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News : Bahamas Information Services Updates Last Updated: Aug 20, 2020 - 2:50:38 AM

MOSSUD hosts men’s health webinar as part of efforts to keep families safe during COVID-19
By Matt Maura
Aug 19, 2020 - 8:46:09 PM

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Nassau, The Bahamas – Men’s Health experts - psychological, social and physical well-being - from across New Providence recently participated in a two-day Webinar that was hosted by the Male Desk of the Department of Gender and Family Affairs, Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development (MOSSUD).

The Webinar was one in a series of offerings the Ministry and its many Departments and Divisions have undertaken to help facilitate the well-being of families during the COVID-19 Pandemic, and in the aftermath of the monster storm, Hurricane Dorian, in 2019. It followed on the heels of a Psychological Well-Being Seminar series for women, co-sponsored by the National Women’s Advisory Council, The Bahamas Psychological Association, and the Department of Gender and Family Affairs.

Held under the theme: “Men at a Crossroad-COVID-19, Let’s Have a Conversation,” the discussions explored the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on men as providers and protectors of the home and the family; what recourse men can take to protect and provide for their families during the Pandemic, and addressed the resources available to men to assist them in overcoming whatever challenges they may be facing, in addition to other “non-COVID-19 matters.”

Delivering the Opening Statement, Minister of Social Services and Urban Development, the Hon. Frankie A. Campbell, said the event was being held at a time “when families, which are the foundation of our society, are being tested” as a result of the negative impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

“I have been taught that men are the Priests, the Providers and the Protectors of the family structure and as such, those of us who take that responsibility seriously, are challenged whenever there is a situation that may impede our ability to carry out those functions,” Minister Campbell said. “Some of us react differently; some of us go into a shell; some of us take it out on the very same persons that we are supposed to be providing for and protecting, and unless there is a coherent and deliberate attempt to face that challenge head-on and try to find the best possible way of addressing it; to find the best possible way of making the necessary adjustments, there is that likelihood that things could go wrong.

“It is my hope that as we have these discussions, that our Bahamian men will have an opportunity to find outlets; that they will have an opportunity to realize that there are resources available to them to ensure that they are able to come out on the other side of this pandemic better off than they went in, so that the family structure will remain as strong as it ought to be, as strong as it needs to be, for us to continue to have that strong, resilient, Bahamian society. We are stronger, together.”

Minister Campbell told his listening audience that men find it easier, more often than not, to speak to their peers who are “likeminded.” He said that is one of the reasons why some stop at various places on the way home to congregate and participate in discussions.

“Often though, the advice that is given in those environments, is not necessarily the advice that is needed to address their problems.”


The Social Services Minister said discussions such as the ones that took place during the Webinar - which brought together men possessing the expertise to help guide other men through any crisis they may be experiencing - and other discussions that have been hosted by the Male Desk - were critical to ensuring that men across The Bahamas receive the best, most professional advice they can get.

“So here we are with a group of professionals who, because of their study, because of their dedication and life experiences, are able to share with each other and the wider community of Bahamian men, those things that could be employed to address the situations that some of us are facing as men,” Minister Campbell said.

“It is only when the entire family structure is strengthened that families, as a whole, will be able to withstand whatever trauma, whatever adversity, they are facing,” Minister Campbell added.

The webinar, was facilitated Live over Guardian Radio via the “Z Live” Radio Talk Show and its host Mr. Zhivargo Laing. Guest presenters and panelists included: Mr. Kellen Russell, Director, Urban Renewal Commission, Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development; Dr. Delon Brennen, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health and one of the key medical experts in the country’s fight against COVID-19; Mr. Vicente Roberts, Associate Professor, University of The Bahamas Health Services; Dr. Chaswell Hanna, Superintendent of Police, Royal Bahamas Police Force, and Dr. Anthony Hamilton, President, Civil Society Bahamas and a Commissioner with the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities.

Other guest presenters/panelists were: Mr. David Williams, Founder of Uplifting Men Ministries and Programme Director for Prison Fellowship Bahamas; Mr. Terrance Bethel, President, International Men’s Day Bahamas; Mr. Mandel Miller, Men’s Health Initiative, Policy and Planning Unit, Ministry of Health and Mr. Henry Johnson, Programme Coordinator, Male Desk, Department of Gender and Family Affairs.

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