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Providenciales Chamber of Commerce questions advisory councillors' decision on VAT
By Tina Fenimore, President, Providenciales Chamber of Commerce
Jul 9, 2012 - 2:33:25 PM

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Providenciales, July 6, 2012 - The Provo Chamber of Commerce is very concerned over the announcement from the Advisory Council of the Interim Administration that it has passed the VAT legislation.

The VAT Bill passed its reading with the Turks and Caicos Islands Advisory Council at yesterday’s session on Grand Turk, Wednesday 4 July. Acting Governor Patrick Boyle headed the session which saw the Bill passed to the Consultative Forum for debate next week. This session followed on from the Publication of the White Paper earlier in the week.”

It is obvious by this statement issued by Acting Governor, Patrick Boyle on Thursday July 5,2012 that this group, comprised largely of Turks and Caicos Islanders and residents is out of touch with the majority of people in the Islands.

As a voice for the business community of the Turks and Caicos, and more directly those companies and members in Providenciales, the Chamber finds this endorsement by the Advisory Council completely void of sensitivity. There have been consistent, persistent and explained outcries of opposition from just about every sector of society; it should mean something to the appointed Councillors that in our democracy this majority is being ignored so that the UK ’s agenda can progress.

These Councillors should be ashamed of their support of the Interim Administration once again utterly disregarding even the most sensible positions on this imposed legislation.

Our review of the rules of the Advisory Council issued in August 2009, exposes that the Councillors are supposed to “contribute to the good governance and the sustainable development of the Turks and Caicos Islands ...”

The Provo Chamber believes, it is not too much to expect a more detailed and evidenced reason why the Councillors have put their support to Value Added Tax. We believe this report should have come in their own words, in a media debriefing where positions could have been expressed in the open to the press core.

Each Councillor was appointed with the expectation to be a reflection of the people of the country. “...members of the Council shall, at all times and to the best of their abilities, give truthful and candid advice.” - Rules of the Advisory Council, August 2009.

This requirement of Councillors then begs the question, what kind of advice did each provide tothe Governor that gave him the confidence to force this tax regime, which is expected to become lawful in less than ten days upon an unready people?

The Providenciales Chamber of Commerce continues to review the White Paper on VAT and while the feedback of our membership has been of grave concern, our organization remains committed to working with the Interim Administration on this and all other legislation which impacts life and commerce in these Turks and Caicos Islands.

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