
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2017 - 1:45:37 AM |

March 21 - April 19
were making and executing plans in order to change and improve your
financial situation. You were making great progress and aggressively
trying to acquire more wealth and possessions. However, this week
continues a recent period that you are facing of having your plans
blocked and not making much progress despite your hard work. Your
fortunes could be reversed by way of impulse buying, perhaps by someone
other than yourself or even theft! Allow the frustration to propel you
to keep going when the going gets rough.
April 20 - May 20
it time to get a new car? Make up with a sibling? Finally take that
weekend trip that you've been neglecting or perhaps fill out an
application for a job? Whatever you've failed to do now is the time to
correct it. Now you are moving into a critical time that your actions
could determine your future growth or success or you may stay where you
are and lose out during this time that is prompting you to go forth
along the shaky road of change. If you make yourself uncomfortable and
do the thing that is hard, you would have made the right choice.
May 21- June 20
ruler Mercury turns retrograde this week, so when communicating dot
your I's and cross your T's. You could misrepresent yourself now and not
even realize it. You think back on how you speak and how you show
yourself to the world. You could have many mishaps in conversation and
fumble or find yourself lost for words. You are not as sure of yourself
and your word. Perhaps now is a good time to think of a PR campaign for
yourself to have a coming out party of the new you later on in June when
Mercury goes direct again.
June 21 - July 22
week is centred on your career. You could face a sudden change there
this week, for better or worse, although you may say worse. You may
receive a pay cut or something may happen that messes with your
finances. This is a short term thing and you should recover with the
planet of luck moving through your money house. You may face obstacles
or blockages in your financial plans and have to push hard to make
progress, this may be related to something dealing with your career or
business partnership, don't give up, this too shall pass.
July 23 - August 22
may not feel as confident and sure of yourself as at other times. This
may be due to feelings of doubt or a downright gloomy mood. You are also
likely to face obstacles and challenges now which help to reinforce
this self doubt, however, recognise them for what they are, a reflection
of your internal state. You are the cause of this blockage in your
life, get to the bottom of your feelings, eradicate them, and you will
see your situation improve.
August 23 - September 22
ruler turns retrograde this week in your career sector. This can be a
real damper to your increased popularity in the public sphere. Lately
you've been saying the right things at the right times and people are
hungry for your words, but this could all change starting this week. You
may have to think before you speak and access your words because you
could slip up and have to do some damage control. Now is good to start
thinking about how you want to present yourself and any adjustments that
need to be made.
October 23 - November 21
week you will be given the opportunity for growth or change. You may be
faced with a situation that if you take the higher road you could be
going down a path of expansion or you decide to play the game as you've
always and stay stuck where you are. The choice is yours: stick with the
familiar or venture out into the unknown. Change is never comfortable
or easy but neither is where you are. This could take place in the area
dealing with career and public image, what do you need to do to further
your career?
You feel like being in the background
now, not really a time for socializing. You would much rather spend
time probing the mysterious of life and getting intimate with yourself
or a loved one. The occult may appeal to you now, or anything dark and
deep. Your finances are also centre stage and you could spend more time
in banks or thinking about your debt, inheritances etc. You could
experience a rethinking of this area of your life also, perhaps coming
up with a new savings plan.
November 22 - December 21
are in a period of good fortune now. Your ruler is making a favorable
aspect to uranus, planet of sudden surprises. You could experience a
windfall, a sudden stroke of luck that bestows upon you abundant good
fortune. Any changes that happen in your life now should prove
favorable, and you might be surprised by the opportunities you receive.
Now doesn't require you to put yourself out there too much, but instead
have faith in the impossible.
December 22 - January 19
week still feels like a test of your will, however the bonds holding
you down won't feel as intense. Your period of seemingly unrelentess
blockage is starting to ease. Take the lessons that you have learned at
this time of patience, perseverance and determination and use this to
further your aims when your in a period more conducive to growth. Devise
your plans now as it is still not a good time to act particularly with
Mercury about to go retrograde.
January 20 - February 18
week will be about siblings and communication. You may experience an
unexpected event at work or have a unique opportunity regarding your day
job. Your emotional state could be unpredictable or erratic now and you
are interested in talking about unique things or learning unusual
things. Your mother and female siblings could be unreliable this week or
they may engage in behaviour that surprises you. Because change and
erraticism are Aquarian traits you find this week very lively and
exciting, or should I say boring?
February 19 - March 20
could face difficulties with your siblings. Perhaps you suffer from
miscommunication and most conversations end in confusion or pointing
fingers or you don't get to see them as much as you would like and all
plans involving them end in frustrations because they never pan out.
This is annoying for you as you are currently facing a time of confusion
which is painful and you need as much support as possible. Expect more
miscommunication with family from here on out as Mercury is about to
retrograde in your house of family.
Adah Deveaux is an apprentice of Tametryo
Brown and Star Dates. She has been been practicing astrology since she
was 12 years old and has since made it her career path.
Tametryo Brown has been studying Astrology for over 10 years. His
company Stardates Global is dedicated to helping people find their soul
mates through self discovery and the science of astrology. He runs a
Stardating company in Nassau, Bahamas. His knowledge of astrology and
human personalities go beyond his age. His scientific predictions have
touched the lives of many across his homeland and abroad. Tametyro is
also a certified hypnotherapist from the Hypnosis Medical Institution/
American Hypnosis Association (HMI/AHA) where he still continues to
further his studies in hypnosis. He has helped many clients realize
their life's purpose. Website:
com and twitter page:www.twitter.com/
stardatesbh Reach us at stardatesbh@gmail.com Phone:

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