Last Updated: May 23, 2022 - 2:50:49 PM |
Nassau, The Bahamas – The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture will host its annual Summer Youth Employment Programme in New Providence and Grand Bahama, to run from Monday, 4th July to Friday, 29th July, 2022. Young persons will be employed as Camp Aides (ages 15-17), participate in Youth and Culture Apprenticeships (ages 15 to 25) or serve as summer students in our Corporate Placement programme (ages 15 to 25).
The New Providence programme is only accepting online applications, whereas the Grand Bahama programme will still utilizes paper application forms.
All forms must be completed in full. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applications open today, Monday, 23rd May and closes Monday, 6th June, 2022, or before, if programme is fully subscribed.
The following required supporting documents must be uploaded / submitted with the application form: 1. Current passport-sized Photograph; 2. Current Police Certificate (18 and over); 3. Copy of National Insurance Card; 4. Copy of data pages of a valid Passport, Birth Certificate or Registered Affidavit; 5. Copy of College / University Identification Card (if applicable); 6. Copies of all education certifications and documents (listed in Section 2); 7. Personal banking information (bank name, branch, account number. Please note that it is extremely important that bank information cards are submitted, otherwise application will not be accepted. Bank account holder must be in the name of the applicant. A resume must also be submitted for the Corporate Placement Programme.
New Providence applicants can access the online application form via
https://www.cognitoforms.com/MOYSC1/_2022MOYSCSUMMERYOUTHEMPLOYMENTA PPLICATIONFORM or https://bit.ly/moyscsyep2022 or QR code

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