Under The Hood of TBW - Webmaster (Dave Mackey), all systems go!
By David Mackey - The Bahamas Weekly News Team
Nov 12, 2012 - 4:31:00 PM

Hiccups and snags occur from time to time and we had it happen this past weekend here at You may have noticed that site updates did not happen as timely as usual during this past weekend, or you might have noticed that some article links went to dead pages or were double posted.
Thankfully our team of IT experts were able to come through and repair the error to our mysql database and we're now back on track. now contains over 24,000 articles and climbing, as we continue in our endeavor to provide comprehensive data on News and Events related to The Bahamas, as a matter of fact, a Google search for the words: 'Bahamas News and Events' reveals as the top result.

Wishing everyone a productive week with no hiccups or snags as we all continue to move forward.

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