
Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |
My four adult children are all geeky. In fact most of us living in the modern world are geeks now. That isn’t a derogative, it is a fact. When I was a boy beatniks became hippies, and the techies became geeks. We are all hip now with the electronic world, getting it down pat on our phones, touch pads and computers, falsely indicating that we are intelligent and able to keep up-to-date in the rapidly evolving cyber world. That cyber world is the information highway, the cloud via the internet and the knowledge available through it to all of us may be easily and quickly overwhelming.
I am a chiropractor and I am a teacher. Knowledge is king and for all of us to now be readily allowed unrestricted access to information via the internet is sort of like being given the freedom to raid the king’s coffers; we can be set free with information if we are astute enough to follow the data pertinent to our interests, wants and needs.
But what does being hip to the cyber world have to do with me, why is having internet skills of interest to a chiropractor? And how can the art form of chiropractic health care make itself more at home with all the surfers on the internet and not only those that are actively looking for health tips and methods of lifestyle improvement?
To get a grip on why it might be essential for all of us surfers to have knowledge of chiropractic methods suppose we stepped back in time for a moment. Let’s get back to the days of the 70’s and those geeky guys with the plastic pen pockets, their glasses and hair flying absent-mindlessly about their heads. These somewhat trippy acting guys were “nerds” and at the time an isolated group of individuals present but not in great numbers; they were in all of our schools and in many start up businesses too. These nerdy guys were the forerunners of the geeks who soon became present in type in all of our banks, businesses and political systems. These early computer savvy guys were in the background for the most part structuring avenues of data storage and retrieval. And it is through their electronic paving of the way first that we are with some sense of the beginning of the internet highway. Early connecting electronically to spur roads and avenues intersecting and looping about on one another has grown into that knowledge forest, the net, which we are all so obsessed with to-day. Viewing those nerds of the 70’s would you suppose by their posture and muscle mass that they were healthy?
Now let’s suppose we return to to-day, in time and complexity. Most of us are staggered should we be without access to the cyber world for more than a few moments. We have risen up the need to be “connected” to a place of priority. Get on a train or go to a town square, most heads about us there will be turned down pouring their attention into their electronic devices oblivious, as were the nerds, to all about them. Except to-day the nerds and the geeks are the norm, they are you.
We are rapidly becoming a world of “ogle-boggles.” Many of us start our day on the computer and boggle along all the day tethered to it. We are spending so much time sitting that we blame the carpel tunnel syndrome, the stiff backs and necks, the headaches and obesity on posture. So many users of the computer are busy trying to diminish the pain so they may continue to sit and peck away for a while longer that they miss their opportunity to get proper correction and their health is sacrificed.
“Sit and peck” requires a stationary posture but we are segmented creatures and if we hold our segments from moving after a very short while they begin to stiffen up as the muscles with their attachments of tendons and fascia physiologically shrink. When held stationary we quickly shrink and twist up into a posture showing stress, but still we peck on, don’t we?
For the modern day “sit and peck person” it is advised that every ten minutes our bodies should stand up and move about in such a manner that we get a good push from the muscles of our core, those that attach to or from our pelvis. Do some squats. Again, standing up and using your strength of the pelvis core muscles every ten minutes is advised whenever you are in an ongoing sitting position. Set the timer on your computer for this activity.
Then think about the hours and hours that most “sit and peck people” put in without a stand up break. And when you see them wearing their prescribed elbow and wrist bands know they have overtaxed their individual stress potentials through neglect. Then they have gone to the wrong Doctor for the pain. He has prescribed additional restricted motion through the straps and bands or tape and further shrinking of the holding muscles and fascia ensues. And to make matters worse he drugs you too. So now being drugged, hunched over, and strapped in and shrinking you may return to your previous habits, including the “neglect” one and continue on getting more unhealthy and stressed as you bend down over your e-device.
Now look up chiropractic on your device. Look at the Wikipedia definition. Know what chiropractic is through a fact; that is the beauty of the internet. Learn how the chiropractor is trained and uniquely qualified to remobilize a kinked up bound up subluxated structure like the ogle-boggle body you have neglected. Hook up the anatomy linking the kinking to the wrist, back and pelvis structures. Get this data into your brain’s memory. Go to the chiropractor and get the subluxations, the kinks, mobilized back to a pre existing time when your health was stronger in place.
Let’s say we think of our failing, slow moving and shut down bodies as being a complex set of intertwining systems, like your e-devices. Then let’s go back to when you may have thought of your chiropractor and the “subluxation” as like that nerd of the 70’s who might have mentioned “system reset” and all of us at that time would then snuffle and snort and guffaw at the weird dude.
Well the fact is that weird “chiropractic dude” is tomorrow’s wizard of the health industry. For unlike any other procedure, he can apply science, art and philosophy to reset your neuromusculoskeletal systems to a prior setting. Like it or not, the chiropractic adjustment is the only available method of system reset which can give you a chance to operate your body segments freely again; even as you sit and peck while ogle-boggling on the Net.
About the author:
Dr. Brian Blower has been a licensed
chiropractor for over 40 years
practicing Applied Kinesiology and has been in private practice on
Grand Bahama Island for the past
15 years. He is a founding member of Applied Kinesiology Canada and was
educated at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. He is a founding
member of the Bahamas Association of Chiropractic. He has treated
many celebrities and also specializes in sports medicine. He can be
reached at 242-351-5424/ 727-2454. You
can also find Dr. Blower on Facebook HERE
Feel free to contact Dr. Blower with any of your questions or comments at BodyByBlower@yahoo.com
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