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Bahamian Politics Last Updated: Jul 19, 2023 - 4:32:10 PM
Bahamian Politics Feed

Bahamian Politics
DNA responds to WTO Report - May 8, 2019 - 2:00:08 PM

The recently released WTO Impact Assessment produced by Oxford Economics and commissioned by the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers’ Confederation provided some insights that reinforced widely held concerns by Bahamians. In general terms, the Report did not reveal concerns that had not been expressed by the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) in our position paper on the WTO released in January of this year nor by diverse local commentators and observers albeit it did go into more details on the potential impact of WTO accession on the Bahamian economy. High energy costs, inefficiency of government agencies...
Bahamian Politics
Chester Cooper response to the government's Nine Month Fiscal Snapshot - Apr 30, 2019 - 1:30:04 PM

Response To Nine-month Fiscal Snapshot
Chester Cooper, Exumas And Ragged Island MP, PLP Deputy Leader:

The more fiscal snapshots the government releases, the clearer the picture of failed policy and bad administration by this government becomes.

It is astounding to learn that the government is $1 billon away from its annualized revenue target with only three months left in the fiscal year.

It’s inconceivable that this administration budgeted so poorly...
Bahamian Politics
Leader of the Opposition on the shooting at Government House - Apr 28, 2019 - 10:56:07 PM

The PLP offers its condolences to the family of Petty Officer Philip Perpall, the marine fatally shot this morning on the grounds of Government House

The Prime Minister must publicly state that this fatal shooting is not an attack on the state that exposes safety and security weaknesses at public institutions and public safety generally...
Bahamian Politics
DNA expresses concern over recent murders - Apr 28, 2019 - 8:30:11 PM

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) is deeply concerned by the news of the gruesome murder of a Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) marine at Government House earlier today.

Government House is the official residence of the Head of our nation - the Governor General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. This historical and monumental property should enjoy the highest level of security in the land...
Bahamian Politics
PLP Chairman on Road Traffic Amendment - Apr 26, 2019 - 7:45:57 AM

The Prime Minister suddenly found traffic cop religion last week when he responded to the United States Government’s warning about road traffic fatalities. The Prime Minister said that he would support a change in the laws on traffic fatalities. It is interesting how the Prime Minister ignores the pleas of Bahamians, but as soon as the United States says something, he jumps.

The Bill to Amend the Road Traffic Act is now before the Senate. While it seeks to criminalize driving without a drivers license and using a cell phone while driving, it does not deal with the charge “killing in the course of dangerous driving”...
Bahamian Politics
Senator Fred Mitchel on Bahamian injured in Miami by Police - Apr 23, 2019 - 9:35:55 AM

Over the week, social media widely circulated a video which seemed to show that a Bahamian citizen, a male of minor age, was brutalized in an interface with U S Policemen, by those policemen. 

There were calls on social media platforms for the Government of the Bahamas to say what the state of that individual is.

We have done our own independent checks but the Government should give an official statement...
Bahamian Politics
Chester Cooper response to IMF Article IV Statement - Apr 16, 2019 - 2:30:35 PM

Chester Cooper, PLP Deputy Leader, Exumas and Ragged Island MP, Shadow Minister Of Finance:

What is clear from the latest International Monetary Fund Staff Concluding Statement of the 2019 Article IV Mission and the government’s response to it is that nothing delights the minister of finance more than making the IMF and credit ratings agencies happy.

The reality on the ground for most Bahamians is harshly different than the rosy picture the government would wish to paint...
Bahamian Politics
DNA responds to IMF Article IV Statement - Apr 16, 2019 - 10:11:16 AM

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its recently released statement following discussions on the 2019 Article IV consultation provided confirmed observations that have been made by Bahamian experts over the years.

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) acknowledges the efforts made by the government to address the fiscal challenges confronting our nation but contends that the approach adopted is inherently flawed and socially disruptive. The sixty percent increase in the regressive Value Added Tax (VAT) rate and the aggressive timeline for elimination of the GFS deficit has imposed significant hardship on the Bahamian people...
Bahamian Politics
PLP Chairman on the Public Service - Apr 16, 2019 - 9:00:20 AM

Following upon the statement of the party on the weekend about the hypocrisy of the FNM Public Service Minister’s statement about the rehiring of those disengaged who worked on contract, the PLP has been flooded with reports that the FNM Minister has not been frank with the Bahamian public about the government's rehiring practices.

