
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2017 - 1:45:37 AM |

March 21 - April 19
It is important for you to introspect now, but not to the point of neurosis! You energy is at an all time low, but the little that you have should be geared toward serving the greater good, not only will this be good for your spirit, but it will help you to get out of your head. You feel a need for seclusion, as you find your inner world an escape, what are you running away from? Spiritual arts appeal to you now and can help you to the bottom of your confusion. Try to get out there more.
April 20 - May 20
You will be heavily involved in groups and organizations, Taurus. You may feel overwhelmed and lose perspective on yourself. Don’t blend into the crowd, remember you are an individual. If you stifle who you are you will have nothing of value to give, and value is important to you. Find your niche in the group or perhaps even branch off into a smaller group for more intimate relating. You have a desire now for more spiritual associations, the mundane and superficial you shy away from, just don’t let yourself be caught in idealism, for you could be taken advantage of by those who you call your friends.
May 21- June 20
You may have difficulties with authority figures this week. Communication breakdowns are possible especially with romantic partners. Thoughts of being your own boss if you are employed could surface now. You may face some uncertainties regarding your career and if it is right for you, which may prompt you to want to live out your dreams in this area. You are prone to workaholic tendencies now and your ambition is sky high. There may be some pain or insecurity in your career now, but this should only propel you to make the best decision. Trust yourself you know what to do.
June 21 - July 22
Trips to foreign lands may be in order now, but first family and career matters may have to be attended to. You may have to travel for work, or be asked to go back to school to acquire new skills for a promotion. This shouldn’t present too much of a problem as you crave travelling and increasing your knowledge. Your financial situation should be on the upside you should be able to afford these trips. Some of the journeys you take now could be internal taking you to new spiritual heights, embrace the experience, you need to develop.
July 23 - August 22
Intimacy and sharing are areas you tackle this week. You want more depth in your interactions especially in your romantic relationships. Probing of the hidden motives of others and the dark parts of yourself occur now. Obsession and compulsion characterize your sex life now, and you want to go deeper and feel more. The occult could figure prominently now, and your psychic abilities are strengthened. Other people’s money and inheritances could also be issues now. Your romantic relationships and business partnerships should be going well now, with you reaching new heights of abundance and love.
August 23 - September 22
Romanticism and idealism are elevated in your love life now. Your may put your partner on a pedestal now, and believe they are the ‘one’ and feel deeply in love. Your partner has no faults now and every flaw you sweep under the carpet. It is fine to be forgiving and overlook small problems, just make sure the ‘small’ problems are actually that. There could be deception and confusion in your relationships now, realism and introspection is needed. Beware of communication problems at work and with superiors, however because of your increased performance at work these tiffs should be forgiven.
September 23 - October 22
Work Work Work! Your work life is very busy now, from office intrigue to increased workloads. You energy is not as high as it could be, and so this boost in work isn’t necessarily welcomed, coupled with that you feel confused on what you should be doing at times. Communication with coworkers leaves you all confused, and there could be lying and gossiping going on. Perhaps you should limit office socializing for the time been and instead reflect and find out how to get a handle on your job and responsibilities. You could be more susceptible to mental breakdowns now and fevers, so look after your health.
October 23 - November 21
Your creative juices are flowing and you may want to dive into many projects. You will have many opportunities for socializing and sport playing, and also for romance. This may not be the ideal time for long-term commitments, instead superficial love is perfectly fine now. Your love life could be dramatic now and find you juggling many partners, try to be more impersonal so it doesn’t blow up in your face. Children could bring you joy now and you could find yourself enjoying their company more.
November 22 - December 21
Your ability to recognize your strengths and weaknesses is warped now. You may over estimate your skills and suffer from an inflated ego. You want to make the best impression on others but you may go overboard in this pursuit. Beware of arrogant talk and touting your own horn, as it could go over not in your favor because of the lingering energies of Mercury retrograde. Relations with siblings could be good this week, and family matters will be prominent, however at work you could suffer communication breakdowns with superiors and coworkers. During this period your thirst for travel and adventure is high, go out and explore, just use moderation.
December 22 - January 19
You may be faced with the challenge of expanding your communication. It is time to take your mental proclivities to new heights. Explore different cultures, philosophies and belief systems. You are afraid of discovering new things now, because you don’t trust yourself to fully develop. Don’t allow prejudice and negative beliefs disallow you from experiencing the world and higher thought. You may have some fumbles in communication and disagreements with siblings now, don’t allow these small incidences to give you an excuse to not grow, push beyond your mental boundaries.
January 20 - February 18
Money matters are on your mind this week. You may find yourself making but also spending more money. You may make purchases for beauty and appearance, or even some games. You may overspend now, however, regardless of what it is, you are sure to enjoy your purchase. Any money you make now will require personal effort, but will be well worth it. You are more generous now as your attachment to money is dwindling; although it is admirable to be generous, don’t put yourself in the power house. Be honest about your financial situation.
February 19 - March 20
You may be feeling self conscious now and more prone to ridicule. You want to be beautiful and strong, but there is some confusion as to how to go about achieving this. You feel as if all your insecurities and hurts are on display, and this could be causing you to attract situations which confirm this. Take time for introspection as this will allow you to get to the root of this confusion. You want to change your image, but be sure you are fully authentic in your appearance.
Adah Deveaux is an apprentice of Tametryo
Brown and Star Dates. She has been been practicing astrology since she
was 12 years old and has since made it her career path.
Tametryo Brown has been studying Astrology for over 10 years. His
company Stardates Global is dedicated to helping people find their soul
mates through self discovery and the science of astrology. He runs a
Stardating company in Nassau, Bahamas. His knowledge of astrology and
human personalities go beyond his age. His scientific predictions have
touched the lives of many across his homeland and abroad. Tametyro is
also a certified hypnotherapist from the Hypnosis Medical Institution/
American Hypnosis Association (HMI/AHA) where he still continues to
further his studies in hypnosis. He has helped many clients realize
their life's purpose. He can be reached stardatesbh@gmail.com Phone:

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