Loss of dopamine causes neurons to fire without normal control, leaving patients less able to direct or control their movement. Parkinson's disease is one of several diseases categorized by clinicians as movement disorders.

The exact cause of Parkinson's disease is unknown, although research points to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. If a continuum existed, with exclusively genetic causes at one end and exclusively environmental causes at the other, different Parkinson's patients would likely fall at many different places along that continuum.

In the past 10 years, researchers have identified a number of rare instances where Parkinson's disease appears to be caused by a single genetic mutation. In these cases, the mutated gene is passed from generation to generation, resulting in a great number of Parkinson's disease cases within an extended family. On the opposite end of the continuum, in the early 1980s, a group of heroin users in California took drugs from a batch contaminated with a substance called MPTP. After ingesting this chemical, the drug users were stricken with a form of Parkinson's disease that was primarily, if not exclusively, "environmental" in origin.

For most Parkinson's patients, the cause lies somewhere in the middle. While many Parkinson's patients report one or more family members with the disease, it is not always clear that one or several genes are the cause. Similarly, while some patients suspect that exposure to one or another chemical or environmental toxin caused their Parkinson's disease, this also cannot be conclusively proved. Scientists currently believe that in the majority of cases, genetic and environmental factors interact to cause Parkinson's disease. Research into this subject continues aggressively every day. Unfortunately, however, it is generally impossible to determine what specifically caused an individual's Parkinson's disease.

 Based on the forgoing, Kingdor National Parkinson Foundation joins our parent organization, The National Parkinson Foundation in the fight against Parkinson’s disease.  This is actually the reason why Moving Day is of paramount importance. …. Our Walk/Run Competition also named Moving Day; is a platform for the organization to support Health care and provide information to the masses regarding this dreadful condition and raise funds for programs, assist parkinsonians, educate and sensitize the populace and grant assistance for research.

Moving Day highlights “movement” and “exercise” as a symbol of hope and progress because      of its essential role in treatment of Parkinson’s disease.  Studies concur that there are numerous benefits regarding exercising, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Together, we can raise awareness and celebrate the importance of movement. Whether you join a group of friends, or colleagues from your job or even join as an individual, you will get a chance to move with hundreds of supporters who share the same goal ---to beat Parkinson’s.  Let us assembly at the Montaqu Beach and Park on Moving Day on Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 6 o’clock in the morning.  This is also a wonderful experience for the entire family and fun throughout morning, with lots of giveaways.


You may register at the Kingdor National Parkinson Office on West Avenue, west of Centreville Primary School, at any of the Sports Center locations: Harbour Bay, Marathon Mall, Sandy Port or at Club One Fitness Centre, Sandyport Plaza.


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