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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit Last Updated: Jul 19, 2023 - 4:32:10 PM
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Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Homosexuality and the Church - Jun 30, 2009 - 1:27:58 AM

Now, it will most certainly be a sin against heaven if you’re ever ask to define the word hypocrite and you don’t answer by saying that; “A clear definition or description of a hypocrite, is the religious leaders of today”

I know that as a Christian you can’t say no such thing; as calling your religious leaders hypocrites; because your Mand-of-God, Bishop, Apostle, Doctor, etc; is a well known and well respected religious leader in this country.  Trust me I understand your position, of being a religious Christian and making such statement or remark (of hypocrites) does not sit well with your religious beliefs...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Where Are We Going? - Jun 27, 2009 - 3:46:06 PM

I believe that there is nothing worst than a grown man who is in a good / sound frame of mind; but yet don’t know where he’s going in life. Or, have you ever seen a family that is working well together as a unit and soon after the parents’ dies, the family falls apart; the house, the car, the yard and everything else goes to the dumps. Then this is what can often be heard from persons in the community “Boy, if Mr. & Mrs. John Doe was alive this place wound have never looked like this”

Here’s what is being said in the above statement even though it’s not being heard “the children of Mr. & Mrs. John Doe are very irresponsible and immature”

Now, I know that just about everyone of us knows of a family or two that may fall in the category of Mr. & Mrs. John Doe’s family; or maybe that’s your family, but I’ve got good news for you; all is not lost, as long as there is life there is hope...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
A National Lottery, Why Not? - Jun 23, 2009 - 2:59:52 PM

Time is to far spend and I’m not one to play the religious, hypocritical game that is being played by the leaders of the religious community. I am ultimately convinced that it’s due to their ignorance that the religious leaders are giving their weak excuses as to why they oppose a national lottery.

Watch this! Take a good look at hypocrisy:

(1) How many times have you seen the religious leaders / high priests, (the Annas and Caiaphas’) of today, marching and demonstrating over Paradise Island against Atlantis casino or at the Crystal Palace casino out Cable Beach...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
A Father - Jun 20, 2009 - 10:56:44 AM

Matt.3:17. And lo a voice from heaven, saying. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

As we religiously celebrate the day and concepts of Father’s day and based upon the deterioration of our nation. It is quite clear to me that as educated and as spiritually spooky as we are; a vast majority of the Fathers within and outside our homes have yet to understand the importance of a Father’s Affirmation.

Again, who am I speak on such issue? Seeing that I’m not one of the country’s religious Bishops, Doctors, Apostles, etc; and I don’t have a big church building, I host no conferences nor do I have a TV ministry...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
The Poor : (P)eople (O)verlooking (O)pportunities (R)epeatedly - Jun 10, 2009 - 1:49:03 PM

Matt.26: 11. For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.

There are numerous verses in the entire bible that makes reference of the poor, as with the above mention scripture Matt.26: 11. Yeshuwa Messiah makes a statement that has flown totally over the heads of many of today’s Christians; “For ye have the poor always with you” This word Poor in the Greek is: ptōchos - pto-khos' which has several meanings (1) a beggar, (2) a pauper, and (3) one or many that is denoting absolute or public mendicancy.

As beautiful and as blessed as these Bahama Islands are; despite the superficial, sometimes eloquent presentation of the nation’s future by both the former (PLP) and present (FNM) government....

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
And thou shall be a blessing! - Jun 3, 2009 - 9:47:45 PM

Gen.12:2. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shall be a blessing.

In observing and listening to all of the religious leaders that we’ve got here in the Bahamas, it’s fair to say that a vast majority of them have yet to understand the revelation of the blessings of Abram.

Religious conferences, etc; are being held on a monthly and annual bases by the thousands of churches throughout the Bahamas yet at the end of the day the attendees of these events; and the communities in which they resides remains the same (un-empowered, a refuge for the devil and his agents).

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
It’s time to Stop! - May 27, 2009 - 12:28:44 PM

As I observe the deterioration of the Bahamas both economically and spiritually; I’m constantly asking the question “Who really cares?”

The global world is rapidly changing via modern technology and other innovative discoveries. Unfortunately this Memo or bit of information has not yet reached the (Good Old Boys) leaders of the Bahamas.

