I have long joked that one would never have to worry about me being
in anyway affiliated with left-wing Muslim groups, because there is
no way on this sweet earth that I could ever, ever, ever stop eating
Pork! Ok, ok, I jest, but I mean seriously, is there anything
more delicious? From crisp and chewy, perfectly marbled bacon, to golden
seared and juicy stuffed Pork Loin, to the Holy Grail of them all, succulent
braised Pork Belly! How can you resist it?
Mmmmmmm, Pork Belly! Is there
anything better? That perfect blend of salt, fat and tender sweet meat
blending together oh so perfectly, into one foodgasmic bite. Excuse
me while I wipe my tears of JOY! And pork in its leaner forms is actually
quite good for you. There are lots of cuts that can be incorporated
into a very healthy diet, particularly if you are trying to avoid “red”
meat. Pork Belly is a decadent food item for sure, not to be eaten every
day, lest you are particularly interested in double bypass heart surgery.
However, the occasional indulgence is not only necessary, it should be
Why encouraged you might ask? Think about it; is there any animal
more versatile than the pig? I mean when it comes to sustainable living
it seems that the pig would be right up there at the top of the list.
Almost all of the pig can be used as food. Beyond the obvious cuts
above there are also all the delicious specialty meats such as sausage,
bacon, ham, skin into scratching or rinds and feet into trotters. Even
the head is used to make a delicious meat jelly called head cheese.
The liver, heart, chitterlings and blood are put to good use also, in
a number of good ways from pate to blood pudding. And the bones can
clearly be roasted for marrow and to make stock. I mean really-- there
is nothing left to waste! Even the ears can be eaten and if that sounds
disgusting to you I’m sure your dog would seriously beg to differ!

Pigs have inherited this horrible stigma of being filthy animals that
are susceptible to disease due to their eating habits. People seem turned
off by the fact that pigs eat just about anything including other pigs.
But I mean can you blame them— even they know they’re delicious!
But the truth is intensive pig farming regulations have made pigs just
as safe to consume as just about any livestock that is farmed these
days. It is certainly at least as safe as chicken, which face it... everybody
eats without so much as a second thought.
Over the years rules and regulations
through Food handling programs around the world, such as the FDA have
minimized the risk that there is with contaminated meat. The larger
issue at hand is the way in which meat is prepared before service. In
other words leaving meat out at the wrong temperature, under cooking
meat or consuming old meat is where the real risk of food related illness
lies. Even beyond that, Pork is still considered one of the safest meat
options. In prior times Trichinosis was the disease that most people
were concerned about when it came to Pork products. However, over the
years through drug programs such as vitamins and antibiotics being administered
preemptively, these concerns have been diminished. Contrary to the common
belief, hormones and steroids are not used for growth measures in swine
facilities. U
nless you are talking about home farmed non regulated pig meat, disease
risk has become almost nonexistent. In fact, Seafood, Beef and Poultry
all have a higher risk of inherent disease/ contamination than Pork,
and yet we eat those with far less scorn and judgment.
I say it’s time to erase that stigma from our social society. Remove
the scarlet
P, which plagues its
reputation. Embrace our four legged bristly friends, with open minds
and stomachs. I intend to continue to do my part, one delicious strip
of bacon at a time, and I encourage you to do the same. So the next time
you refer to someone or something as being
Filthy as a Pig, take a moment and ponder,
perhaps a Chicken or a Cow may be a far more suitable comparison.
About the author:
Maurisa Glinton is a Grand Bahamian native. She is an Entrepreneur,
Chef and Writer. She has a B.A. in Psychology and Writing, as well as
Diplomas in Culinary Arts and Culinary Management. She is a Festival
Noel winner and the Head Chef/ Owner of
Butterfly Catering Services
Evidence of her passion for food and its surrounding culture comes across
clearly in her cooking and her writing. Maurisa is also the writer of
her own Food Blog,
Mo Truth
. Maurisa currently
resides in Nassau and can be reached at
. You can also follow her on Twitter as