Born March 21 - April 19
You are more assertive and
sure of yourself. You have high energy to accomplish your goals, and do so in a
big way. You are hard to miss, and be seen as a formidable person and you make
an impression. You may be pushy now and have anger flare ups. Love affairs now
may be passionate and full of energy; you take life by the reins and do as you
please. You may be more impulsive now and don’t think before you act, although
this can be endearing you also put yourself at risk for accidents, watch out
for head injuries.
April 20 - May 20
Your boundaries, especially
in love may be not clearly defined. You seem to melt into your partner, and a
romantic and idealistic time could be had in love now. You could be attracted
to all sorts of people, especially those who seem to rebel against what society
deems acceptable. Watch out because this person could take you for a ride, and
not in a good way. You have the danger of attracting someone who is already
involved romantically and get hurt.
May 21- June 20
Those in media and marketing
will benefit greatly now, as your ability to articulate and sell yourself is
heightened. Learning a language ay come easier now, and your desire for
communicating increases. On the negative side you may be prone to gossiping or
bragging, which won’t be well received, especially by superiors or colleagues.
Your belief in your ability to communicate could serve you well in boosting
your image or make people believe you’re an excessive talker. Don’t over think
or worry too much about your career, it is unnecessary.
June 21 - July 22
You have a longing for
communicating, most likely with family, for sharing your philosophical beliefs
and get away from idle chit chat. You may go on family trips now or on long
journeys, perhaps to some place historical or to ancestral lands. Be careful of
wanderlust though, as you may think of travelling as the remedy for any
emotional discontent. Emotional restless can happen now, as you crave new
environments, new experiences and foreign stimuli, but remember home is where
the heart is.
July 23 - August 22
You may uncover the
weaknesses in your image or ego this week Leo. Your insecurities about your
appearance or presentation may surface now. Your ability to create, self
expression and ability to be will be called into question, you will second
guess yourself and past experiences where you were hurt regarding these areas
are brought to the fore. You can use now to heal those wounds, are wallow in
self pity. A teacher in the guise of an older man most likely may be able to
help with these issues.
August 23 - September 22
You may feel critical and
dissatisfied with people now. You find fault with everything and be unhappy
with your health, work or daily routine. Your problems may seem bigger than
they actually are now and exaggeration is most certain. This perfectionist
mindset can help you to achieve goals and finish tasks you’ve neglected. Your
popularity at work and with your boss should be good now, but avoid arguments
and conflict at work at all costs, as you are very likely to communicate your
dissatisfaction. Your ability to communicate increases now, perhaps to an
excessive level.
September 23 - October 22
Sudden changes could happen
in your relationship now. You want to be close to and interact with your
partner now, but also want freedom at the same time. If your partner tries to
restrict you now you could rebel, or do something to shake things up. A break
up could be looming, or a sudden relationship starting, whatever it is your
relationship status could change. You will find yourself attracted to someone
different from your normal type, and your perceptions of beauty and taste could
change dramatically.
October 23 - November 21
You may decide to beautify
your workspace this week, and experience harmony at work. Your health and
routine may be put on the back burner as your appetite for sweet things
increases and so does your laziness. Your work environment could get hostile or
go under sudden changes. Shake ups and struggles may ensue, but you should be
able to avoid the mess if you remain flexible and detached. There is the
potential for a passionate love affair at work. Your health could also be
subject to this back and forth and disruptive energy. You may be called to make
radical changes with your health for the long term.
November 22 - December 21
Your lust for travel and
communicating are high now. Interactions with siblings and neighbors increase
now. Travelling, even in your daily life are enjoyable, and your studies are
successful. You may be speeding happily on the roads, enjoying cheerful and
abundant communication with others, with talks of travel and religion being the
main topics. You feel like this is the perfect time to plan that trip you’ve
always wanted to go on, finally go back to school, and learn that foreign
language. You feel content with your intellectual abilities. There is risk
however of overestimating yourself, be realistic.
December 22 - January 19
At home you could face some
strife. Arguing and sudden changes could happen. Your sense of worth and
security could be threatened now. Moving or foreclosures could be a concern,
along with fires. Your relationship with your mother or female family members
could involve some tension now, along with foggy relations with siblings and
neighbors. They could deceive you just as likely as you could deceive them. You
are more prone to lying now, or at least being unclear in your communication;
and also mental fogginess and lose of memory.
January 20 - February 18
You may display
uncharacteristic anger this week. Your communication is riddled with directness
and it may seem as if you’re using fighting words all the time. Your way of
communicating could insight anger and aggressive in others and your ability to
filter your words are diminished. You may experience road rage now, wanting to
move quickly and use your hands frantically when speaking. Relations with
siblings and neighbors could turn to anger, and at school children could find
yourself in the principal’s office because of a smart mouth.
February 19 - March 20
You feel a sense of
restriction now, and no matter what you do the feeling doesn’t subside. You
want to free yourself from this and maybe contemplating talking a trip, but are
finding it hard to fund it and time to go on the trip. You may seem overwhelmed
by responsibility, and going around aimlessly without direction. Despite this
sense of no direction and freedom, you have a strong belief in your
practicality and ability to see yourself through, remain focused. We wary of
authority figures, as you won’t be able to see clearly if they mean you good
and they may try to undermine you.
Adah Deveaux is an apprentice of Tametryo
Brown and Star Dates. She has been been practicing astrology since she
was 12 years old and has since made it her career path.
Tametryo Brown has been studying Astrology for over 10 years. His
company Stardates Global is dedicated to helping people find their soul
mates through self discovery and the science of astrology. He runs a
Stardating company in Nassau, Bahamas. His knowledge of astrology and
human personalities go beyond his age. His scientific predictions have
touched the lives of many across his homeland and abroad. Tametyro is
also a certified hypnotherapist from the Hypnosis Medical Institution/
American Hypnosis Association (HMI/AHA) where he still continues to
further his studies in hypnosis. He has helped many clients realize
their life's purpose. He can be reached stardatesbh@gmail.com Phone: