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Bahamian Politics Last Updated: Dec 12, 2018 - 4:15:21 PM

DNA: Government must address report on mass mail shredding
By Buscheme Armbrister - DNA
Dec 12, 2018 - 4:07:21 PM

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    -Report is troubling and Unsettling
    -Minister must report to the nation
    -Still no comprehensive plan for postal system
    -Officials must be held accountable

On the heels of the controversial leasing of the Town Centre Mall from a company in which a sitting Cabinet Minister is a major shareholder, the Government finds itself amid another controversy. According to the President of the Bahamas Public Service Union, the General Post Office has engaged in a mass shredding of mails belonging to individuals, businesses and organizations.

It is further disturbing that the Minister responsible for the postal system in the country seems unaware of this reckless action or is unwilling to comment on this important issue. The Bahamian people have endured months of unreliable, ineffective and inefficient service from the postal system due to a lack of vision or gross incompetence by our political leaders.

We are hopeful that these allegations are untrue. The implications of the mass destruction of mails without the consent of the intended recipients are far reaching. The Government should be aware that individuals and organizations depend on their mails for personal communication, important transactions and statutory notices. Hence, the interception and shredding of mails could negatively impact people’s lives and commerce in our nation.

The Minister responsible for the postal system must address the nation on this matter without delay. A thorough investigation should be commissioned, and the findings released to the public forthwith. Regrettably, the Bahamian people have lost confidence in the ability of this Government to hold themselves and public officials accountable for their actions.

The Bahamian people are being subject to poor governance under an administration that is alien to transparency and accountability. Conflicts of interest and blatant corruption has become acceptable to a party that promised openness on the campaign trail. While we await a comprehensive plan for the postal system in The Bahamas, we can only hope that more of our mails are not being destroyed.

Buscheme Armbrister

DNA Spokesperson for Transport & Aviation

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