March 21 - April 19
Being in solitude can be
attractive still now. You are recharging your batteries, because you are about
to come into a time when quiet contemplation won’t be possible. Appreciate and
utilize this time effectively. Your dream life is rich now and you could
receive messages in them, along with your intuitive powers being strengthened
in your waking life. Your faith could be stronger now, and you experience signs
and other wonders of the super natural. You may take up yoga, meditation or
other such practices to aid in increasing your connection to the spiritual.
April 20 - May 20
Your friendships could take
a hit this week Taurus. You feel confused on the role your friends play in your
life now, and also what role you play in there’s. There could be a lack of
desire to engage in outings and group activities, instead you may crave the
attention if just one or two close friends. You may suffer hurts within your
social circle, perhaps stemming from the past. Perhaps it is time to step back
from your social obligations and use now to renew your sense of self to
ultimately be over greater use to the collective.
May 21- June 20
You may dream of being free,
exploring foreign lands, however your reality is most likely that you’re stuck
at work. You may perhaps be lucky enough
to take a business trip. However this week is centered on career confusion and
public hurts. You may question what is
your life purpose and if you’re doing your best to fulfill it. Communication
should be better this week now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, however
you may still come across as confusing to others.
June 21 - July 22
Perhaps a trip is in order
Cancer, or maybe thoughts of going back to school are on your mind. This is the
perfect time to begin a course of study or take on professional development.
There is danger here though of this experience causing feelings of inadequacy
or challenging you beyond your comfort levels. Access if travel is feasible now
or a new course of study is necessary because you may be in over your head. If you
do take these on and remain realistic these experiences could be unexpectedly
July 23 - August 22
The depth of your emotions
is strong and etheric. You may feel a greater need for intimacy and sharing but
at the same time want to be free of emotional attachment. You could receive an
inheritance or if you work in financial services a boost in clients, however,
don’t be surprised if something goes awry, such as business transactions
falling through and probates for inheritances. Hurt feelings from deep within
or early childhood could surface now; use this energy to heal yourself and also
August 23 - September 22
Your business partnershi0ps
and significant romantic relationships will be paramount this week. There could
be arguments and misunderstandings now, prompting you to question if this
relationship is working for you. Although on the flipside you could experience
greater feelings of love and oneness, it all depends on your perspective and
ability to remain honest with yourself. On the positive side, any problems you
may have had at work should dissipate as Mercury is no longer retrograde, and
you will enjoy greater awareness of your abilities and garner more respect on
the job now.
September 23 - October 22
Although this is the week of
love, you will be swamped by work, Libra. You may make plans for dates and social
soiree, but may have to cancel because of duties or even sickness. Be careful
of not taking on too much this week, your mental and physical facilities aren’t
strong right now, making you susceptible to the cold or flu, or even mental
breakdowns. On the job you could be the victim of gossip or all out lying, keep
vigilant and make sure you’re not a perpetrator also. Honestly is definitely
the best policy.
October 23 - November 21
You may very well be the
sign making the most out of the week of love! Romance and having fun will be
your main priorities now. Passion and loving feelings will be floating all
around you. Someone different from who you’re normally interested in could
catch your eye, and the chase could be on. Although they could be your soul
mate they could also be the biggest liar ever! Make sure who you fall in love
with now is actually a prince and not a frog wearing a crown. You will also
want to make sometime for family and siblings, your connection with them now is
November 22 - December 21
Your home and family will
require extra care and attention this week. You may have to loosen the purse
strings to pay for repairs for your home or a doctor visit for a parent. You
could experience damage to your home especially from flooding or leaking or a
parent could get sick or experience a mental breakdown. Your family could also
be a source of pain, a part from being a financial burden. Perhaps you will
remember some injustice from your childhood that you failed to get over, be
open and honest now and these wounds could heal.
December 22 - January 19
Although Mercury retrograde
is over, you could still be the victim of communication breakdowns. Lying and
misinformation are what you should watch out for, from yourself and others.
These mistruths could come from friends, neighbors or siblings. Because your
intuitive skills are strong now you are aided in being able to pick this up,
however your imagination is also running wild now, so what you believe to be a
lie could be the truth and vice versa! On the romantic front, you could find a
partner through a sibling or start a romance with a neighbor; overall you will
be attracted to a communicative and perhaps younger person.
January 20 - February 18
You self esteem is high now,
and you want to show this on the outside by looking your best. You may spend
more money now on clothes and take extra care in applying makeup. You are
yearning now for some long time desire dealing with fashion or appearance. You
can be impulsive in your buying now, so be more mindful of your spending. Your
attitude towards money now is not conducive to saving or financial stability.
On the positive side you are more generous and could pour money or time into
volunteering and helping those less fortunate.
February 19 - March 20
Your ego should be strong now; you may feel
more like yourself. However, feeling like yourself can bring confusion and lack
of clarity. You seem to float around now with your head in the clouds with
little regard for how you come across. People may see you as more beautiful and
sexy now, actually, and you give off an air of romance and loving compassion.
This perception may not be internal though, as pain regarding your appearance
or self-esteem could surface now, and it can seem like people can see your
hurts or you could even experience bullying.
Adah Deveaux is an apprentice of Tametryo
Brown and Star Dates. She has been been practicing astrology since she
was 12 years old and has since made it her career path.
Tametryo Brown has been studying Astrology for over 10 years. His
company Stardates Global is dedicated to helping people find their soul
mates through self discovery and the science of astrology. He runs a
Stardating company in Nassau, Bahamas. His knowledge of astrology and
human personalities go beyond his age. His scientific predictions have
touched the lives of many across his homeland and abroad. Tametyro is
also a certified hypnotherapist from the Hypnosis Medical Institution/
American Hypnosis Association (HMI/AHA) where he still continues to
further his studies in hypnosis. He has helped many clients realize
their life's purpose. He can be reached stardatesbh@gmail.com Phone: