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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Jul 19, 2023 - 4:32:10 PM
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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
A Christian Nation - Nov 10, 2009 - 3:58:45 PM

As Bahamians, we proudly announce that we are a Christian nation. In most cases this is done out of ignorance, as ninety nine, point nine percent of us are unaware of the fact that Christianity in its self is nothing more than another religion.

This religious concept is the advantage that the enemy has on today’s church, which is the voice of influence to the nation.  Knowing of the unconditional love relationship God has for mankind.  The enemy methodically set his perverted plans of establishing religions to contaminate this relationship; the most subtle of these religions is that of Christianity because it derives from the word Christ.

The relationship of Father Yahweh with mankind is established through the shed blood of Yeshuwa Messiah and his disciples...
Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Are we that Incompetent ? - Nov 4, 2009 - 1:34:13 PM

One of the greatest danger we face as a nation, is that we don’t know who we are; and when you don’t know who you are; others will tell who you are or who you should be.

To this very day even after all that our forefathers (National Hero’s) men like: Sir. Lynden, Sir. Milo, Sir. Cecil, Sir. Kendal, etc; have done and sacrificed to gain majority rule, it seems as if when these men died that the principles of their sacrifices and accomplishments died also.

It is no secret that most of us can’t handle the truth. One jus have to study the life of Yeshuwa Messiah and see how the world dealt with him; who is the way, the truth, and the life...
Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
A Few Good Men - Oct 27, 2009 - 9:32:13 PM

The U.S. Marines motto bares these words: “A Few Good Men” as to say that they are looking for a few good men.  Also within the last five years there was a movie made which was called “A Few Good Men.”  The leading stars of the movie were Tom Cruise who stared as (Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee) a young Marine attorney, Demi Moore as a Navy attorney and Jack Nicholson as Marine (Colonel Nathan Jessep). An intense examination took place of Colonel Jessep by attorney Kaffee who was asking the Colonel for the truth; the Colonel replied in a hostile tune (You Can’t Handle the Truth).

This is also true within the body of Christ today; a vast majority of the leadership in the body of Christ “can’t handle the truth.”

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
When your number falls! - Oct 19, 2009 - 8:58:59 AM

The topic of this article alone would cause one to think of winning a sum of money, that’s those who play the numbers at their favorite (Web Shops and U.S. Lotteries).  Sorry, this is not the kind of number I’m speaking of today. In the Bahamian colloquialism whenever somebody dies it was often said that “God has called his or her number”

Whether you’re ready or not, whether you believe in God or not, I can assure you of one think and that is; your number is going to fall or be called one day.  I’ve spoken out against the religious leaders and their twisted prosperity gospel for many years and will continue to do so.  Likewise, today’s church is miserably failing the nation by not preaching and teaching about eternal life and the preparation thereof...
Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
He is Faithful - Oct 12, 2009 - 9:07:53 AM
As we (The Bahamas) go through our difficult times of hardship, it is of the utmost importance that we be mindful of the fact that God is ever faithful. Over the course of time, we have ignorantly taken our eyes of God and focus on mankind based upon the many promises they have made.  Unlike man, whenever God gives His word or makes a promise; He faithfully watches over His word to perform it.

If there is ever a time that we needs to stand upon the word of God; that time is now.  The revelation or fact that as a nation we are in a severe spiritual battle has evaded the religious Christian church; and its ability to equip the saints to fight the good fight of faith is lost in the maze of today’s divisive religion...
Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Are We Ready? - Oct 5, 2009 - 1:52:35 PM

The time is not coming, but rather is at hand for us as a people to stand up and take control of our own destiny. Gone are the days when we have looked to the Politicians / Political Parties or the Foreign Investors to determine whether we live a good prosperous life or not.

As Bahamians, don’t you think that we have sang the “who did me wrong” song long enough?

