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Engaged Rotarians work to change lives: Teen pregnancy programme tops agenda
By Precision Media
Jul 18, 2013 - 1:07:17 PM

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Nassau, Bahamas - Fired up over the start of a new Rotary year, the executive team of the Rotary Club of South East Nassau (RCSEN) is moving to expand a programme geared towards lowering the rate of teenage pregnancy in The Bahamas.
"Baby Think it Over involves giving computerised dolls to male and female students to take home for the weekend. These high-tech dolls require feeding, bathing and changing. They also cry, smile, etc. The students then have to write an essay about their experiences," explained new club president, Rema Martin.
The Rotary Club of South East Nassau President Rema Martin and her team of officers were installed in a ceremony last month. The new executive team began functioning as of July 1. Topping the club's list of ongoing initiatives is "Baby Think it Over," a programme designed to lower the rate of teen pregnancy. Seated (left to right): Delmaro Duncombe, Timothy Ingraham, Ms Martin, Rochelle Wilkinson (past president), Godfrey Bethell and Colin Jupp. Standing (left to right): Bruno Pletscher, Peter Goudie, Johann Bain, Jamaal Davis, Thomas Duff, Armin Wernli, Sean Blyden, Rishad Bain, Roger Kelty and Kevin Burrows. Photo courtesy Rotarian Azaleta Ishmael-Newry.

Once the information is downloaded, coordinators can determine whether the baby was well cared for, whether it died, cried excessively, starved, or was left unattended for long periods. The information is reported to the student.
"The aim is to reduce the level of teen pregnancy. To date, with the help of many corporate sponsors and the Rotary Foundation, our club has invested over $50,000 in the programme," said Ms Martin.
She and her team of officers were installed in a ceremony last month. The new executive team began functioning as of July 1, the start of the new Rotary year.
"Our goal this year is to embrace the new theme from Rotary International President, Ron Burton, which is 'Engage Rotary, Change Lives,'" said Ms Martin.
In the coming weeks, members of RCSEN will partner with the Bahamas National Trust in a national park clean-up initiative.
Work has also begun on the launch of a healthy lifestyles campaign in partnership with the public and private sectors. The roll-out date is tentatively set for the fourth quarter of this year.
"We are committed to ensuring that members of the Rotary Club of Southeast Nassau continue to participate, contribute and make an actual difference in our community, changing the lives of others. In doing so, we realize the change in ourselves," said Ms Martin.
"Rotary will be evident in the work we do in the community. It is our expectation to bring our planned projects to fruition and we trust these projects have a long term impact on our community as we endeavor to change lives by engaging Rotary."
Other long-running RCSEN initiatives include work with the Naomi Christie Senior Citizens Home and The Robert Smith Ward at the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre. The club also assists with the delivery of food to disadvantaged families and continues to assist Rotary International in the global fight to eradicate Polio.

A major source of funding for all initiatives is the club's annual steak-out set for August 10, on the grounds of Club Waterloo. The event runs from noon to 5pm.

The club holds a 75 minute meeting every Wednesday afternoon at East Villa Restaurant, beginning at 12:45. Meetings are open to members of the public.

RCSEN was chartered on July 19, 1976, and was established under the leadership of Sir Durward Knowles.

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