Last Updated: Feb 6, 2017 - 2:32:04 PM |

Professional engineer, Dillon F. Knowles of Grand Bahama
TheBahamasWeekly.com has once again selected Bahamians to canvas their opinions on highlights of The Bahamas over the year 2013, as well as ask about the direction of the country. Their comments will be shared over the coming weeks.
Through this exchange we hope to also highlight Bahamians in our community, and share their personal triumphs,
that may or may not have made the news.
Here is the opinion of Dillon F. Knowles, PE:
1) What event do you feel was the most important for The Bahamas in 2013?
The most important event of 2013 was the non-event that purported to be the constitutional commission. The lack of political will to offer to the Bahamian people significant and meaningful changes to the governance of our beloved country is a travesty of missed opportunity that will be regretted for decades to come. Bahamians will continue to be offered different personalities as the solution to what is really a structural issue with our political system. Additionally, discrimination of various sorts will continue to be the order of the day.
2) Who passed away this year that you feel will be 'most missed' and why?
On the global scene, Nelson Mandela will be missed the most. However, I believe that the Bahamian who will be missed the most is Basil Neymour. Nothing has provided more for the encouragement and upward mobility of our people than sports. In this regard, Mr. Neymour put his money where his mouth was. His support of Bahamian athletes is legendary and leaves huge shoes to be filled.
3) Who was the 'most inspirational / influential Bahamian' in 2013 and why?
While petty bickering continues to drag the country down, 19 yr. old Shaunae Miller was busy at the IAAF Championships in Moscow inspiring the country to unite and strive for excellence on the world stage, like she did. She is truly an example of what hard work and a big dream can accomplish.
4) 2013 was the country's 40th anniversary of Independence. What stood out for you in way of commemorating this event?
What stood out for me was not the commemorating of the event but that after 40 years of independence we are still unable to set our political affiliations aside long enough to celebrate a national event, even one of this significance.
5) 2013 may have been one of the worst years ever for crime in The Bahamas. What are your thoughts and suggestions?
Crime is a symptom of a change in values. No longer can the everyday man see the principles of hard work, trustworthiness, and respect for others modeled in our leaders (religious, political, and business). This has led to valuing material things and instant gratification; achieving them by verbal fights in the halls of parliament and gun fights in the streets. This problem can only be solved top down. Until we leaders accept responsibility for the example we set, we will continue to have others emulate us by the only means they have - force.
6) Is there an 'unsung hero' you feel should be recognized from 2013 or prior? If so, who and why?
Whether you agreed with his position or not, Eddison Key’s decision to stand on his own principle and not automatically side with his party is a major step in the right direction for Bahamian politicians (all colours). When we elect more MP’s who are prepared to stand up rather than blend in we will have a better country. For this Mr. Key gets my ‘unsung hero’ nomination.
7) Do you have a Personal Highlight for 2013?
I am always thrilled to watch the growth that one week of community service at Vacation Bible School can afford 13 yr. old kids. The smiles that light up their faces from sharing God’s love with those less fortunate in the community always warms the heart. 2013 was no exception. If adults would only take more time to make a difference in the lives of our kids, what a wonder world this would be.
Dillon F. Knowles is Principal Consultant at DILLON F KNOWLES CONSULTING, a Freeport, Bahamas based management and engineering service, specializing in investment facilitation, project management, and operations management consulting. He may be contacted at Dillon_knowles@yahoo.com
The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his/her
private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of
Bahamas 2013: A Year in Review with Youri Kemp
Bahamas 2013: A Year in Review with Odette Knowles

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