Island girl makes good!
By Kim Aranha
Apr 20, 2012 - 1:22:38 PM

So painfully thin, in the car going to her new foster home
Some people help the sun shine, some people help the
world turn on it’s axis, some people give us a reason to believe in the future
of the world and give us hope for tomorrow…the people who helped Rosie in her
epic journey are certainly special people who make the world spin in harmony.
Most certainly, the stars were all aligned for
Rosie, in Eleuthera, that day in January, when her ”owner” decided that he no
longer wanted this pathetic bag of bones, and he sent her to the spay and
neuter clinic with instructions that she be killed…I can still see in my mind
the image of Laura Kimble and Kelly Anne Sweeting… struggling down the grassy
hill to the clinic carrying a big cage. Despair and disgust were etched into their
faces as they rested the cage down carefully and Laura said. “The owner says he
doesn’t want her, we can kill her”. When the owner was asked why she was so
thin, he responded that he “don’t feed her like dat no more” and chuckled…I
looked cautiously into the crate and this large face looked back at me “Hello
Girl”…Tap, tap, tap, the sound of her large tail hitting the back of the
crate…”well”, I said as I stood up….”I can tell you what we won’t be doing…and
that is putting her to sleep”. She had three pups in the crate with her.
This big, sweet dog gingerly came out of her crate
and then we saw to what extent she was emaciated !…Shame on the person who
allowed this to happen…she looked around, rather frightened, as if she had
understood that there had been talk of her
pending death…”don’t worry girl…” we’ll fix you up” Dr.
Appleby declared that he could perform surgery on her in spite of her thinness,
and suddenly things started to move very quickly, however during those first
few hours she showed us that she didn’t really like men (perhaps she had cause
not to trust them?)…When time came to prep her for surgery, Jack (one of the
volunteers) came to her cage…”be careful”, I said “she doesn’t like men”…well
she liked Jack…she allowed him to take her out of her crate, pre-med her and lift
her onto the operating table, all the time tapping that big tail on whatever
surfaces it came into contact with.
While she had her surgery, I started talking about
her plight…Her stars were certainly in a straight line now…within a few moments
the big hearted and kind, Wamplers agreed to foster her until she was strong
enough to be homed and then from the surgery room I heard a voice,: quietly and
calmly say…”If you can get her to Montana she has a home”…Kind and gentle Jack
stepped up to the plate to offer this lady a home.

So skinny but a good mother never the less...this is right after surgery
Her puppies were easy to home, but she would not
have been so easy, just her health condition, coupled with her potential size
would have worked against her…What a relief that this lovely girl had been so
lucky…that same afternoon she left the shelter for her foster home on the beach…Her
babies were cared for until old enough to find homes of their own…and Rosie, as
she was then known, thrived in the safety and emotional warmth of a loving home
with tons of food, cool water, love and Doctors visits…
When she had doubled in weight and found her
trustful nature and learnt that humans were for loving not for fearing…it was
decided that Rosie was ready to travel to Montana and move into her forever
The pit falls and snafus that were thrown our way
during the careful planning of Rosie’s travels were like none other I have ever
experienced. On close to a dozen occasions Rosie was just hours away from
traveling to Nassau and on to fly on to Salt Lake City when everything came to
a grinding halt…
The cage was too big (she has a x-large cage not a
jumbo…no sorry!!!)
It was too hot, they don’t take cargo on Saturday
and Sunday, The 6th of April ? Ooops, sorry,
that’s a public holiday (no cargo then
Where will she stay in Nassau, can’t go to Kim’s (
Kim’s five dogs are too territorial)…how about Fina…Fina won’t be there, Laura?
Okay…No wait she is not coming in now…and so it continued for WEEKS… thank
goodness this angel dog was absolutely oblivious of the drama and uncertainty…

