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Community : Obituaries Last Updated: Jul 19, 2023 - 4:32:10 PM
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Community : Grand Bahama
Tribute to the Late Sir Jack A. Hayward‏ by Sarah St. George - Feb 26, 2015 - 10:15:37 PM

Freeport, The Bahamas - A Memorial Service was held for Sir Jack A. Hayward, Kt., OBE on February 23, 2015 at the Pro-Cathedral of Christ of the King, East Atlantic Drive, Freeport, Grand Bahama Island:

The following is a tribute by
Sarah St George:

This is a bittersweet day; because today as we mourn Sir Jack and pay tribute to him, he’d want us to celebrate his lifelong work and the remarkable creation of this Magic City we call our home – and all in a mere 60 years...
News : Bahamas Information Services Updates
Bahamas PM Describes Sir Jack as a Key Contributor to the Development of the Country - Feb 26, 2015 - 2:04:37 PM

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama - Prime Minister of The Bahamas, the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie on Monday described Sir Jack Hayward as being as person who was "generous to a fault" and touched thousands of lives both here in abroad.

The Prime Minister paid tribute during a memorial service at Pro-Cathedral of Christ the King in Freeport, held in honour of Sir Jack, who passed away on Tuesday, January 13, 2015.

He said Sir Jack had an 'infectious optimism' for the future of the island...
News : Bahamas Information Services Updates
Condolences by PM Christie on passing of William Saunders - Feb 25, 2015 - 9:12:01 PM

Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie issued the following statement regarding the passing of Mr. William Saunders:

“I wish to offer condolences in my capacity as Prime Minister and on behalf of Minister of Tourism and the Government and people of the Bahamas to the family of Mr. William “Bill” Saunders on his passing. Mr. Saunders who for many years was the owner and operator of Majestic Tours was a pioneer in the tourism industry for more than 50 years and through his prodigious efforts contributed to the growth of the industry.

It may be recalled that his company Majestic Tour was built from scratch and through hard work, careful planning and sound management grew to become one of the larger tour operators in The Bahamas. His company was a perfect example of private /public sector collaboration and co-operation as he always made himself available to accompany the Ministry of Tourism on its various promotional tours throughout the world
Community : Obituaries
Opposition Leader Expresses Condolences On The Passing Of William Saunders - Feb 25, 2015 - 5:36:05 PM

It is with profound sorrow that on behalf of my Wife, Patricia, the Parliamentarians, Executive Officers and members of the party, and as the Leader of the FNM, I express sincere condolences to the family of the Late William Saunders, upon his sudden and passing.

Mr. Saunders was a well known and successful entrepreneur, and pioneer in the development of Bahamian participation and ownership in the Tourism industry. His contribution to National development was truly Majestic in its scope and impact. On many occasions Mr. Saunders was known to undertake his own touristic promotional tours abroad, at his own expense, to promote his Company, Majestic Tours...
Community : Obituaries
Sir Jack Hayward's eulogy delivered by Erika Gates at Freeport memorial service - Feb 24, 2015 - 4:51:16 PM

Good afternoon,

My name is Erika Gates and I am honored to have been asked to give the eulogy of a truly remarkable man who played a major role in the development of this island that we call home. 

I can’t remember the exact date or occasion that I first met Sir Jack - I have been a citizen of the Bahamas and a resident of Freeport since the early seventies, but he was here at least 14 years before I arrived.

However, through my contacts with him over the span of those 40 plus years it became clear to me and certainly to those who knew him well, that he had a genuine love for this island and its people and a burning desire to see it grow and prosper.

Sir Jack Hayward, as he later became known, following his knighthood in 1986, was the only child born to Charles and Hilda Hayward on June 14, 1923 in Wolverhampton,
Community : Obituaries
Sir Jack A. Hayward Grand Bahama Memorial Service set for Monday Feb. 23rd - Feb 20, 2015 - 4:08:36 PM

Freeport, The Bahamas - A Memorial Service will be held for Sir Jack A. Hayward, Kt., OBE on February 23, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. at the Pro-Cathedral of Christ of the King, East Atlantic Drive, Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. The Service will be officiated by Archdeacon Harry Bain.

Sir Jack, as he was affectionately known, passed away on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at the age of 91 years.

Sir Jack is survived by his wife Lady Hayward, and his partner of many years, Mrs. Patricia Bloom, who was at his side throughout his illness...
News : Bahamas Information Services Updates
Service for the Late Police Constable 983 Latorio Demeritte - Feb 18, 2015 - 3:35:09 PM

NASSAU, The Bahamas – A Service of Celebration for the life of the late Police Constable 983 Latorio Demeritte, was held Wednesday, February 18, at Bahamas Faith Ministries International.  PC 983 Demeritte died in an accident while on duty, February 2. 

Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie, second right, and Minister of National Security the Hon. Dr. Bernard Nottage, right, were among those who attended the service and paid their respects.
News : Bahamas Information Services Updates
PM Christie Attends Funeral of Mrs. Paula Tynes - Feb 9, 2015 - 10:14:57 PM

NASSAU, The Bahamas – Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie brought condolences to the family of the late Mrs. Paula Tynes, wife of the Chief Clerk of the House of Assembly, Maurice Tynes, on Saturday morning, February 7, at her funeral at St. Anne’s Anglican Church, Fox Hill...
News : Bahamas Information Services Updates
Prime Minister Attends Memorial Service for Deaconess Elva Ellis‏ - Feb 9, 2015 - 3:21:15 PM

NASSAU, The Bahamas – Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie and Mrs. Christie, centre, attended the Memorial Services for Deaconess Elva Ellis on Friday, February 6, at Mt. Tabor Full Gospel Baptist Church, Pinewood Gardens, also attended by a number of political and social leaders...
Community : Obituaries
Bahamas Scout Assocation on the Passing of Sir Jack Hayward‏ - Jan 21, 2015 - 3:03:25 PM

The Bahamas Scout Association in general and the Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scout Leaders of Grand Bahama in particular, wish to extend their deepest sympathy and condolences on the passing of Sir. Jack Hayward Kt, O.B.E. to his family, loved ones and everyone at the Grand Bahama Port Authority Ltd.

Sir. Jack donated the musical instruments for the first Scout Band in Freeport in 1980 and he did the first inspection of the Band once they had been trained.
Community : Obituaries
Hon. Hubert Minnis on the Passing and Life of Sir Jack Hayward - Jan 19, 2015 - 7:06:00 PM

Nassau, Bahamas - Patricia and I were deeply saddened when we learned of the passing of the Honorary Chairman and Co-owner of the Grand Bahama Port Authority Limited and the Port Group Limited, Sir Jack Hayward. Born in Woverhampton, England in 1923, he was fiercely patriotic and well-known as “Union Jack”. He was knighted in 1986 for his many contributions to Britain.

Sir Jack will be remembered in The Bahamas as a successful businessman and one of the founding fathers and architects of Freeport. Coming to The Bahamas in 1956 he was a true nation builder, as thousands of Bahamians from all walks of life and every island of our Commonwealth came to live and benefit from the development of our nation’s second city...

News : Bahamas Information Services Updates
Military Service for Corporal Samantha McIntosh of the RBPF‏ - Jan 17, 2015 - 8:16:51 AM

Freeport, Bahamas - W/Cpl 1870 Samantha McIntosh of the Royal Bahamas Police Force was laid to rest on Thursday and was given the full royal treatment by the military force of Grand Bahama, a full military service. Assistant Commissioner of Police for Grand Bahama Emmerick Seymour was in the procession. Mrs. McIntosh,  who passed away on December 26th, 2014, in the United States, was  reposed at Gerald Bartlett Complex police headquarters where family, colleagues and friends paid their last respects on Wednesday.

The funeral service was held on Thursday at the Universal Household of Faith, Hawksbill High School Building. Shown are officers escorting W/Cpl McIntosh...
News : Grand Bahama
Grand Bahama Port Authority on the death of Sir Jack Hayward - Jan 16, 2015 - 3:34:51 PM

Freeport, Grand Bahama - It is with deep sadness that we confirm the death of beloved Honorary Chairman, Sir Jack Hayward, who passed away peacefully in Ft. Lauderdale today after courageously battling illness for several months with the same fighting spirit and wit for which he was so well known.  

Freeport has lost the last of its original founding fathers and a great philanthropist. Sarah St. George, Vice Chairman of The Grand Bahama Port Authority and Group of Companies says, “Sir Jack was a cornerstone in Freeport’s living history and this is a sad day for us all.  He was a truly unique man with an epic life and I was privileged to work side by side with him and experience firsthand his determination, bravery, passion and humour.  I will miss him immensely...”
News : Bahamas Information Services Updates
Bahamas Prime Minister on the passing of Sir Jack Hayward - Jan 16, 2015 - 3:34:46 PM

I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing this morning of Sir Jack Hayward. He was by common acclaim the single most important figure behind the economic development of the city of Freeport, Grand Bahama, in the post-Independence era, having succeeded to the leading position held by his late father, Sir Charles Hayward, in the Grand Bahama Port Authority.

