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Supporting Smart and Sustainable Growth in Fisheries
By CRFM Secretariat Communications
Nov 21, 2014 - 11:28:06 AM

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Belize City -  The region’s fisheries stakeholders to deepen their understanding of the “blue growth concept” at a two-day workshop in St. George’s, Grenada under the theme, “Investing in Blue Economic Growth” on November 20-21, 2014.
The Blue Growth Concept is mainly concerned about how to generate economic growth from the living resources in the oceans and seas.
The Blue Growth seeks to achieve growth by sustainable use and conservation of aquatic renewable resources in the exclusive economic zones (EEZ) and on the high seas, in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible manner. The major components of the Blue Growth concept include: (1) marine and inland capture fisheries; (2) aquaculture development, (3) livelihoods and food systems, and (4) ecosystem services and marine biodiversity conservation at regional and national levels.
The  regional workshop   is  intended   to  promote   blue  economic growth   in CARICOM countries through   enhanced   involvement   of  fisheries   and aquaculture  stakeholders  in the policy process and improved, broad  public understanding  and appreciation of  the  challenges  and  opportunities    of  the  industry   and  its  policies,  and  what  this  means  for investing  in blue growth.
Milton Haughton, executive director of Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) says, “the benefits in the sector are significant to the region and the global community, these range from foreign exchange earnings, employment to poverty alleviation and food security. Many of the stakeholders including the Fisherfolk on the ground do not sufficiently understand the importance of these benefits to value them adequately to achieve sustainable management of the fisheries resources”.
CRFM has teamed up with the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisations supported by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) ACP-EU to raise public awareness in the Caribbean  by deepening knowledge   and  capacity   of  primary   industry   stakeholders   for   more   effective stakeholder   positioning  and participation   in fisheries  policy  and management actions.
The workshop  will address the following:
Under Governance  and Policy

  •     Combating  Illegal fishing;
  •     Sustainable  use, conservation  and  management  of  the Eastern Caribbean Flying fish, Spiny Lobster, Nassau Grouper and the Coral reefs eco-system;
  •     Next steps for the Caribbean Community  Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP).

Under Trade and Market Access

  • Readiness for tackling  Sanitary Phyto-Sanitary Measures, under an EU-funded Project that gets underway this month;
  • Understanding the Value chain approach in fisheries, and its lessons from various experiences in the region, Africa and the Pacific.


Present land use and marine space usage planning do not reflect holistic consideration of the various sectoral needs, with low priority given to fisheries and aquaculture needs. This creates a challenge with regard to capacity for adaptation of economic activities especially in the face of climate change, and also for aquaculture  development  opportunities  that a real ready challenged often by limited land and coastal marine space, environmental  concerns, and economic viability.
All challenges are exacerbated by the limited promotion and understanding of the sector's contributions, as well as its potential.
Previous efforts by CRFM and CTA to build fisherfolk capacity to participate in the governance process has seen the successful establishment of the Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organizations (CNFO), improved fisherfolk understanding of key policy issues, and more active CNFO participation in certain policy advisory activities. Such capacity building and participation  in the policy advisory activities are very  much in the preliminary stages, and continued effort is essential to deepen further the understanding  of fisherfolk of some of the more technical aspects of fisheries policies, e.g. aquaculture,  SPS, and mainstreaming  precautionary  and ecosystem approaches in the context of climate change, and by this means, strengthen their capacity to participate actively and more fully in ensuring successful implementation,  monitoring and evaluation of agreed policies.

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