Fashions from 2011 featuring Indashio, Theodore Elyett, Harl Taylor Bag, Maguy Durce, Phylicia Dell, and Oliver Tolentino.JPG Oliver Tolentino
Tickets go on Sale, April 9th!
Nassau, Bahamas: The wait is over.
The much anticipated return of Islands of the World Fashion Showcase
is just daysnaway and the organizers are extremely excited
about the event. The newly rebranded showcase is set to take place
May 11-12, 2012
at the Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort.
After a one-year
, IWFS is ready to re-
to the public
, international press and fashion trade
with an opening act that will
rival the Victoria Secret Fashion Show
and highlight local musical talent
designers representing five countries will ta
ke part in the Showcase’s May edition
. They include Chelsea Johnson, Courtney
, David Rolle, Harl Taylor Bag, Latoya Hanna-Moxey and Theodore Elyett all hailing from The Bahamas, Carol Fraser
Guyana, Sharleen Logan
St. Lucia, Kimon Baptiste of
St. Vincent
and The Grenadines
and Darcel de Vlugt from Trinidad & Tobago.
The showcase will also highlight the designs of the participants of the
newly created
Jackson Burnside III
Fashion &
Moss, IWFS production manager said she is excited about the showcase
and hopes to bring attention to the event streamlining itself with the
‘global fashion clock'.
our hope to take IWFS to the next level in fashion and the first step
is to align the showcase with the industry itself,” she said. “By
hosting two shows each year it gives designers the opportunity to get
their designs and products on the market in a timely fashion. By putting
the show on this track, we are ensuring that each designer will get the
maximum exposure they need to properly produce for a potentially wider
Riding off a successful 2010 season, which was aired in a 30-minute segment in Florida, New York and the Caribbean, t
he newly rebranded event
is poised to widen its international market with a
one-hour television show to be aired in August on international networks through
out the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and
. This expansion comes courtesy of a
newly formed
with Creative Entertainment Management (CEM)
out of Los Angeles, California
“I am confident that this will help thrust IWFS to where it needs to be – in competitive range with larger shows
,” said Moss
the showcase itself will take place on May 11, fashion gurus and
fashionistas alike can participate in events leading up to the show.
May 9
, bowling shoes will be the order of the evening as IWFS executives will
face-off against designers,
, fashionistas and local bowling leagues
in the
Bowling in Fashion
extravaganza to be held at Mario’s Bowling
The organizers will formally introduce this season’s participants to the general public
official welcome reception
at Hillside House
May 10
Aptly titled ‘
A Toast to Fashion
,’ the newly renovated studio of renowned artist, Antonius Roberts
will play a major role in the ongoing promotion of the burgeoning Bahamian fashion industry.
Closing out the showcase will be a VIP dinner and reception
May 12
Tickets for
go on sale
online on Monday April 9
and can
be purchased through the IWFS website at www.islandsfashionweek.com.
The box office will be open
for Tickets at the Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort on
Wednesday, 9th May, and Thursday, 10th May, from 12.00 midday to 6.00
p.m., and Friday, 11th May, from 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
About the Show
Endorsed from its inception in 2008 by the United Nations Education
al, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO), Islands of the World Fashion
Showcase (formerly Islands of the World Fashion Week)
has been successful in fulfilling its mandate of promoting island
designers from around the world and exposing them to international media
and buyers. It is also mandated to expose its audience to four
g themes affecting small-island
states today –
cultural diversity, the
environment and climate change, poverty alleviation
education of youth on HIV/AIDS
The two-day event
will highlight
designers each season. The event in May highlights designer resort,
sports and swim wear and accessories while November will feature
designer couture, pret-a-porter and casual wear and accessories.
Designers will vie for several awards including the NextGen Desig
ner, Sustainable Eco-Fashion, Culture & Fashion
and the
Seals of Excellence