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News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands Last Updated: Jul 19, 2023 - 4:32:10 PM
Turks & Caicos Islands Feed

News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
U.S. Chargè d’Affaires John Dinkelman Makes First Official Visit to Turks & Caicos Islands - Jan 20, 2012 - 3:53:41 PM

In light of the strong ties shared between the United States and the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), U.S. Chargè d’Affaires John Dinkelman made his first official visit to the TCI on January 17-18, 2012 where he met with the Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands, His Excellency Damian Roderick Todd, and the Commissioner of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RTCIPF) Colin Farquhar to discuss ways to further enhance security cooperation in the region.

During his two day visit, Chargè Dinkelman also met key TCI government officials and business leaders who were among the invited guests at a reception onboard the visiting U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Resolute...

News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
TCI Fashion Designer to Share Expertise with Youth - Jan 9, 2012 - 11:50:51 AM

Turks and Caicos - An opportunity is being created by a TCI son of the soil Kazz Forbes and the Edward C. Gartland Youth Center, for young people to learn fashion, style and modeling.

Fashion designer, photographer and past student of John Casablanca School of Acting and Modeling, South Florida, Kazz Forbes has agreed to lend his services to the youth over the coming weeks, so that they can discover their creative energies and possibly explore another career options...
News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Optimistic Financial Analysis Made Available to People of TCI - Dec 15, 2011 - 5:50:58 PM

Turks and Caicos Islands - Cautiously optimistic is how Chief Financial Officer, Hugh McGarel-Groves described his overview of the improving TCI Government fiscal position, on the publication of the second quarter financial statement, Tues, 13 Dec 2011.


The first quarter’s results showed good progress in putting the TCIG’s public finances on track to achieve a fiscal surplus in the financial year ending March 2013.   The main reason for further optimism in the half year results was a 34% rise above the same period last year in Government revenues to $80.7m (up 3% from the same period last year).

News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
DECR Takes a Bold Leap Forward in Protecting TCI’s Coral Reefs - Dec 15, 2011 - 8:47:08 AM

Turks and Caicos Islands - The Department of Environment and Costal Resources (DECR) has taken a major step towards protecting the TCI’s coral reefs by banning the capture of the beautiful Parrotfish under new Fisheries Protection Ordinance and Regulations approved by HE Governor Ric Todd on November 4th 2011 and brought into effect December 1st, 2011.

With the new Protection Ordinance the Department hopes that Parrotfish numbers can be maintained to ensure sustained biodiversity and to preserve coral reef health and the TCI’s fishing industry.

Focus on Fashion
Saint George Fashion House’s Showcase Sparks TCAAF World AIDS Day Cocktail Party - Dec 7, 2011 - 5:28:32 PM
Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands* – The creative genius and son of the soil Kazz Forbes again raised the bar in fashion design and style in the Caribbean. With all his showcases dubbed a smashing success, Forbes has been creating a buzz ever since his debut in the fashion hub of the Americas, New York City.

Forbes, Principal Designer of his *Saint George Fashion House (SGFH)  label was invited to debut his  ‘Red Afrique: Getting to Zero’  and to showcase his Fall/Winter 2011 ‘Le Caicos Chic: A Romance with Decadence’  collections at the  Turks and Caicos AIDS Awareness Foundation (TCAAF) Cocktail Party...
News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Hard times fest set to bring good times back to Turks this weekend - Dec 6, 2011 - 7:35:51 PM

Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands – December 2, 2011   A husband and wife team have taken a bold step and will host a festival aimed at bringing culture, cuisine and caring for others together in an event they have labeled the ‘Hard Times Fest’.

It will take place on Saturday December, 10, 2011 at the parking lot of the Casablanca Casino in Grace Bay from noon to midnight.

“We have been putting off this dream of ours for years, but we know that now is the time to create an avenue for people to come together in a festive celebration which takes their minds off how rough it might be for them financially.  We want people to come out and feel free to enjoy delicious food and...
News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
TCI Youth Ambassador 2012-2013 Applications Now Being Accepted - Nov 25, 2011 - 11:28:45 PM

Turks and Caicos Islands - Applications are currently being received for persons between the ages of 16-25 to serve as members of the National Youth Parliament for the period 2012-2013.

Interested persons must:

Have excellent public speaking skills; Be good in spoken and written English language...
News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
TCI Representatives Attends Parole Board Seminar in Miami - Nov 25, 2011 - 9:23:09 PM

Turks and Caicos Islands - The Ministry of Home Affairs and Public Safety in their aim to improve the TCI Parole Board and provide the TCI community with the security needed when considering parole, attended a Parole Board Seminar in Miami, Florida on November 16th and 17th 2011.

The Permanent Secretary, Ms. Saunders stated that , “The seminar was very informative. t highlighted many areas where we are doing a good job here in the TCI but it also highlighted areas for..."

News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Revised Edition of The Laws of TCI to launch December 1st - Nov 25, 2011 - 9:21:34 AM

Turks and Caicos Islands - The latest  revised edition of the Laws of the TCI comes into force December 1st 2011.

This 2009 Revised Edition puts the collection of laws and their related amendments in one publication, providing for greater ease of reference.

Attorney General Huw Shepheard held a handing over ceremony at his Grand Turk chambers on Thursday 24th November 2011.

News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Registration for May/June 2012 CXC Examination in Turks and Caicos - Nov 25, 2011 - 7:27:07 AM
Turks and Caicos Islands - The Department of Education wishes to notify the general public that the registration period for the May/June 2012 sitting of CSEC and CAPE examinations is now open and will close on December 12, 2011.