Here’s what I find most discouraging: The younger elected (PLP & FNM) politicians have all fallen right in line with the ancient systems and methods of operations that are in place. It is quite obvious that not one of these young politicians of today came to what they’ve called “This Honourable House” with a vision of a futuristic, technology savvy plan for the better Bahamas...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
The Wealth of a Nation! - May 18, 2009 - 9:30:20 PM

It is said that the wealth of a nation, is predicated upon the health of that nation. Let’s look at the main ancient health care facility in this country, the PMH. In this day and time when the world is rapidly changing / developing, as modern technology and new discoveries are on the rise daily. How is it or why is it that the Bahamian public still has to endure the out-dated, ancient Princess Margaret Hospital?

Now! To those Bahamians who may not have had the opportunity and pleasure to travel abroad and visit a few health care facilities / hospitals; and have accepted the visionless remarks that (The Bahamas is blessed to have the PMH, in comparison to other hospitals in this region), I say “May God open your eyes and give you wisdom to know that you deserve and should demand better”

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
A Mother - May 8, 2009 - 9:10:29 PM

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful, God given gifts to the thousands of families throughout the length and breath of The Bahamas. Mom we love you.

Can you see the picture of a Mother’s love in this story?

A young man stands before the Supreme Court charged with the most heinous crime. In tears this young man pleads his innocence, but off to prison he’s sent on remand. The angry crowd gathered outside the court eagerly waiting their opportunity to get at this young man. His mother is verbally insulted and later physically assaulted as she declares her son’s innocence...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Exceedingly Abundantly - May 3, 2009 - 11:11:48 AM

Eph.3:20. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

This word power in the Greek is: (dunamis -- doo'-nam-is) which literally means; ability and strength.

From a religious perspective Christians can often be heard quoting this scripture “Phil.4:13. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” As a kingdom citizen and not a religious Christian; I want to assure you that 98% of the religious community (leaders and followers) to this very day have no revelation of the above mentioned scripture...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
What’s In Your House? - Apr 27, 2009 - 1:43:54 PM

As a people, it’s fair to say that we’ve got a lot of bible reading, scripture quoting saints throughout the Bahamas. But what they do lack greatly is the (dunamis) power of God and the manifested blessing of Abraham.

In Gen.13:1-2, The bible states that when Abram left Egypt he was “VERY RICH” in cattle (Vehicles) in Silver and Gold; in our language Abram was “loaded” the shalowm, shaw-lome' of God was all over him; (there was nothing missing, nothing broken and nothing lacking) in Abram’s house.

Today we, the saints of God lives under a far better covenant (The New Testament) than Abram did...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Information vs. Revelation - Apr 15, 2009 - 2:42:54 AM

The time has come for the saints of God (Yahweh) to awake from their sleep and slumber and begin to possess and advance the kingdom of God. Religion has done a very good job in stifling the body of Christ as it relates to their rightful inheritance. One of the prerequisite for the saints of El-Elyon (The Most High God) to live as children of the King; is having a true revelation of who they are and whose they are.

There are many well meaning Christians that will go to great extend to gather religious information. There are three classes of Christians that makes up this pool of information gatherers.

The conference, seminar, work-shop and revival Christian...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
What about Easter, the Bunny and the Egg? - Apr 8, 2009 - 2:02:31 PM

Religiously as a people, we’ve been conditioned and trained to receiving the emotional, sometimes high spirited Good Friday and Easter Sunday Morning Passover messages; whereas in most cases the text is normally taken from the book of Acts.12:1-25 and Exodus.12:1-28.

As you’re reading this article, I want to humbly submit that it’s during this time of the year and at Christmas time that gifted religious leaders do a good job in disseminating passionate biblical information “we call it, preaching”

As always, after the acknowledgement and celebration of these religious holidays the information is usually set aside until the next year. Needless to say “that there is a huge difference between Information...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Do They Believe? - Mar 28, 2009 - 9:07:27 PM

In studying the Holy Bible and the history of the nation Israel, and then taking a very close look at our nation, the Bahamas. I’m constantly asking myself the question “As Bahamians, do we really believe God’s word?

This question may sound a bit stupid to you; but to a person like myself who don’t have a college education or who didn’t even drive passed a bible seminary, much less attended one as you did. Due to my lack of education and stupidity, somehow God allows these sorts of questions and thoughts to pop into my mind.

