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Bahamian Politics Feed

Bahamian Politics
DNA: No More Delay - Implement Marco’s Alert and Sex Offenders Registry - Mar 5, 2019 - 4:00:22 PM

Over the past few months the country has seen a rise in abduction and sexual assaults on children with the most recent case being that of an eight-year-old girl on Sunday March 3rd, 2019 and before that a three year old boy sometime in February. These are just the reported cases and it is only by the grace of God that these children did not lose their lives.

In 2016, the Mandatory Action Rescuing Children Operation (Marco’s) Law was enacted nearly five years later after the disappearance and murder of eleven-year-old Marco Archer with a commitment from the former Minister of National Security...
Bahamian Politics
Monthly Press Conference remarks by Hon. Philip Brave Davis - Mar 5, 2019 - 12:30:44 PM

As usual, I am pleased to be joined by the Hon. Chester Cooper, Deputy Leader and by Senator the Hon. Fred Mitchell, Chairman, Robyn Lynes, Deputy Chair and other members of the parliamentary team here present!

We express condolences on the passing of a consummate public servant and courageous Bahamian hero, Senior Commander of th e Royal Bahamas Defence Force, Amos Rolle. As many of you know, Mr. Rolle was the Senior Commanding Officer of the HMBS Flamingo...
Bahamian Politics
PLP Chairman calls for resignation of Minister of National Security - Mar 3, 2019 - 4:20:50 PM

The Progressive Liberal Party believes that Marvin Dames and his colleague in the Cabinet must resign or be dismissed.

In the case of Mr. Dames, the evidence against him is even more compelling given the public meltdown in the House of Assembly last week. He denies that this happened even when PLP Members of Parliament were there including the Leader of the Opposition who saw what happened before their very eyes.

The truth is clear.  Mr. Dames lost control...
Bahamian Politics
Statement by the Hon. Picewell Forbes on the Opposition's return to Parliament - Feb 26, 2019 - 2:10:13 PM
The general public is advised that the Opposition parliamentarians and Senators will return to the House at the next sitting. The Lower House meets on Wednesday, 27th February 2019.

The Opposition is satisfied that the point of the boycott of Parliament was sufficiently made in the public domain about the corrupt conduct of the government and in particular, the conduct of Ministers Marvin Dames, Duane Sands and Carl Bethel, whose behavior in the Frank Smith's case undermined the rule of law and were roundly condemned by an independent and dispassionate judicial review...
Bahamian Politics
Special Call meeting of Marathon Aspirants for the Next General Election - Feb 25, 2019 - 9:15:35 PM

Madam Chairman Sharon Martin and Executive members, those aspiring to represent Marathon for the PLP in the next general election and members of the Marathon constituency, Good Evening.

I am pleased to be here to speak about my political future and offer advice to not only the aspiring candidates here tonight, but to all those who wish to run in the upcoming elections for the PLP...
Bahamian Politics
Chester Cooper MP - Response to Moody - Feb 24, 2019 - 11:40:08 AM

It was pleasing to see that Moody’s recently changed the country’s economic outlook from negative to stable.

Though it is regrettable that Moody’s has yet to change the country’s credit rating from the junk status it placed us in several years ago.

The reasons for the downgrade in the first place were questionable.

The delay in the opening of Baha Mar was caused by the developer’s inability to shepherd the project to completion...
Bahamian Politics
Hon. Philip Brave Davis remarks at Joint Public Meeting - Feb 18, 2019 - 8:45:29 PM

Friends, this is quite a time we’re living through.

On the one hand, when I visit with people across our islands, I am so inspired by the talents and optimism of our people, the desire to grow and change and reach our fullest potential as a nation. 

Young people, in particular, are so ready to do the work necessary to transform The Bahamas into a modern, dynamic country...
Bahamian Politics
Opposition Leader: The FNM brings Politics into Prosecutions - Feb 13, 2019 - 11:52:18 AM

This is a very serious moment for our country.

We have always had a vigorous give-and-take in our politics.

All Bahamians know politics isn’t for the faint of heart.

But what we are seeing today isn’t politics -- it’s the criminalization of politics...
Bahamian Politics
PLP Chairman responds to 'Attacks' on PLP Leader on Cruise Port - Feb 11, 2019 - 10:49:34 PM

The nastiness and filth that now comes from the pen of the Chairman of the FNM about Philip Davis is getting worse.

This is clear from the latest filth in today's press release. It is clear that the FNM is getting desperate. They have no idea what to do or say.
So instead of discussing policy ideas, the FNM has to carry on like the market donkey, braying and braying. The calypso song says a jackass will prance and bray...let him bray....let him bray.