At her foster home - getting fatter
Finally the boat trip happened, she was picked up by
Inspector Thurston of the Bahamas Humane Society and delivered to Lyford Cay to
stay with Fina Johnson and her very patient and loving Potcake Figie…one night
only, Right, ? With Figie and the cats…next morning, off to the airport to
catch Delta to Atlanta, overnight in Atlanta and then on to Salt Lake City…Right?
Wrong ! Inspector Valentino Armaly picks her up,
kisses all round…By bye Rosie…..except, Bahamas
customs are on strike…no cargo is going anywhere…
So it’s back to Fina, again. Thank you Figie…and
Rosie spends Easter with Fina (oops, sorry Fina you didn’t tell me I shouldn’t
chew on the ottoman!)…
Finally on Easter Monday, Rosie left Nassau as
accompanied luggage on Delta, the only way she was going to travel, as no cargo
can travel on a public holiday (remember?)…
She climbed into her crate for the very last
time…this time the kisses were final…The big Delta bird gently lifted off the
ground bound for Atlanta, text messages flew around the globe declaring that
Rosie had taken off…

With her new "sister" fellow Bahamian Potcake (from Exuma) the couch with a lovely pink collar
More emails and text messages reassured her Bahamas
family that she arrived in Atlanta and was safely transferred from one plane to
another. On her Atlanta – Salt Lake City her new “mother” Elizabeth Stone,
Jack’s wife, sat above the cargo area, abord the plane, waiting to meet Rosie…
The bird touched down at Salt Lake City, the texts,
phone calls and emails started up again, now about 12 hours after she had left
Fina’s house…Rosie had made it safely to Salt Lake City…Rosie had been reunited
with her Foster parent Diane Wampler, Rosie has met her new “Mom” Elizabeth and
they love each other…Rosie is in the back seat of the SUV with Elizabeth after
a long ordeal..
The night ended with Rosie reconnecting with Jack,
who months ago had promised her a home if we could get her to Montana…well Jack
Salt Lake City wasn’t exactly Montana, and you did have a 16 hour roundtrip
drive…but we got Rosie into Jack and Elizabeth’s arms, safely and happily .
Rosie (with Jack and Elizabeth)
spent the night at The Wampler’s home
just outside Salt Lake City and then willingly climbed into Jack and Elizabeth vehicle
to start her 8 hours journey to Montana...there, at the end of the day she
finally arrived at her forever (and ever) home, and met her new animals family
members…which included another Potcake,
from their first Exuma clinic in 2010.
Rosie has now acquired a new name that perhaps suits
her large, statuesque self a bit better, She responds enthusiastically to
Peeta…she stands tall and proud, weighing over 70 pounds, her brindle coat
glistens in the sun…her ribs are there but cannot be seen, her ears are up as
she admires the majestic landscape of Montana that she now calls home…this
island girl has
successfully to another world and a new life…
Yes, it took a village..
There were frustrations, absolutely, yes, and
annoyances, it cost much more money than ever anticipated, not to mention hundreds
of volunteer hours.. and the phone calls!!! But, as Diane Wampler put it so
a sweetheart of a dog at death's door, healthy and to a wonderful, loving home....PRICELESS!
Good luck Peeta may you
live a long and happy life in Montana…little island potcake!!!

A hug with Fin before going on the flight
About the author:
Kim Aranha grew up in the Berry Islands with
her first dog, a beloved potcake named “Friendly” (who was anything but!).
First educated at home, and then in boarding school in Switzerland, Kim moved
to Rome, Italy in 1974 to pursue a career in the dramatic arts and ended up
working as an interpreter. She moved back to The Bahamas in 1980, and now lives
in Nassau with her husband Paul, and their two grown sons. Kim has 5 dogs, 1
goldfish, 12 fresh water turtles, 1 Asian box turtle and 2 Budgerigars.
Her idea of relaxing is being home to take care of all her pets. Kim is
President of the Bahamas Humane Society, and is co-chairman of the Bahamas Sea
Turtle Conservation Group. Kim can be contacted at

About to get in the car for the 8 hour drive from Salt Lake city to Her New Montana home with her

With her new "Dad' in Montana...home at last
new family Jack and Elizabeth
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