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Grand Bahama youth get hands-on theatre experience
By Regency Arts Theatre School
Jul 11, 2007 - 5:03:02 AM

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For the first two weeks of July, 36 Grand Bahama youth have had an opportunity for hands-on practical theatre training held at Regency Theatre in Freeport. This first year of the Regency Arts Theatre School, presented by the Freeport Player’s Guild and directed by Jackie Dack, provides experience and tutoring in acting, directing, producing and technical production. The two-week course culminates in the performance of “Twinderella” on July 13 and 14th, a musical comedy that follows the reunion of the fabled Cinderella and her long lost twin brother, Bob. The show is suitable for all ages and tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students. They are now available at Seventeen Shop, downtown Freeport. Photo by Keen i Media

FREEPORT, GRAND BAHAMA—The young people of the Regency Arts Theatre School are getting the experience of a lifetime. The hands-on summer theatre training course is delivering a taste of all aspects of a working theatre and the students are learning what goes into putting on a show in ten days.


Using a combination of workshops, lectures, and in-depth rehearsals covering acting, singing, dancing, technical sessions, backstage and the business elements of live theatre, students are gaining practical knowledge and real-world experience. Along with the useful theatre training, students are also learning about honest communication, self-reliance, concentration, accountability, self-awareness and self-confidence, valuable skills for inside and outside the theatre.


The students, aged 10 to 16, come from all over Grand Bahama and represent eleven public and private schools. They are working with the experienced and proven team that was responsible for the recent hit show, “That's Chicago.”


The two-week intensive programme culminates in a full-scale production of “Twinderella”, a musical comedy that tells the story of Cinderella and her long lost twin brother, Bob.  This twist of a familiar tale will showcase the island’s most dedicated and talented youth, bringing entertainment for people of all ages in Grand Bahama and beyond.   Flights from neighbouring islands have already been booked to come and see this show that promises many laughs.


Director Jackie Dack said, "It is incredible how these 36 children have responded to the teaching. They have continually worked to improve themselves, learn and apply the material and ideas.” Dack explained that creating a show in ten days is extremely challenging. “I have absolute faith that these kids are up to the job and Grand Bahama will be in for a treat when they take their seats,” the director asserted.


Musical Director Kim Gration said, “We have had one hundred per cent attendance every day, which really shows the dedication these children have.   We have discovered talents and abilities that even the children didn’t realise were there.” Mrs Gration added, “It is very hard work for us all but it is certainly worth every moment.”


The students complete a daily reflection sheet and we have seen an abundance of very positive comments. “I've learned how to get over my fear of singing in front of people," stated one ten year old.   Another said, “I have learned to act better, to be obedient and to listen and to be looking at the audience when you say your part.”   A 14 year old, who initially was only interested in working backstage, said: "I have learned I am not as shy as I always thought I was and I really love being on stage.   I have learned a whole lot more about the theatre than I knew before. For example, project my voice, get into character, etc."


"As you can see," said Dack, "the children are developing communication, self awareness and confidence as well as theatre arts.


"We really want to thank the Freeport Players' Guild and the community at large for providing amazing support of this first year of the summer theatre school.   We are already receiving enquiries about next year’s programme."  


The musical comedy “Twinderella” will be staged on Friday, July 13th at 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, July 14th at 4:00 p.m.   Tickets are now available at Seventeen Shop at a cost of only $5 for children and $10 for adults.   All are invited to attend.

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Students of the Regency Arts Theatre School prepare for this weekend’s performances of “Twinderella”, a family-oriented musical comedy that follows the reunion of the fabled Cinderella and her long lost twin brother, Bob. The show is suitable for all ages and tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students. They are now available at Seventeen Shop, downtown Freeport. Photo by Keen i Media


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