Now, you educated and a religious mind set would answer the question “As Bahamians, do we really believe God’s word” with a resounding “YES.” Why? It’s because...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
How Much Longer? - Mar 16, 2009 - 7:02:22 PM

How much longer will Bahamians sit idle and allow the perverted Political and Religious systems hold you hostage? Almost two years ago, (YOU) Bahamians were in high spirit in preparation for the General Election. Do you remember? There were Motor Cades and political rallies all over the place, where your PLP & FNM candidates promised you a bunch of stuff / lies, of which you’ve swallowed “hook, line and sinker.”

I’ve come to the very same conclusion as (The Powers to be) in this country which is; “ Bahamians are a people that are good at crying about their situations, but are yet too divided to do the right thing that will bring about positive change for the entire country; which is to unite as one man / with one voice in true repentance before Yahweh.

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
It's Not Over! - Mar 15, 2009 - 7:19:50 AM

As a Nation we’re experiencing some challenges; financial, marriage, health, spiritual, etc, etc; but let me assure you that these challenges will work out for your good, as long as you just hold on and don’t give up. The enemy and this world’s system would celebrate the fact that you’ve thrown in the towel and quit. Years ago, there was a secular song that said “Winners never quit, and quitters never win. Despite your present circumstances, the enemy knows that you are a winner; because you’ve been created in the expressed image of your heavenly Father (Yahweh).

The Bahamas is dear to God’s heart; as a nation it is time for us to give God our undivided attention. Now, we know that if the truth be told the vast majority of us have looked and is yet looking to the lost politicians and powerless religious leaders for answers and deliverance from the troubled / difficult times that we’re facing personally and nationally...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
What IF? - Mar 3, 2009 - 1:30:03 PM

What if The Bahamas was a nation where 55 % of its citizens were true disciples (Discipline ones) of Yeshuwa Messiah and His teachings? As difficult as it may seem to be and except at times, the Bahamas is truly a Christian nation.

Now! Before a religious “Amen” comes out of your mouth; please allow me make my case and point first as it relates to being a Christian nation. It is said that the definition of the word Christian is to be (Christ–like). Let me assure you that the enemy has done a very effective job in distracting and rendering many so-called Christians powerless as to who they truly are in Yeshuwa Messiah. The watered down religion of Christianity has produced communities of dislocated religious minded Christians; whereas a genuine relationship with Father Yahweh through His Son Yeshuwa produces kingdom minded disciples...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Obama, or O’ Jesus - Feb 21, 2009 - 1:41:00 AM

In a small country such as The Bahamas where 65% of our elected officials are lawyers and everybody else are Christians; how is it that we’ve allowed the law of deterioration to eat away the pillars of morality, progress and stability in this country?

There is a root cause to the outbreak of suicides and murders that this so-called Christian nation is experiencing, yet our leaders (both) religious and political are running around like headless chickens looking for answers. Whenever I speak of vision the religious leaders are angry as I’m constantly refuting their concept of vision which in most cases is nothing more than a building project to advance their ministry. Likewise the politicians also get angry as they run too and hide behind the pre-emblems of the constitution as their vision.

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
It’s All About LOVE! - Feb 14, 2009 - 12:20:10 PM

What about Valentine?
Is it the two dozen roses, the box of chocolate or the gourmet dinner and other gifts that are given on this day? As always, I know that we’re an educated people therefore I need not try to explain the story of Valentine and Cupid. So for the purpose of this exercise let’s focus on that which should be the essential ingredient of the Valentine celebration: Love. Now, remember you’re an educated people so I won’t have to dissect the four facets of love. (1) Agape – God’s unconditional love, (2) Erros – Sexual love, (3) Phileo – Friendship love, and (4) Storge – Family love.

The famous Tina Turner sang her golden song “What’s Love got to do with it?” This question is still asked today as it relates to some marriages and relationships. It is impossible for men who don’t know and have a personal relationship with God (Yahweh) to love women unconditionally. A man that knows and has a personal relationship with God understands the revelation of 1John.4: 8. For God is love. Therefore he knows how a woman should be treated and treasured...

Columns : The Pastor's Pulpit
Crisis or Opportunity - Feb 9, 2009 - 4:33:15 PM

The Great Depression of the 1930’s was viewed by some as a time of wonderful opportunities; whereas there were others who viewed that time as a time of crisis.

Here we are today in The Bahamas, a place where we’ve stated that God lives and that The Bahamas is a Christian nation. I really don’t mean to bust your bubble, but I think it’s only fair that I should inform you; that The Bahamas is not a Christian nation but rather we are an insane nation.

Insanity: Doing the same things over and over, yet expecting a different result...

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