So that is the PLP's position on the FNM: they are braying like a jackass...
Bahamian Politics
Glenys Hanna Martin on Fiscal Strategy Report 2018 in HOA - Feb 6, 2019 - 9:45:10 PM

Rise Englerston
EP Roberts Primary – Ms Moss, transformation, momentum, high performance
Bright eyed children in the Englerston constituency – become national leaders movers and shakers to take country to new levels.

Proud to represent the fine people.

Mr Speaker,

It is amazing to watch (and if you don’t laugh, you will cry)  how members of this administration use language and fancy words to describe their actions but which do not comport in any shape or form with the meaning of their actions...
Bahamian Politics
Davis calls second press conference on Frank Smith Case - Feb 5, 2019 - 12:00:56 PM

At my last press conference held here on Sunday, 3rd February 2019, I called for the resignation of two government Ministers, Marvin Dames and Duane Sands for conduct unbecoming in their government Ministerial offices in the Commissioner of Police vs. Frank Smith.
I call for them to do so again. I ask the Prime Minister to act to dismiss them if they do not resign.
The Minster of National Security Marvin Dames just doesn’t get it. He thinks it is a joke or to use his word “comical”...
Bahamian Politics
Opposition Leader on Aftermath of Frank Smith Case - Feb 3, 2019 - 5:00:41 PM

I have called you here this afternoon to make the call for the resignation of two Ministers of the Government - Duane Sands and Marvin Dames - for their conduct in the Frank Smith case. The behavior of the Attorney General must also be reviewed and appropriate actions taken in accordance with generally accepted principles of ethical conduct having regard to the outturn of this case and specifically the cited conduct of his office during the Frank Smith case...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: Government must own its failures - Feb 3, 2019 - 4:30:53 PM

Our democracy was deepened but a dangerous precedent was set in a case involving former Senator Frank Smith. The DNA had followed this matter since inception but reserved comment on the same due to the confidence we have in our judicial system. It is our view that the independence of the judiciary as demonstrated in this matter further deepened Bahamian democracy. However, the involvement and implication of two sitting Cabinet members and Members of Parliament has cast a dark cloud over the executive and legislature.

There could not have been a better description of the actions of both the Minister of Health and the Minister of National Security than that offered by the learned Chief Magistrate Ferguson-Pratt..
Bahamian Politics
Senator Hon. Jamal Moss contribution on the government fox hill lots - Jan 31, 2019 - 3:00:55 PM

Madam President,

I want to start off by saying that I want to take this time to wish the Bahamian people, my fellow Hon. Senators here in this upper chamber and also the MPs representing the lower chamber, a very, very happy new year. Serving as a Hon. Senator I am truly honored. I take this opportunity to serve my Bahamian people very seriously and truly a humbling experience. I want to wish everyone in our Bahama land a very safe and prosperous new year.

Madam President,

Proverbs 25:14 A person who promises a gift but doesn’t give it is like clouds and wind that bring no rain.
Bahamian Politics
DNA: International report confirms FNM has failed in anti-corruption - Jan 30, 2019 - 2:34:53 PM

After the nation’s Prime Minister embarked upon a world anti-corruption crusade and promised to stamp out corruption at its core, recent reports that The Bahamas has moved down to 29th on Transparency International’s corruption ranking is an indictment on the Minnis administration. The Bahamas’ recent ranking on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) shows a lack of true commitment by the Minnis Administration to transparent and accountable governance.  Even though the current administration had campaigned on transparency and accountability in governance on the 2017 campaign trail...
Bahamian Politics
Davis: Increasing unemployment shows failure of Government’s Economic Strategy - Jan 29, 2019 - 5:14:59 PM

The economic strategy being used by the FNM Government is proving to be a failure, says Opposition Leader Philip ‘Brave’ Davis. He emphasizes how projects undertaken have shown no results as the unemployment rate in the country continues to soar.

In fact, Davis is convinced that the present FNM Administration is “mixed up like conch salad” because, in the majority of things they touch, there is clear indication of their stunning incompetence...
Bahamian Politics
DNA: PM Address Falls Flat for Bahamians - Jan 29, 2019 - 3:45:26 PM

In the immediate aftermath of the release of labor statistics which show that unemployment is on the rise, many Bahamians looked forward to the Prime Minister’s address to the nation. The widely publicized address was supposed to focus on the government’s plan for the economy and outline plans for its revitalization.

