Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |
Even if it could be proved that Jesus was not raised from the dead, I would still believe wholeheartedly in Him as the Christ, One with God Almighty.
Resurrection is, for me, something that takes place today, in the here and now, or it doesn’t take place at all; it is more a state of mind and being than it is historic fact. In reality, I’ve often seen, felt and touched the resurrection of Christ in the lives and relationships of believers and sometimes, even would-be believers.
May it be known that I do recite and entirely believe words of the historic Apostles’ Creed extoling The Holy Spirit; The holy Catholic [Universal] Church; The Communion of Saints; The Forgiveness of sins; The Resurrection of the body; And life everlasting. But I also believe that the true and living God of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, accepts the doubting-Thomas aspect of my personality. I concur with Tennyson who said: There lies more faith in honest doubt than in half the creeds.
Even if it could be demonstrated that Jesus was not raised from the dead 2000 years ago, still I would believe in Him and trust him to save me in all the ways that salvation manifests itself for me – spiritually, mentally, intellectually, emotionally, yes even physically.
Contrary to the treatise of The Apostle Paul’s First Letter to The Corinthians, chapter 15, v.14-19, if Christ be not raised my preaching and faith are not useless or futile, neither is this life hopeless, my sins not un-forgiven nor ought I to be pitied. Even if Christ be not raised, Jesus is still, in the words of the hymn, “the world to me”.
If it could be proved that the resurrection of the historic Jesus was all a hoax, I would believe still in the Christ of faith. Yet would I embrace with fidelity His words as found in John 8:31f: If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
If Jesus the Christ be not raised, to whom shall I go? Shall it be Buddha, Muhammad, Abraham, Confucius, The Inner Self? I think not. Lord to whom shall we go? Enquires Simon Peter of Jesus. To which he replies, rhetorically: You have the words of eternal life.
Even if Christ be nor raised I would remain true to His saving – though imperfectly recorded - words, recorded in the gospels by deeply inspired yet fallible human beings. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John would continue for me as essential reading material, daily meditated upon and adhered to with the help of the Spirit of God. I would still attempt, dutifully, faithfully and joyously, day by day, to live out the tenets of the Matthew Chapter Five Beatitudes, as a practicing member and disciple of the religion of Jesus in God’s kingdom, come on earth in the lives of human beings. I would still believe in the power of crucifixion-love, the power of redemptive-suffering, the unmatched power of forgiveness; the power of the cross – all taught and lived-out uniquely by Jesus of Nazareth, the human life of God. I would still believe that the greatest triple force for good and kindness in life are faith, hope and love. If Christ be not raised from the dead I would seek still to live by faith and not by sight.
Even if there came forth persuasive proof that Christ be not raised from the dead, His life-saving, tested and tried, immortal words, would still inspire me. Words such as these: Jesus said: The greatest commandment of all is this – You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And the second is like the first [arises out of the first], you must love your neighbor as you love yourself. Everything in life hinges on these two commandments (Matthew 22:34-38).
The wonderful words of life, the words and Word of Jesus, would still save. Everything else, including resurrection of the body and life everlasting, is for me an incredible, undeserved and unexpected bonus.
Resurrection aside, Jesus, Lord and Savior, is far beyond all others, the greatest, unmatched figure ever to walk the face of the earth. He it is who has given humankind and human civilization very many words and acts of truth and loving-kindness. He it is who, supremely, has taught us how to work, play and pray together as brothers and sisters all: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Even if there came convincing evidence to disprove the resurrection, still would I humbly hold fast the words of Jesus recorded in John 20:29, to a now believing Thomas: Blessed [Happy] are those who have not seen me with their own eyes, and yet believe in me.
About the author:
Dr Colin Archer is
an ordained Christian Minister and Psycho-theologian, who at an early
age he realized a keen sensitivity for the poor, homeless and
dispossessed in relation to church and society. He served as
Psychotherapist at a psychiatric hospital in Nassau, Bahamas for many
years. He is the founding president of The Bahamas
Council on Alcoholism, later establishing a half-way house for
recovering victims of alcohol abuse and a home for battered women
through Methodist Community & Church Ministries.
He is currently the Author of five (5)
books, due to launch his sixth book, Foundation 7 Formation, due to be
released in Spring of 2013. www.investinginbeinghuman.com

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