Sir Jack was a colourful, larger-than-life personality who was held in great affection by the Bahamian people and by successive governments of our nation. He was widely admired for his candour, warmth, generous philanthropy, and deeply held dual patriotism for his native England and The Bahamas...
Community : Obituaries
HSGB: In Loving Memory of Sir Jack Hayward, O.B.E. - Jan 16, 2015 - 12:47:25 PM

Sir Jack Hayward did so much for this country. He came here as a young man and carried on his father's work and he did so with enthusiasm and diligence.  He loved Freeport so much that he made it his home base, and he devoted his life to the betterment of Freeport, and indeed, the entire island of Grand Bahama.   

He had an amazing life, filled with adventure and lived with gusto. He was also a great patriot, an astute businessman, and a generous philanthropist. He was an incredible raconteur and could hold any audience, large or small, spellbound with his stories.  During meetings, he had a knack for putting everyone at ease immediately with his charm, but he would also never lose sight of the main point and never hesitated to express his views or give his thoughtful advice. 
Community : Obituaries
Frances S. Hayward: My Personal Tribute to Sir Jack Hayward - Jan 16, 2015 - 9:42:42 AM

Sir Jack and I were together for thirty-five glorious years, during which we shared the most wonderful times. My own uncle was a songwriter in Hollywood who wrote the lyrics for the song “Thanks for the Memories” which was Bob Hope’s theme song and in fact won an Oscar in 1942 – Oscars looked a lot different then…..

But “Thanks for the Memories” was the perfect description of Jack and my life together – which was unique and in a class by itself – in many ways far more quiet and low keyed then one would think. We very rarely went out – we stayed in, in our lovely house in Freeport – eating dinner off trays in our bedroom. We were not ‘party people….’

Community : Obituaries
The Salvation Army (Freeport) on the passing of Sir Jack Hayward‏ - Jan 15, 2015 - 11:22:04 PM

Freeport, Bahamas - It is with deep sadness that we acknowledge the passing of a Lifetime Supporter and Friend of The Salvation Army, Freeport Corps, Sir Jack Hayward. Sir Jack was instrumental in the commencement of the work of The Salvation Army here in 1985. And, over the years, continued as a supporter both financially and through the generous giving of his time and expertise. He was a member and Chairman of the Advisory Board from 1985 through the 1990’s and received the title of “Honorary Chair” and “Lifetime Member” to the board...
News : Grand Bahama
Sir Jack Hayward dies in Florida at 91 - Jan 15, 2015 - 11:58:10 AM

Honourary chairman and co-owner of the Grand Bahama Port Authority, Sir Jack Hayward passed away on January 13th, 2015 at the age of 91. He had been unwell for several months and died in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Fondly known as 'Union Jack' for his philanthropic work Sir Jack was also the former owner of Wolverhampton Wanderers FC who today released the following statement:

"Wolves would like to extend its deepest and most sincere condolences to Sir Jack’s wife, Lady Hayward, his companion of many years, Patti Bloom, and all his family and friends at home and across the world.
Community : Service Organizations : Rotary Clubs of The Bahamas
Rotary Clubs of Grand Bahama on the passing of Sir Jack Hayward - Jan 15, 2015 - 7:25:45 AM

On behalf of the Rotary Clubs in Freeport namely The Rotary Club of Freeport, The Lucaya Rotary Club, The Rotary Club of G.B. Sunrise and The Rotary Club of Grand Bahama Sunset. I wish to extend our deepest sympathy and condolences on the passing of Sir. Jack A. Hayward Kt.O.B.E. to his family, love ones, the Management and Staff of the Grand Bahama Port Authority Limited.

Sir. Jack was a member of the Rotary Club of Freeport from its early days and was made an Honorary Member of that Club.

Sir. Jack was a great man and a great Rotarian, and always supported Rotary in Freeport in all its endeavors and especially charitable...
News : Bahamas Information Services Updates
Bahamas Acting PM offers condolences on passing of Reno Brown and Hubert Dean‏ - Jan 7, 2015 - 11:18:14 AM

The Hon. Philip Davis, MP, in his capacity as Acting Prime Minister, has extended the deep condolence of the Government of The Bahamas to the families of Mr. Reno Brown and Mr. Hubert Dean on the passing of two distinguished Bahamians. In particular, Mr. Davis said that his thoughts and prayers go out to their respective spouses Mrs. Mary Brown and family, and to Mrs. Dianne Dean and family at this time.

The Acting Prime Minister noted that both men had distinguished themselves in the field of financial services when this sector was almost exclusively reserved for expatriates and when it was still a nascent industry in The Bahamas in the fifties and sixties.  Mr. Reno Brown rose to prominence at the Sassoon Banking Group, and Mr. Hubert Dean was one of the early pioneers in the Central Bank...

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