We’re very proficient at blaming others for our refusal to be proactive. It’s like as a people; our get up and go, has gotten up and left us a long time ago. Therefore we’ve resorted to looking too and solely depending upon others to carry our load.
Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
It's not an Option! - Sep 30, 2009 - 7:51:40 AM

Quitting is not an option! Despite how things may look or how things might be going for you right now, don't you dare think about quitting or giving up on life; for your best days are yet ahead of you. Listen, I know you might be saying “yeah right, it's easy for you to talk like that; you're a Pastor, you don't have any problems”

If that's what you're saying, I wish you were right; but unfortunately that's not the case. Like everybody else I could complain about everything that has gone wrong or is going wrong, but I've come to understand that complaining is for the Zeros in life and not Heroes. Therefore complaining is not in my DNA, neither is it in yours; so let's not complain...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Change, Do we want to? - Sep 25, 2009 - 9:29:34 AM

Whether our leaders wants to accept this facts or not. The reality is that life as we once knew it in the Bahamas is drastically changing everyday. The interesting thing about this changing of times and seasons is that; it has our older elected leaders in a state of paralysis and the younger ones are to spineless and afraid to move or act.

Somewhere along life's road it seems as if our forefathers failed in informing our present leaders of the facts and principles of changes. Or on the other hand could it be that today's leaders are so bent on doing things their way and have chosen to ignore and disregard these facts and principles. It is said that “Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership” with that being the case as law and order falls apart in this country, the educational system is at an all time low and unemployment is the order of today; there's nothing left to do but seriously question leadership...
Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Do the maths, 52 weeks in a year ! - Sep 21, 2009 - 1:21:13 AM

What the HELL is going on in the Bahamas? How could the Bahamas (a so-called Christian Nation) have a consistently high murder rate every year? If I didn't know any better, I would have suggest that as citizens rather than voting for the same set of helpless PLP and FNM political party every five years; we cast our votes for the gang leaders and thugs on the streets.

The Right Honorable Hubert A. Ingraham (Prime Minister) of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas was right when he made the statement in the House of Assembly thereby using the word “Wutless” Unknown to Mr. Ingraham, who had no idea that this word “wutless” would so adequately describe the band of powerless children (called Ministers) that he's leading. With the country's murder rate as high as it is today, how could the Minister of National Security and the Commissioner of Police be allowed to enjoy a comfortable night sleep?

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Why Arawak, Why ? - Sep 15, 2009 - 9:48:31 AM

Being the people that I know we are (Bahamians that loves drama, gossip and anything that will appeal to ones emotion); I knew that this topic “Why Arawak, Why” would get your attention seeing that Arawak Homes and the Church destruction is one of the most talked about matters today.

As a religious nation I know that most of us (in particular Christians) have already settled in their hearts and ruled on this matter thereby condemning Arawak Homes for the demolishing of the church building.

Okay, that's your rights; you're entitled to think and conclude as you wish, but can I say to you that Father Yahweh is not tripping or freaking out at what happen. Always remember that “Nothing can every catch God by surprise or off guard...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Thousands of Leaders, No Servants - Sep 9, 2009 - 1:06:26 PM

The obstacle or hindrance that's facing the Bahamas today is that; we've got hundreds / thousands of so-called leaders but no servants.

Governments (FNM & PLP) come and go on the premise that they're there to serve the people, but after being elected the words service too and servant of the people are immediately erased from the politicians vocabulary.

The champion of servanthood should by far and large be those that name the name of Christ; but sad to say that's not the case. For the thousands of churches here in the Bahamas are are filled with religious leaders (Bishops, Doctors, Apostle, etc;) who diligently look forward to being honored and served by their followers, rather than being servants...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
The Real Pageant - Sep 3, 2009 - 1:54:56 PM

According to the Webster Dictionary the word Pageant means: An elaborate spectacle show or procession.

Taking nothing away from the recently held Miss Universe Beauty Pageant and that of the annual Miss Bahamas Pageants. If the vision and the monetary fulfillment of these pageants were somehow a small fraction of the vision of our Governments to (1) Help provide gainful employment for the hurting Bahamian families, (2) Send a clarion, zero-tolerance message to the criminal mind-set; via swift justice and punishment, and (3) The urgent expediting of a diversified economy.

What the Bahamas is seeing today and will continue to see in the coming years, is that which I've called “Healthy Distractions.” As good and as promotional as the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant wa..

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
New Age – Deadly Deception - Aug 25, 2009 - 8:00:31 AM

There is absolutely nothing that man can ever say or do, that will catch Father Yahweh by surprise or of guard. Despite man's academic accomplishments, their allegedly deep spiritual understandings and anointing, we all have this one common denominator which is; we're subject to error.

New Age teaching is so spiritually subtile in that if it's possible even God's very elect would be deceived. This teaching can be liken to an individual unknowingly getting on bus #21, and believing that they're on bus # 15.

