Last Updated: Feb 13, 2017 - 1:45:37 AM |
Nassau, Bahamas - The following is a statement by the Hon. Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration at a Press conference prior to departure to OAS General Assembly:
1st June 2014
Tomorrow I will depart with a foreign service team to the annual General Assembly meeting of the Organization of American States in Asuncion, Paraguay. I return to the country for Labour Day.
The conference is the annual get together of Ministers of Foreign Affairs from across the hemisphere. It includes every country in the hemisphere except Cuba.
This will be the occasion for us to brief colleague ministers on the most recent developments here in The Bahamas with regard to the recent allegations of the recording of Bahamian mobile phone calls by the United States.
There is to be a meeting between the two sides on this matter and it is my hope that some satisfactory answers will be obtained at that meeting.
An officer within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been tasked by the Permanent Secretary to gather all the pertinent information that we can about the history of this matter and the facts as we know it. Following the OAS meeting and my return to the country, it is my expectation that I will be in position to brief Parliament by the time I am to speak on the Budget debate.
You can rest assured that all of the various comments have been noted in the press and on social media about this matter including the denials of any knowledge of this by Ministers of the Free National Movement with the glaring exception of the former Prime Minister. The government takes the matter seriously and will endavour to represent the best interests of Bahamians in this matter.
We were elected on the theme Believe in Bahamians. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs accepts that as our mandate and marching orders.

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