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Bahamian Politics Last Updated: Mar 21, 2020 - 6:45:54 AM

FNM Calls on PLP leadership to join the fight. stop political posturing
By Free National Movement
Mar 20, 2020 - 5:42:51 PM

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The Free National Movement issued the following statement regarding Brave Davis’ response to the battle our country is fighting against COVID-19:

“As the Prime Minister yesterday invoked emergency powers and announced several precautionary measures to aid in the prevention of widespread infection and contagion in The Bahamas – working to unite the country in this fight – the PLP as if on cue launched into a misguided attempt to insert partisan politics into the growing crisis. 

“The PLP should listen to the calls of the people who have made it clear that now is not the time for political games. The health, livelihood and economic wellbeing of our citizens are at stake. Many families are fearful of what is to come. With the prospects of our tourism product appearing bleak, and a possible $1 billion hit to the overall economy, the only thing rushed and extremely unnecessary is the political posturing flowing from the PLP leadership.

“Bahamians are encouraged by the leadership of the Prime Minister, who is continuing to be proactive in his approach to battling the pandemic. His medical background and experience have been reassuring to the public. These are indeed difficult times and more tough decisions will have to be made as we go along. However, the swift steps and action the Government is taking, as well as the much-needed economic stimuli being put in place, and plans to implement expansionary fiscal policies in the immediate future to cushion the blow to our economy are reassuring to the public. 

“Among the many assistance measures to address this crisis, the Government has allocated $4 million in food assistance for displaced workers directly impacted by the virus. These food assistance vouchers will be targeted primarily to people within the hospitality industry facing reduced workweeks.

“The Government is also allocating $10 million to provide for a temporary unemployment benefit for self-employed people working in the tourism industry, such as straw vendors, tour operators, taxi drivers and Jet Ski operators.

“We thank our healthcare professionals for their brave work in this fight. They are sacrificing to help make us all safer.
“We encourage Brave Davis and his PLP to do away with the political gamesmanship in this critical time and stand with the rest of the country in fighting a battle that is about our everyday lives because Bahamians deserve nothing less from their elected leaders.”

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