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Bahamian Politics Last Updated: Oct 8, 2020 - 11:40:54 AM

DNA Leader: COVID response puts Nation in Peril
By Arinthia S. Komolafe
Oct 7, 2020 - 7:22:54 PM

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  •     PM handling of pandemic has been disastrous
  •     Poor decisions and enforcement at root of spike
  •     Continued surge is major threat to tourism
  •     Our economic and social recovery in peril
  •     Governance crisis and poor planning hurting nation

The Prime Minister's speech today was sobering. The presentation highlighted the obvious and drew attention to a leader that has fumbled through the worst national crisis in our generation. It was sad to watch the Competent Authority face the nation without a comprehensive plan that enables us to coexist with COVID-19. Instead, a continuous cycle of opening, closing, relaxing and restricting has become the government’s preferred approach.

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) acknowledges the magnitude of the challenges we face as a nation. However, it is clear that poor decisions and a lack of enforcement are at the root of the current spike in COVID-19 cases since the ill-advised July 1 reopening of our borders. Simply put, a governance crisis and poor planning have put us in a precarious position.

The PM's handling of this pandemic has been disastrous and has put our economic and social recovery in peril. The botched reopening and failure to strengthen our public healthcare system makes our jurisdiction unattractive to visitors. Our people are weary, tired and discouraged due to the lack of preparation, coordination and direction by the Competent Authority. This trial and error approach is hurting our people, businesses and our country.

There is no way around an effective testing, tracing and tracking system supported by proper enforcement of the Emergency Order. We implore the government to review the extensive recommendations of the DNA which could have prevented the missteps made to date had they been implemented. We also encourage Bahamians to adhere to the health and safety protocols to save lives and livelihoods. We will get through this together.

The mental, emotional and financial wellbeing of our people must remain a priority during this difficult time. We must be our brothers' and sisters' keeper knowing that the Lord is our helper and a present help in time of trouble.

Arinthia S. Komolafe


Democratic National Alliance

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