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Bahamian Politics Last Updated: Jul 19, 2023 - 4:32:10 PM
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Bahamian Politics
Glenys Hanna-Martin on the Prince George Dock - Jan 24, 2019 - 3:30:02 PM

We have noted in the media the Minister of Tourism’s comments stating the government’s intention to enter into an agreement for the redevelopment and management and control of Prince George Dock.

The Government is aware:

(1)      Prince George Dock is the premiere gateway by sea into our   country;
(2)      Prince George Dock is one of world’s busiest Cruise Ports and a critical engine...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Government disconnected from reality of Bahamian youth - Jan 24, 2019 - 12:00:22 PM

According to recent media reports, a teacher was allegedly assaulted by two male students on CV Bethel’s grounds resulting in the educator having to be rushed to the hospital.

We the Young Democrats Alliance (YDA), despise and condemn the use of violence in any matter by any segment of our society; particularly, we condemn the recent violent act at C.V. Bethel. It is our belief that any and all disputes should be resolved peacefully and amicably. In the days following the alleged attack, the government’s silence on this matter has been deafening...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Government has failed to make case for WTO accession - Jan 23, 2019 - 10:30:13 AM

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) has followed with much interest the national discourse on the Government’s plan to accede to the World Trade Organization (WTO) by December 2019.

The DNA wholeheartedly supports the principles of a free market economy and initiatives that will provide a fair global trading system. We note that e-commerce, technology and the phenomenon of globalization have removed national barriers to cross-border trade regardless of membership of trading blocs...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Unemployment figures reflect Government’s dismal performance - Jan 22, 2019 - 12:56:57 PM

The recently released preliminary results of the labour survey conducted in November 2018 confirm that the government has failed to adequately incentivize the private sector and stimulate the economy to put a dent on unemployment figures within our nation. Our people are suffering under an administration that failed to prepare for governance while in opposition and assumed office without an economic growth plan.

Despite the touted boom in the tourism sector and publicized record number of arrivals in 2018, it is apparent that this has not translated into sufficient jobs for the Bahamian people during the referenced period...
Bahamian Politics
Davis warns Government to be transparent not reactionary - Jan 21, 2019 - 6:05:25 AM

Opposition Leader Philip ‘Brave’ Davis recently warned the FNM government to cease from being reactionary in their dealings with the European Union crises, advising them that failure to be honest and transparent will result in country being ‘black-listed’ again.

Davis said it is in the best interest of The Bahamas for the government to learn how to be truthful and open in their handling of this situation...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Minister Campbell should know and do better - Jan 20, 2019 - 3:48:58 PM

The recent insensitive comments by the Minister of Social Services, Frankie Campbell sparked significant outrage among Bahamian citizens, residents and international observers. While many had looked forward to his tenure as the first male to have oversight of this important portfolio in recent memory, his performance has been disappointing and controversial. 

Although the Bahamas’ rape rate has fluctuated in recent years, 2018 saw an increase of 6%, and in 2016 led the Caribbean in the number of recorded rapes. This is why Minister Campbell’s comments that suggested that the media ought not to question him on the subject of rape as this was not his business was disheartening... 
Bahamian Politics
Opposition Leader Davis says PM a Menace to the Poor - Jan 20, 2019 - 2:45:42 PM

Despite promises to bring prosperity to the nation, Opposition Leader Philip ‘Brave’ Davis says the Prime Minister has only shown he is a “menace on the poor” as the so-called ‘people’s time’ has become the people’s time to feel pain and suffering.

Addressing supporters at the Party’s ‘No Lie Last Forever’ rally last Wednesday, Davis said the Hubert Minnis administration has become like circus clowns, comprised of jokers, moonwalkers, back peddlers, slick talkers and back stabbers.

“Hubert Minnis aka “The menace on the poor and his pack of circus clowns rolled into power proclaiming 'It’s the people’s time',” he said.
Bahamian Politics
DNA: BCB cyber-attack raises serious concerns - Jan 20, 2019 - 9:00:10 AM

The DNA notes with great concern, recent reports regarding a cyber-attack on the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas (BCB).  According to media reports, an individual would have caused the encryption of the BCB’s digital library and other data and is attempting to extort funds in the form of Bitcoins as a condition for decryption and restoration.

BCB Chairman Mike Smith, confirmed that international hackers originally demanded $50,000 incremental payments of bitcoins which was eventually negotiated down to $18,000. Subsequently, no further updates have been provided to the Bahamian people and fundamental questions remain unanswered by a government that professes commitment to transparency and accountability...
Bahamian Politics
Final Statement by Chairman of PLP at Majority Rule Rally - Jan 16, 2019 - 8:27:52 PM

Let me be the first to welcome you all here to the grounds of Gambier House, the headquarters of the PLP, the oldest political party in The Bahamas, founded on 23 November 1953.  This has been our headquarters since 1969 when the building was commissioned by then Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling.  There is a plaque marking the occasion on the eastern and western walls of the building.