The reports which come to us indicate that there has been a general purging of the public service through this process, in that, all people on contract were let go, and the practice is now to re-engage only those that have been recommended by various FNM generals in constituencies in New Providence and throughout the family islands...
Bahamian Politics
DNA stands in solidarity with teachers - Apr 14, 2019 - 4:15:18 PM

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) is of the belief that the future prosperity of The Bahamas hinges on the education and economic empowerment of our people. It is our position that the Bahamian youth must be at the center of government policies, initiatives and programs. Our education system cannot be tainted by politics or a reluctance to implement a real governance platform.

We are calling on all school administrators, especially those within the public sector to stand up for their teachers and ensure that all rules are enforced. The requisite focus must be placed on ensuring that there are no compromises in the application of rules and regulations within our education system...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Government must deliver on promised free tuition - Apr 7, 2019 - 7:45:25 AM

The recent announcement by the President of the University of The Bahamas (UB) that tuition fees will be increasing beginning in the Fall of 2019 took many by surprise.  Additionally, the revelations that the costs for attending UB were up to approximately $30k for a UB student were also startling.  Many were alarmed by the President’s announcement considering the fact that the Prime Minister had on many occasions promised that tuition at UB would be free for Bahamian students – a campaign promise which the current administration has failed to deliver on.

It is imperative that our societal leaders craft policies and programs that will create a path that is clear to the middle class for Bahamians from all walks of life to ensure our nation's economic prosperity...
Bahamian Politics
The DNA Demands Transparency - Apr 2, 2019 - 5:45:34 PM

It appears as if the Free National Movement government has embarked upon a policy of score settling, political victimization and alienation of competent Bahamian professionals.

The whole exercise of summarily dismissing eight senior police officers, virtually all at the same time reeks of victimization.  Every time the government changes in The Bahamas, successive administrations play favorites with the public service, promoting their cronies and firing perceived enemies...
Bahamian Politics
LOI: DNA Cautiously Optimistic on Grand Lucayan - Mar 28, 2019 - 2:45:20 PM

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) welcomes any news or initiative with the potential to boost the Bahamian economy. We are hopeful that the long-suffering people of Grand Bahama will finally get some relief and a much-needed economic stimulus imminently.

It is on this premise that the DNA is cautiously optimistic on the prospective sale of the Grand Lucayan resort and proposed developments in our nation’s second capital...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Tit for tat politics in The Bahamas must end - Mar 27, 2019 - 1:05:54 PM

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) has followed with much disappointment, the degradation of the public debate in our nation.

After campaigning on transparency, accountability and meritocracy, the Free National Movement (FNM) government has been a colossal failure on all three grounds. They have failed to bring an end to nepotism, cronyism and political victimization.

The current administration like its predecessor has continued to divide our nation based on party colors and create a hostile environment among the citizenry...
Bahamian Politics
YDA Laments T.A. Thompson Incident - Mar 26, 2019 - 10:00:01 PM

The Young Democrats Alliance (YDA) is saddened by the recent violence at the T.A. Thompson Junior High School which resulted in the death of a student. Another promising life has been cut short by a senseless killing on our streets.

We wish to extend our sincere condolences to the parents, immediate and school family of the student that was fatally stabbed earlier today. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time.

This unfortunate incident brings to mind a similar stabbing at the Doris Johnson High School some time ago and it is heartbreaking to see history repeating itself...
Bahamian Politics
Opposition Leader on prolonged delay in regularizing postal services - Mar 19, 2019 - 11:40:04 AM

Statement by Hon. Philip Brave Davis:

The PLP is very concerned about the prolonged delay in regularizing postal services in New Providence and the negative impact this is having on postal workers, businesses, the general public and the economy at large.

This is particularly so in view of the fact that this administration met a process in place where ultimately the Bahamian...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: EU Blacklist: What has really changed? - Mar 13, 2019 - 11:16:43 AM

The recent announcement by the European Union (EU) that The Bahamas remains on its grey list and has not been blacklisted is a welcomed development. This follows the removal of The Bahamas from the EU blacklist to the grey list in May 2018 after the government made several commitments to carry out reforms.

