Copenhagen plays everyday from May 8-14th at 6:30 pm
Q+A scheduled with producers on Tuesday April 12th.
Wild Tales plays everyday from May 8th-14th at 8:45 PM
As storytellers, I think we are all obsessed with the absurdity of life. As Bahamians we are also obsessed with it; it is in our facebook posts “Chile, you wouldn’t believe…” and in our homes “ Guess what happened to me tonight dread...” Absurdity saves us from boredom. If there ever was a day where nothing extraordinary happened there would be nothing for us to talk about. This week at The Island House Cinema we have two films but, there is one film in particular that takes absurdity to a brand new level- one of my favorite films of the year—the Academy Award nominated Wild Tales.
The Cannes Film
Festival website it describes Wild Tales as "Vulnerable before a reality that can suddenly be
modified and become unpredictable, the characters of Wild Tales cross the thin
line that divides civilization from brutality. A story about love deception,
the return of the past, a tragedy, or even the violence contained in an
everyday detail, appear themselves to push them towards the abyss, into the
undeniable pleasure of losing control.
A year and a
half ago I was accepted into the Cine Qua Non screenwriters Lab in Mexico to
work on the script for Cargo. The town where we had the lab was Tzintuzan, a
lovely town four hours south of Mexico City and in the mountains. There was no
television and in order to check your e-mails, you had to walk 30 minutes down
the mountain to a café. It was in
this magical place I met Mauro Mueller a student Academy award winning
filmmaker, brilliant writer and the producer of the Slamdance Award winning film
Copenhagen tells the story of the
immature William who after weeks of traveling through Europe finds himself at a
crossroads in Copenhagen. Not just another European city, Copenhagen is also
the birthplace of his father. When the youthful Effy befriends the older
William they set off on an adventure to find William’s grandfather. Effy’s mix
of youthful exuberance and wisdom challenges William unlike any woman ever has.
As the attraction builds and William truly connects with someone for the first
time in his life, he must come to grips with destabilizing elements of his
family’s sordid past.
Copenhagen plays
everyday from May 8-14th at
6:30 pm
Q+A scheduled
with producers on Tuesday April 12th.
Wild Tales plays
everyday from May 8th-14th at
8:45 PM
must be made at The Island House at 242.698.6300
Email: cinema@the-island-house.com
About the author: Kareem
Mortimer is an award winning filmmaker and artist who has completed
several films including
Children of God, Wind Jammers, Passage, Float
and The
Eleutheran Adventure. He is the President of the production
company Best Ever Film and is the curator of the film program at The
Island House Cinema, a boutique 48 seat theater in Western New
Providence dedicated to showcasing the best in independent, foreign,
art, Caribbean and Bahamian film. He is also in development of the
feature film Cargo.