Now, if this person doesn't come to his / her senses quickly and get off bus # 21, at the end of the ride they would have arrived at the wrong destination; bearing in mind that bus #21 goes in the southern direction and bus # 15 the northern direction...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Spiritual to Motivational - Aug 21, 2009 - 8:46:47 AM

There is no doubt that The Bahamas is under an intense satanic attack. The enemy is wasting no time in snuffing out the lives of the male seed and also a few females along the way. The real tragedy about this attack is not the attack its self, but rather the church's inability to cast out this destructive spirit, due to its commitment too religions and denominations; as to a discipline relationship with Yahweh through His Son Yeshuwa Messiah.

This is one of the reasons why that (No-Where) in the scriptures can it be found that Yeshuwa ever refer too or called His followers Christians. But rather He always called them disciples (Discipline One)...
Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
A Matter of Trust - Aug 18, 2009 - 10:33:47 AM

Who are you trusting in?

Now, before you religiously answer this question, I beg of you to stop and sincerely think about; what you're thinking about. No, the word trust is not has nothing to do with Bahamian politics; because if it did and you're trusting in the PLP or FNM, then dog eat you lunch. So for the purpose of this exercise please take your mind out of the political arena; as I know that may be very difficult for you, seeing that just about everything in this country evolves around politics.

The worst politics of them all is church politics; and Lord knows we've got a lot of that here in the Bahamas...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
What's Going On? - Aug 9, 2009 - 12:48:43 PM

May 20th, 1971, Marvin Gaye through Motown released one of the most important, passionate record to come out out of soul music; which is called “What's Going On?”. To this very day the lyrics of that song is just as relevant or maybe even more relevant.

Every week one can look in the obituary sections of our daily papers or listen to the News via radio or television and the sobering / reality question would be “What's Going On?”  We're too small of a nation to be experiencing the kinds of drama that we're seeing today. I truly believe that if we (Bahamians) don't put petty politics and religion aside; and come together as one people unto God...
Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
And When! - Jul 31, 2009 - 11:57:35 AM

: 2. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

As a result of the many battles that David fought and being distraught by his numerous enemies Psalm.61, could serve a blanket prayer for David's life. As one of Yahweh's chosen / anointed vessel isn't interesting that David didn't say in verse:2b, “and if my heart is overwhelmed” but rather he said “and when my heart is overwhelmed”

In this day and time as a leader, (especially) the leader of a nation such as; a President, a King, a Queen or a Prime Minister, etc; it is very easy to become overwhelmed...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Take Back Our Streets - Jul 28, 2009 - 8:46:55 AM

It is blatantly evident that one of the greatest problems of the Bahamas today; is that of effective leadership. This fact is conclusive straight across the board; the lack of effective leadership in the home, in the church and in the government. With the Bahamas being a small group of Islands and Nassau being only twenty miles long and seven miles wide (21/7) how is it that lawlessness is allowed to have such free course on so small of an Island?

Being a Bahamian who has lived and traveled throughout the USA and returning back home, it's disheartening to hear the silly excuses; that ninety nine percent of Bahamians sincerely gives for the lawlessness in the land today. Worst of all I've heard supposed to be leaders (Politicians, Police Officers, Civic and Religious Leaders) giving weak excuses for their inability / failure to enforce the law...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
The Ditch - Jul 19, 2009 - 1:37:14 PM

Matt.15:14. Let them alone: they be blind leaders. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

I've already asked the question of where are we going as a nation? Could it be that we're heading in the ditch as a result of blind leadership? But due to the fact that we are so politically and religiously crazy, we're willing to accept whatever comes down the pipe?

There was a time in the Bahamas when it truly was an honor to call our members of parliament honorable; not saying that our forefathers didn't have their share of personal challenges and issues, but when it came to honorably standing up for and defending the small man; the forefathers effectively played their part...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
An Ear to Hear! - Jul 15, 2009 - 6:06:12 PM

In Revelation chapter 2 and 3 Yeshuwa Messiah writes to the churches and each of them were given this admonishment (He that hath an ear, Let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches;)

Today the Spirit is yet speaking, but the angles of these churches (Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, Doctors, etc;) are so disconnected from Father Yahweh due to their erroneous religious beliefs; they're in no position to hear what the Spirit is saying, as a result the enemy is wreaking havoc throughout the nation. It is evident that the hit and missed god of the religious churches today is not the Most High God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...

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