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The Chamber Institute Presents: "Integrated Pest Management (IPM)"
Apr 19, 2010 - 11:28:24 AM

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Nassau, Bahamas - Integrated Pest Management (IPM) sounds like such a big term, but you can break some of this term down to, “good bugs vs. bad bugs.”

The Bahamas Landscape Association (BLA) is sharing this valuable information with all interested landscapers and gardeners – how to keep the bad bugs away from your plants, in the workshop on IPM – Good Bugs & Bad Bugs. The workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Chris Hayes (BioWorks, Inc.) and Suzanne Wainwright-Evans (“the bug lady”) speaking on common pest problems in the landscape. Two workshops are being held on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at the British Colonial Hilton from 9am to 12noon and then from 1pm to 4pm with lunch served in-between – all for a good price.

The BLA is a group that represents individuals, associations, clubs and businesses involved in the nursery, landscape maintenance, landscape installation, irrigation, pest management, arboriculture, and horticulture & floriculture professions in the Bahamas. The BLA is dedicated to bringing its membership together to improve the standard of education, performance, quality and public awareness of the Green Industries in the Bahamas.

For further information and registration for this exciting workshop (who wouldn’t want to know how to defeat the “bad bugs”) please contact The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce at 322-2145 or email Russ Abrams at rabrams@thebahamaschamber.com with any questions.

Click here to download registration form.

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