Current Examination Centers are: H.J. Robinson High School – Grand Turk
News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands Civil Servants on Strike - Nov 23, 2011 - 7:57:26 AM

Hundreds of angry Civil Servants in the Turks and Caicos Islands went on strike early Tuesday morning, disconnecting the power to Government’s administrative building in the island-capital of Grand Turk and marching to the Governor’s office where they chained doors to a building in which a meeting of UK-advisors was being held.

Wearing red shirts and brandishing strongly-worded placards, the civil servants vented their rage at the Interim’s Government’s austerity measures which include plans to sever 300 of them by the end of the year.

The majority of Government services in Grand Turk, where most of the country’s 2,500 civil servants are located, ground to a crippling halt...
News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
TCI Begins Attracting Cruise Weddings - Nov 20, 2011 - 12:01:23 AM

Turks and Caicos Islands - A recent move to make TCI a wedding destination for cruise passengers by cutting the processing time for a visitor’s marriage license has started to bear fruit.

Two cruise ship passengers used the amended Marriage Ordinance for a November 11th wedding at the Carnival Cruise Centre on Grand Turk.

The amendment in July this year removed the requirement that visitors must be present in the islands for at least forty-eight hours before applying for a special license to be married. Cruise passengers could not be...
News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
TCI Government Launches Public Opinion Poll on Turks and Caicos Islander Status - Nov 19, 2011 - 8:08:11 PM

Turks and Caicos Islands - A Public consultation on a fair and transparent process for acquisition of Turks and Caicos Islander status was launched by the TCI Government, Thursday, 17 November 2011.

The establishment of a clear pathway to TCI status is one of the eight milestones to be met before new elections are held next year.

The consultation document identifies key considerations and presents a series of questions which it is inviting submissions.  The questionnaire and the consultation document can be downloaded from the link provided below.

News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Universal Children’s Day to be celebrated in TCI - Nov 18, 2011 - 6:37:59 AM

Turks and Caicos Islands - November 20, 2011 is celebrated around the world as Universal Children’s Day, which is also recognized as World Day of Prayer and Action for Children. 

World Day of Prayer and Action for Children has launched a three year programme under the theme “Stop Violence against Children.”

An invitation is extended to the community of Grand Turk to participate in a three-day weekend of events in celebration of Universal Children’s Day.
Friday 18th November 2011...
News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Government Listens to Healthcare Concerns in Turks and Caicos - Nov 16, 2011 - 6:26:31 PM

Turks and Caicos Islands - Everyone who pays into the National Health Insurance Programme (NHIP) will receive equal entitlement to healthcare provision the Interim Administration announced Wednesday 16 November 2011.

This follows on from concerns following the recently announced changes to the TCI health system which aim to make it more affordable and sustainable. This stated that there would be reduced benefits to temporary resident and work permit holders.

News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Renewed Focus on Youth Development in TCI - Nov 16, 2011 - 5:36:25 PM

Turks and Caicos Islands - A revision of TCI’s National Youth Policy and Strategic Plan was launched this week as the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth Affairs puts renewed focus on youth development in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

The Department of Youth Affairs, working with the Commonwealth Youth Programme launched the review with a

News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
New Measures to Improve TCI Finances And Prioritise Spending - Nov 16, 2011 - 4:29:30 PM

Turks and Caicos Islands - New measures to strengthen the Turks and Caicos Islands Government finances and increase education and capital spending were announced by Chief Financial Officer, Hugh McGarel-Groves, today, Wednesday, 16 November 2011.

He explained that the Government’s financial position has worsened this year with its overall shortfall expected to increase from the planned $8.5m deficit to a projected $35m if he took no action.
News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Turks and Caicos Appoints Patrick Boyle as Next Chief Executive - Nov 15, 2011 - 5:02:53 PM

Turks and Caicos Islands - Today, Tuesday November 15, 2011, the Governor has appointed Mr. Patrick Boyle to succeed Mr. Martin Stanley as the next Chief Executive of the Turks and Caicos Government. He takes up the position on the 3rd January 2012.

Mr. Boyle is an experienced UK Senior Civil Servant and has held Chief Executive roles across the public service. He is currently Chief Executive of the Independent Living Fund.

Mr. Boyle is an experienced UK Senior Civil Servant and has held Chief Executive roles across the public service. He is currently Chief Executive of the Independent Living Fund; a Non Departmental Public Body sponsored by the UK Department...

News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Turks and Caicos deems November as Alcohol Awareness Month - Nov 15, 2011 - 1:58:06 PM

Turks and Caicos Islands - In an effort to raise public awareness about the risks with drinking, and alcohol’s effects on general health, the Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence is observing the month of November as Alcohol Awareness Month.

Activities planned for the month are:

Community outreach – distribution of pamphlets School visits On Friday 18th the department will host its first annual Health Forum where TCI’s leading medical and psychology professionals will update the public on how alcohol affects your health
Also on Friday 18th at 6:30 pm at Sam’s Parking Lot, Downtown, there will be a candle light ceremony for persons who are or have been affected by drugs...

News : International : Caribbean News : Turks & Caicos Islands
Taketh Out Thine Own Plank - Nov 14, 2011 - 6:34:09 PM
In Mathew 7:5 Jesus instructs the Pharisees to “taketh out thine own plank out of your eye before you try to take out the speck from mine”. This simple biblical verse sums up the whole fallacy that the UK Government needed to impose direct rule in the Turks and Caicos to turn things around and stamp out alleged corruption. It is and will always be my belief that for any change to be sustainable in the TCI, that change must come from within and, in some instances, with true assistance from the UK Government as Partners and not the Parent/Child arrangement that is sought now through the New Constitution.   

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