[L-R: Deallo Christie, RCOF Community Service Chair; Deidree Bain, RCOF Past President; Bain Town residents; Heleina McCartney, RCOF Member; Shanley Toote, RCOF Past President; Derek Smith Jr, RCOF President]
Nassau, Bahamas - On Christmas Eve, the Rotary Club of Old Fort (RCOF) distributed nearly 300 gifts to children and families in the Bain Town community. Some gifts were delivered directly to families at their homes while others were distributed to children gathered at various sites around the community.
The gift distribution was planned as the Club’s final community service effort of 2019, a year that has been packed full of service initiatives including supporting families evacuated from Abaco and Grand Bahama after Hurricane Dorian. One of the Club’s core programmes, STEM Saturdays, an enrichment programme for students at Gambier Primary School, also recently wrapped for the holidays and will resume in January.
RCOF President Derek Smith Jr. described the gift giveaway as another example of RCOF’s commitment to positively impacting The Bahamas, even outside of the western community: “We were happy to bring holiday cheer to the children of Bain Town this Christmas season. Seeing the smiles on the children’s faces as they received the gifts was a great reminder of the real reason for the festive season! In 2020, we plan to increase our impact by developing new and exciting community initiatives while continuing our signature programmes.”
Through various non-profit and corporate partnerships, RCOF’s impact in the community has continued to grow since the Club was established in 2015. Cable Bahamas Group recently joined the Club as a corporate partner and the Club has ongoing partnerships with the Bahamas Feeding Network, Project Limestone and The Salvation Army. RCOF also sponsors an Interact Club at Lyford Cay International School and an Early-Act Club at St John’s College.
Persons interested in learning more about membership or corporate partnerships with the Rotary Club of Old Fort can visit the Club’s website (https://portal.clubrunner.ca/12520) or Facebook page (www.facebook.com/rotaryoldfort/).

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