While the temptation to embark on celebratory exercises and seek political brownie points may seem attractive to the government, it would be prudent not to do so. In reality, The Bahamas’ status as a country on the EU grey list has not changed since May 2018...
Bahamian Politics
Opposition Leader on "secret Disney deal signing" - Mar 11, 2019 - 1:30:26 PM

The Government of transparency and openness has once again failed the test of openness and transparency and flubbed the example of open government.  

Hard on the heels of the fake and phony Oban deal, the Prime Minister sat in secret and signed the Disney deal last Thursday 7 March.  No cameras or outsiders were allowed save for the government's minders and mouthpieces...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: BPL shrouded in controversy under FNM Administration - Mar 11, 2019 - 12:00:15 PM

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) has long advocated for reform within our energy sector to reduce the cost of doing business and its negative impact on the disposable income of Bahamians. The pain and suffering placed on the backs of the masses by the current administration as a result of the 60% increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate has further worsened the financial situation of most Bahamians.

It is against this backdrop that the DNA supports any effort aimed at improving the reliability of power supply and reducing the cost for our people. However, the government must ensure that its initiatives are not covered in secrecy and controversy as shown in the recent award of a $95 million contract to Wartsila.
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Government imposed hardship not delivering desired results - Mar 6, 2019 - 1:08:16 PM

The Free National Movement (FNM) opposed the imposition of Value Added Tax (VAT) while in opposition and described the introduction on taxes on the Bahamian people as a lazy approach to governance. In true fashion and living up to their reputation as hypocrites, they increased the VAT rate by 60% on the backs of the struggling masses.

The Bahamian people will not forget the actions of a government that passed a budget of hardship. A government that focuses more on numbers than economic growth and the people that are impacted daily with rising cost of living...

