Last Updated: Jan 29, 2021 - 9:29:40 AM |
These are unprecedented times in our nation’s history and the challenges we face are great. Our people continue to face hardship in the face of a global pandemic that has altered our lives. The children of our nation have been dealt a bad hand in the midst of this health crisis.
The Minister of Education has had enough time to put the necessary infrastructure in place for the education of our children since a state of emergency was declared in March 2020. Unfortunately, there are still quite a number of students unable to get on the Ministry of Education's online learning platform. It has been sad to watch the back and forth, blame game and finger pointing in the media.
February 1st, 2021 was initially set as the date on which face to face instruction would commence only for this decision to be reversed at the last minute. We must find unconventional but effective ways for our children to receive their education. As access to the internet is pivotal to virtual learning, a national Wi-Fi initiative should be implemented to enable all students access the learning portal.
The Minister must work in conjunction with our teachers as partners for the sake of our nation’s future. Pride, feelings and ego must be set aside for the common good and focus must be placed on innovative ideas to move our education system forward.
Our children are suffering with regards to their education and the uncertainty is frustrating to all. Confidence in the Ministry of Education is diminishing with every passing day. We trust that there will be proper planning including hybrid arrangements like home and virtual schooling, different schedules for groups of children, implementation of health and safety protocols and adequate personal protective equipment for teachers will be put in place prior to resumption of face to face learning.
Hillary Deveaux
Provisional Candidate
Elizabeth Constituency
Democratic National Alliance

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