Regrettably, the speech fell flat as it failed to inspire hope among the Bahamian people or offer innovative ideas for the resurgence of an economy with stunted growth. The PM sought to spin the unemployment narrative by touting a reported fall in joblessness in Grand Bahama and Abaco but glossed over the approximately one percent rise in New Providence...
Bahamian Politics
Opposition Leader responds PM Minnis' National Address - Jan 28, 2019 - 10:25:11 PM

Bahamians were treated from their Prime Minister with a litany of non-performance. What a travesty this address was. A nothing burger trying to pass for sensible public policy and accomplishment.
Mr. Prime Minister, after twenty months in office you must surely know you cannot simply pronounce something as truth - that which is clearly false. You have fallen short...
Bahamian Politics
DNA applauds Reece Chipman for taking ethical stance - Jan 24, 2019 - 5:00:23 PM

The reported and intended resignation of the Hon. Reece Chipman, Member of Parliament for Centreville speaks volumes to the sub-standard level of governance that we the Bahamian people have unfortunately grown accustomed to and accepted to date. 

Chipman’s letter to the House Speaker warning of his anticipated resignation from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) highlights the inactivity and lack of productivity of House Committees within the Parliament of The Bahamas.  Even more glaring is the fact that the PAC is chaired by the Official Opposition and most of its members constitute the Committee...
Bannister remarks at opening of Ministry of Public Works’ Distinguished Lecture Series - Jan 24, 2019 - 3:38:16 PM

Please see enclosed Minister T. Desmond Bannister's speech:

Good Afternoon, and happy New Year.


Let me begin by thanking you for inviting me to open the Distinguished Lecture Series this year. 

I consider it an honour because this series, in its first year, has grown beyond expectations; and especially because it is the product of the innovative minds of the employees of this Ministry... 

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Bahamian Politics
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Events Calendars
New Providence Events Calendar
Grand Bahama Events Calendar
Family Islands Events Calendar
Aliv Hope Gala Ball under the patronage of Bahamas PM & Mrs. Minnis is this Saturday
Paint Fair plans 2 big events on October 11th & 13th
Caribbean Barrel features Mango and Bahamian Splice Junkanoo Show Group Tonight
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Sales & Promotions
Shop Spaces available at Grand Lucayan
Lighthouse Pointe Karaoke Fridays and Groovy Old School Saturdays
Lighthouse Pointe Karaoke Fridays & Groovy Saturdays
Lighthouse Pointe Sunday Brunch at Portobello's Restaurant
Lighthouse Pointe - Thanksgiving Day Thursday meal & Sunday Thanksgiving Brunch specials
Arts & Culture
Award-Winning Photographer Eric Rose presented a printed canvas of 'The Hermitage' to the PM Davis
Minister Bowleg Opens “Double Dutch 8” and “Evolution of the Arc” NAGB Exhibitions
Unbox Bahamian Artistry and Live Your Best 'LifestIsle'
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Streaming Multimedia
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BFPA to present talk with Bahamas Film Commissioner in Grand Bahama
Movie Masters featuring Sean Robins - Feb 27th & 28th
The Bahamas Boasts
Shoot your film in Andros, Bahamas
IADB designates Nassau as an "Emerging Sustainable City"
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Parallax rides a "Bahama Blue" tide to World Oceans Day
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A Taste Of The Bahamas
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Bahamas Investment Authority frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Market Place
Land for Sale: Royal Palm Bay
Grand Bahama Hurricane Resistant Warehouses for SALE
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Grand Bahama Hurricane Resistant Factories for SALE
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Focus on Fashion
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at a glance
New Providence Events Calendar
Quote of the Week - Words Have Weight
PayPal now accepts Bahamian based credit cards
VAT Bahamas
Free VAT Filing Workshop offered from June 13- June 15 in Grand Bahama
D.I.R Announces Operation Enhancement Measures
VAT Filing & Payment Deadline Changes
VAT: Request for Filing Extensions after Hurricane Matthew
VAT Taken Off Some Educational Fees
PAHO/WHO Country Office of The Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands hosted a Virtual End of Year Retreat
PAHO urges public health measures and vaccination in light of Omicron variant
Dr Valerie Knowles: Ignoring Mental Health needs put essential workers at risk
PMH Implements measures to manage increase in COVID- 19 Cases
Haiti receives 500,000 vaccines donated by the United States through COVAX
Vaccine Maitri: Together We Emerge Stronger
Opinion - COVID-19 Pandemic: India’s response and global strategy
Opinion Editorial: COVID-19 Highlights Caribbean Community’s need to build resilience
Opinion: We must leverage the ‘Commonwealth Advantage’ to counter the economic fallout of COVID-19
Opinion: Coronavirus and climate disasters - Small vulnerable countries face dual threats
Medical Education Review Program (MERP)
DeVry Medical International to close Grand Bahama based M.E.R.P. Program
Join Our Team: MERP Staff Accountant (4 Month Term)
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MERP Supports the Arts in Grand Bahama
Grand Bahama landlords updated on MERP housing requirements
Ross University
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Ross University promotes Dr. George Lotocki to Director of the Medical Education Review Program
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Grand Bahama Real Estate
BeachCottage242.com - Grand Bahama Getaway
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