Latest Headlines
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Bahamian Politics
DNA PR: It's time to change the system
DNA on Extension of Emergency Orders
DNA on shanty town demolition court order
DNA on new lockdowns on Family Islands
PLP Candidate for North Andros and The Berry Islands on Lockdowns in The Berry Islands and Andros
Bahamas Weather
Inclement and a very wet weather ahead for the week for The Bahamas
Severe Thunderstorm warning - November 5th
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6am News Item on Tropical Storm Nicholas
Alert #21 on Tropical Depression Fred
Middle Tennessee wins the Prime Minister's Cup at 2021 Bahamas Bowl
Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture announces sports is back
Director of Sports Welcomes return of Gold-Medal-Winning Bodybuilding Team
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Minister Lewis, Sports Director show up for Young Runners
Reflections on Independence
22nd Annual Christmas Bird Count in Honour of the Late Erika Gates
Proposed zero vat removal from breadbasket items
Michael Brooks: A look at Bahamian culture
Equality Bahamas Welcomes Women in Parliament to Advocate for Human Rights
Events Calendars
New Providence Events Calendar
Grand Bahama Events Calendar
Family Islands Events Calendar
Aliv Hope Gala Ball under the patronage of Bahamas PM & Mrs. Minnis is this Saturday
Paint Fair plans 2 big events on October 11th & 13th
Caribbean Barrel features Mango and Bahamian Splice Junkanoo Show Group Tonight
K.B. releases new single - Das Why We Savin’ Da Bays
Caribbean Barrel Restaurant Valentine's dinner Experience Under the Stars with 'Jahem & Jazz
Caribbean Barrel features Wilfred Solomon & Magnetics Tonight
Mortimer candidly explores life-defining experiences in new podcast Looking Deep
Sales & Promotions
Shop Spaces available at Grand Lucayan
Lighthouse Pointe Karaoke Fridays and Groovy Old School Saturdays
Lighthouse Pointe Karaoke Fridays & Groovy Saturdays
Lighthouse Pointe Sunday Brunch at Portobello's Restaurant
Lighthouse Pointe - Thanksgiving Day Thursday meal & Sunday Thanksgiving Brunch specials
Arts & Culture
Award-Winning Photographer Eric Rose presented a printed canvas of 'The Hermitage' to the PM Davis
Minister Bowleg Opens “Double Dutch 8” and “Evolution of the Arc” NAGB Exhibitions
Unbox Bahamian Artistry and Live Your Best 'LifestIsle'
Students display culinary skill and creativity in Bahamas Young Chef Competition
'Build Your Best Life' book presented to Willa Mae Pratt and Simpson Penn centres
Streaming Multimedia
Free Uppercut Concert at Dive In postponed due to Matthew
A Mouth Full explores gourmet pizzas at Domino's
Bahamian filmmaker releases "Atlas Calling" as an urgent call to protect the ocean
A Mouth Full: Sweet Treats at Mortimer's Candies
A Mouth Full: Organic Living from 'Field to Fork'
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Groves Famiy Foundation scholarship applications now available online
STEM Summer Camp returns to Nassau for 6th Year
HGTV Seeking Expat Buyers & Real Estate Agents in Nassau, Exuma, Eleuthera & Abaco
BFPA to present talk with Bahamas Film Commissioner in Grand Bahama
Movie Masters featuring Sean Robins - Feb 27th & 28th
The Bahamas Boasts
Shoot your film in Andros, Bahamas
IADB designates Nassau as an "Emerging Sustainable City"
Bahamas announces New Marine Protected Areas
Parallax rides a "Bahama Blue" tide to World Oceans Day
The Bahamian Flag Makes it to the Top of the World
A Taste Of The Bahamas
Bahamas seaplane pilot Paul Harding reveals a lifetime of adventures in new memoir: Sharks in the Runway
(VIDEO) Ocean Waves Nature Sounds of The Bahamas
Etiquette for The National Flag of The Bahamas
Junkanoo: Hidden Treasure of the Bahamas
Bahamas Investment Authority frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Market Place
Land for Sale: Royal Palm Bay
Grand Bahama Hurricane Resistant Warehouses for SALE
Conch Salad on Wheels is available by order on Saturdays Only!
Grand Bahama Hurricane Resistant Factories for SALE
2010 Toyota Vitz for Sale: Proceeds to the Humane Society
Focus on Fashion
Samba Sol Grows its Bahamas Collection
Meet the Bahamian descendent leading LA Fashion Week
Bahamian fashion icon Flo Miller launches book
Theodore Elyett outfits Porsha Williams for the cover of Rolling Out Magazine
Eleuthera fashion designer releases new line
Hot Links
Websites we'd like you to know about...
at a glance
New Providence Events Calendar
Quote of the Week - Words Have Weight
PayPal now accepts Bahamian based credit cards
VAT Bahamas
Free VAT Filing Workshop offered from June 13- June 15 in Grand Bahama
D.I.R Announces Operation Enhancement Measures
VAT Filing & Payment Deadline Changes
VAT: Request for Filing Extensions after Hurricane Matthew
VAT Taken Off Some Educational Fees
PAHO/WHO Country Office of The Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands hosted a Virtual End of Year Retreat
PAHO urges public health measures and vaccination in light of Omicron variant
Dr Valerie Knowles: Ignoring Mental Health needs put essential workers at risk
PMH Implements measures to manage increase in COVID- 19 Cases
Haiti receives 500,000 vaccines donated by the United States through COVAX
Vaccine Maitri: Together We Emerge Stronger
Opinion - COVID-19 Pandemic: India’s response and global strategy
Opinion Editorial: COVID-19 Highlights Caribbean Community’s need to build resilience
Opinion: We must leverage the ‘Commonwealth Advantage’ to counter the economic fallout of COVID-19
Opinion: Coronavirus and climate disasters - Small vulnerable countries face dual threats
Medical Education Review Program (MERP)
DeVry Medical International to close Grand Bahama based M.E.R.P. Program
Join Our Team: MERP Staff Accountant (4 Month Term)
Grand Bahama Minister meets Medical Executives
MERP Supports the Arts in Grand Bahama
Grand Bahama landlords updated on MERP housing requirements
Ross University
DeVry Medical International Calls on Minister Darville
New MERP session underway at Ross Bahamas site
Ross University School of Medicine Expands Affiliation with Premier U.S. Teaching Hospitals
Ross University promotes Dr. George Lotocki to Director of the Medical Education Review Program
Dr. Thomas Shepherd to Retire as President of Ross University
Grand Bahama Real Estate
BeachCottage242.com - Grand Bahama Getaway
Investors eye Old Bahama Bay anticipating Skyline Announcement