The western plaque tells the longer story of who was responsible for its construction.  You cannot mention Gambier House without speaking of the late Aaron Kiki Knowles Senior and the late Sir Clement Maynard.
Bahamian Politics
EU and OECD: Wrong Impetus for Reform - Jan 6, 2019 - 12:13:45 PM

The Bahamas' financial services industry has been under intense pressure over the last year. During this period, we have seen The Bahamas placed on adverse listings or blacklists by the European Union, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Financial Action Task Force (FATF), United Kingdom, United States of America and The Netherlands.

Observers of the global landscape for financial services are aware that the second pillar of the Bahamian economy has been under assault for over two decades with the goal posts for compliance being moved constantly and continuously...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Campaign Finance Reform Long Overdue - Dec 22, 2018 - 4:20:01 PM

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) notes the comments attributed to the Attorney General that a draft bill seeking to regulate the financing of campaigns for political parties in The Bahamas.

This announcement comes on the heels of significant pushback and backlash following the tabling of the Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) legislation. The legitimate concern of the populace that political parties just like NPOs should not be exempt from scrutiny seems to have forced the Government to finally propose campaign finance legislation.

We believe that it is extremely important that the Bahamian people are aware of the sources of funding for political organizations...
Bahamian Politics
Davis organizes a shipment of ham and turkeys for his constituency - Dec 21, 2018 - 3:39:58 PM

Opposition Leader and the Honorable Member for Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador, Philip Brave Davis is demonstrating a spirit giving and sharing good holiday cheer. Mr. Davis has organized his container loads and shipments of ham and turkey to his constituents in the family island communities of Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador this week.

Manager of the holiday project is shown here moving the trailers to the various vessels.
Bahamian Politics
Senator Hon. Jamal Moss contribution to the VAT exemption amendment bill - Dec 14, 2018 - 8:00:42 AM

Madam President

Once again, it is an honor and a pleasure to stand here to make my contribution to this debate on this Value added tax amendment bill. As always, I want to thank my God above, the ever Creator, most merciful and loving God, for allowing me to be here and to speak in the service of my people. Also, I wish to once again publicly thank my leader and Prime Minister, the most honorable Dr. Hon. Hubert Minnis, for entrusting me with this high honor to speak on behalf of the people especially the youth of our nation.

Madam President,

We live in a world where powerful countries control certain markets. We live in a world where powerful countries controls the prices and in this case the cost of oil.  According to CNBC.com published report Mon, 30 July 2018,..
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Government must address report on mass mail shredding - Dec 12, 2018 - 4:07:21 PM

On the heels of the controversial leasing of the Town Centre Mall from a company in which a sitting Cabinet Minister is a major shareholder, the Government finds itself amid another controversy. According to the President of the Bahamas Public Service Union, the General Post Office has engaged in a mass shredding of mails belonging to individuals, businesses and organizations.

It is further disturbing that the Minister responsible for the postal system in the country seems unaware of this reckless action or is unwilling to comment on this important issue...
Bahamian Politics
Senator Coleby-Davis on Compendium of Financial Bills - Dec 10, 2018 - 2:59:05 PM

Madame President I stand today to bring a contribution to the following compendium of Bills: The Register of Beneficial Ownership Bill, the Commercial Entities (Substance Requirements) Bill, the Removal of Preferential Exemptions Bill, the Penal Code Amendment Bill, the Non-Profit Organizations Bill, and the Business License Amendment Bill.

To avoid confusion throughout my contribution, I will go through these bills one by one. Madame President, may I just state from the onset, that I know that there is a need to act in an effort to avoid blacklisting and protect the financial services...
Bahamian Politics
Hon. Brave Davis on the amended VAT Bill 2018 - Nov 28, 2018 - 6:39:52 PM

Let me say from the onset that any relief is welcomed by us, however small – even if it is a band-aid approach that will provide temporary relief. Even though this amendment is a political ploy to veil ineptness, we nevertheless support the relief in the form of a VAT exemption because some Bahamians will benefit, however short term.

I wish to point out, however, that until and unless the government comprehensively and quickly addresses the challenges pointed out by the member for Carmichael, this temporary relief will be just that – a band-aid over a gaping bleeding wound that requires radical surgery...
Bahamian Politics
Chester Cooper response to Government Fiscal Snapshot - Oct 30, 2018 - 5:30:35 PM

Response to Government Fiscal Snapshot Chester Cooper, Exumas and Ragged Island MP Shadow Minster Of Finance 30th October, 2018:

The government yesterday released data on taxation and revenue collected for the first quarter of fiscal year 2018/2019.

The report shows VAT collections up by 19 percent even though the rate increased by 60 percent.

The collections for the quarter are significantly under budget...
Bahamian Politics
Davis: Post Office Relocation A Financial Bailout - Oct 29, 2018 - 10:25:48 AM

What is being presented to the Bahamian public as a way to have the main Post Office relocated to the Town Centre Mall, is really a ‘financial bailout' allegedly for the benefit of Immigration and Financial Services Minister Brent Symonette, whose company has controlling ownership of the commercial building.

