Chet Pratt next on Rise Radio with TaDa
Sep 11, 2015 - 2:44:06 PM

Community leader, Chet Pratt is next on Rise Radio. Tune in Saturday at 8am.
Rise Radio promotes the spirit of activism and community development through lively discussions and debates on national issues.
by the Rise Bahamas movement, Rise Radio espouses the principles that
we have an obligation to active citizenship and a right to
accountability & transparency in governance. The show features
candid interviews and conversations with activists, advocates and
community workers.
TaDa has six years experience executive producing and hosting her own program on a commercial radio station.
Next on
Rise Radio is CHET PRATT, founder of the Community Leadership Center in Nassau, is the next guest on
Rise Radio, STAR106.5FM,
Saturday, September 12th, at 8am. Tune in online at
Chet was also a speaker at TEDxNassau.
Mostly known for her music, recording artist Terneille
Burrows(professionally know as TaDa) is quickly emerging as a respected
national voice. Her primary areas of activism and advocacy are related
to government transparency, anticorruption, civil society engagement and
the rights and protection of vulnerable citizens/marginalised
groups.Terneille is a trailblazer that is passionate about community
building and encourages the masses to begin to speak out and stand up
against injustice of all kinds.
She is the founder of grassroots civil
engagement group Rise Bahamas and Bahamas Against Sexual Violence &
Child Abuse. BASV&CA was formed in 2009 when reports emerged that a
5 month old baby girl had succumbed to injuries from rape. Rise Bahamas
was formed in 2014 as an attempt to counteract claims that a militia
comprised of gang members from inner city groups was readying to
violently overthrow the government.
Terneille has vowed to do whatever it takes to make child protection and social development top priorities in The Bahamas. More on Facebook.
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