Last Updated: May 12, 2021 - 11:13:24 AM |
Ten years ago, a beacon of hope in Bahamian politics symbolized by the Lighthouse emerged. The political landscape of our nation was altered with the formation of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) and the fight for the fulfillment of the second part of the Quiet Revolution was set in motion. The road has not been easy but we have persevered, taken the blows, learned the lessons and strengthened our Party in the midst of systemic obstacles.
One decade later, the DNA remains the hope for real change within our Bahamaland. Indeed through many dangers, toils and snares we have already come. Our faith in the Bahamian people has not wavered and our belief in the empowerment of all Bahamians remains unshaken. We remain resolute in our stance that the true emancipation of our country from our colonial past and vestiges is a must. We must transition from the parliamentary monarchy into a Republic. There must be the decentralization of government that will put more power in the hands of the people.
Our good governance platform will ensure that corruption is addressed at its root. Transparency and accountability will no longer be political rhetoric or slogan but will become the new norm. The DNA's revolutionary plans for political, social and economic reforms will usher in the New Bahamas. We are committed to ensuring that our nation is positioned for prosperity in the 21st century.
The era of cronyism, nepotism and political victimization will come to an end under the DNA government. Bahamians will no longer receive contracts or appointments due to their party colors but based on their own merit. More importantly, the only colors that will matter and qualify people for opportunities in the Modern Bahamas will be the Aquamarine, Gold and Black.
The fight of our generation is against an oppressive system controlled by oligarchic interests and political aristocracy. This is why the establishment and special interest groups fear the rise of the DNA to power in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. We vow not to retreat, surrender or rest until the wealth is common within our commonwealth. On this occasion of our 10th anniversary, we salute the visionaries and nation builders who helped to birth the DNA. We acknowledge their sacrifice and contributions to our great Party.
As we prepare for our third general elections, we call on all Bahamians to join us in the fight for the soul of our nation and be a part of the team of freedom fighters called to usher in change that makes sense. The journey has not been easy but we see the light at the end of the tunnel. We look up to God, our help in ages past and our hope in years to come. We march on confident that victory is on the horizon.
Happy 10th Anniversary!
Arinthia S. Komolafe
Democratic National Alliance

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