According to Opposition Leader Philip ‘Brave' Davis, this ‘scandal' is no new thing as Symonette has a history of using the public purse to gain an advantage for self- enrichment...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Post office saga, vision & transparency lacking - Oct 21, 2018 - 1:38:03 PM

Total cost to taxpayers remains unknown
Selection process not transparent
No articulated long-term plan for modernization

It is no news that our postal system has been seriously challenged over the past couple of years. Postal workers have had to endure substandard and dangerous working conditions, businesses have been subjected to disruptions to the operations and Bahamians have been provided with poor service...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Approach to OECD list must go beyond semantics - Oct 18, 2018 - 4:15:59 PM

The Bahamas and twenty other countries were recently singled out by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on the premise that their residence by investment (RBI) and citizenship by investment (CBI) schemes pose a high risk to the integrity of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) regime. This adverse listing followed the analysis of over 100 CBI/RBI schemes by the OECD.

In what was termed as the clamping down on CRS avoidance through CBI/RBI, the OECD asserted that it is seeking to equip financial institutions with tools to help them identify accountholders that may misuse RBI/CBI schemes..

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Events Calendars
New Providence Events Calendar
Grand Bahama Events Calendar
Family Islands Events Calendar
Aliv Hope Gala Ball under the patronage of Bahamas PM & Mrs. Minnis is this Saturday
Paint Fair plans 2 big events on October 11th & 13th
Caribbean Barrel features Mango and Bahamian Splice Junkanoo Show Group Tonight
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Sales & Promotions
Shop Spaces available at Grand Lucayan
Lighthouse Pointe Karaoke Fridays and Groovy Old School Saturdays
Lighthouse Pointe Karaoke Fridays & Groovy Saturdays
Lighthouse Pointe Sunday Brunch at Portobello's Restaurant
Lighthouse Pointe - Thanksgiving Day Thursday meal & Sunday Thanksgiving Brunch specials
Arts & Culture
Award-Winning Photographer Eric Rose presented a printed canvas of 'The Hermitage' to the PM Davis
Minister Bowleg Opens “Double Dutch 8” and “Evolution of the Arc” NAGB Exhibitions
Unbox Bahamian Artistry and Live Your Best 'LifestIsle'
Students display culinary skill and creativity in Bahamas Young Chef Competition
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Streaming Multimedia
Free Uppercut Concert at Dive In postponed due to Matthew
A Mouth Full explores gourmet pizzas at Domino's
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A Mouth Full: Sweet Treats at Mortimer's Candies
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BFPA to present talk with Bahamas Film Commissioner in Grand Bahama
Movie Masters featuring Sean Robins - Feb 27th & 28th
The Bahamas Boasts
Shoot your film in Andros, Bahamas
IADB designates Nassau as an "Emerging Sustainable City"
Bahamas announces New Marine Protected Areas
Parallax rides a "Bahama Blue" tide to World Oceans Day
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A Taste Of The Bahamas
Bahamas seaplane pilot Paul Harding reveals a lifetime of adventures in new memoir: Sharks in the Runway
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Etiquette for The National Flag of The Bahamas
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Bahamas Investment Authority frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Market Place
Land for Sale: Royal Palm Bay
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Grand Bahama Hurricane Resistant Factories for SALE
2010 Toyota Vitz for Sale: Proceeds to the Humane Society
Focus on Fashion
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Meet the Bahamian descendent leading LA Fashion Week
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at a glance
New Providence Events Calendar
Quote of the Week - Words Have Weight
PayPal now accepts Bahamian based credit cards
VAT Bahamas
Free VAT Filing Workshop offered from June 13- June 15 in Grand Bahama
D.I.R Announces Operation Enhancement Measures
VAT Filing & Payment Deadline Changes
VAT: Request for Filing Extensions after Hurricane Matthew
VAT Taken Off Some Educational Fees
PAHO/WHO Country Office of The Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands hosted a Virtual End of Year Retreat
PAHO urges public health measures and vaccination in light of Omicron variant
Dr Valerie Knowles: Ignoring Mental Health needs put essential workers at risk
PMH Implements measures to manage increase in COVID- 19 Cases
Haiti receives 500,000 vaccines donated by the United States through COVAX
Vaccine Maitri: Together We Emerge Stronger
Opinion - COVID-19 Pandemic: India’s response and global strategy
Opinion Editorial: COVID-19 Highlights Caribbean Community’s need to build resilience
Opinion: We must leverage the ‘Commonwealth Advantage’ to counter the economic fallout of COVID-19
Opinion: Coronavirus and climate disasters - Small vulnerable countries face dual threats
Medical Education Review Program (MERP)
DeVry Medical International to close Grand Bahama based M.E.R.P. Program
Join Our Team: MERP Staff Accountant (4 Month Term)
Grand Bahama Minister meets Medical Executives
MERP Supports the Arts in Grand Bahama
Grand Bahama landlords updated on MERP housing requirements
Ross University
DeVry Medical International Calls on Minister Darville
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Ross University promotes Dr. George Lotocki to Director of the Medical Education Review Program
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Grand Bahama Real Estate
BeachCottage242.com - Grand Bahama Getaway
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