Last Updated: Jul 17, 2017 - 11:09:37 AM |

Teams from BTC's Retail, Engineering, Public Relations, and Grounds Personnel Department's arrive in East Grand Bahama for a full day of door to door activity which offered improve services to customers in the area.
Eastern Communities Rep BTC
Freeport, Grand Bahama – Over the years, customers of The Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) have watched the company evolve, grow and change to keep up with the rapidly changing technology in the telecommunications business. What has not changed however, has been the company’s commitment to its customers and ensuring that every island, rock and cay serviced by BTC continues to grow and develop in the area of technology.
In early July, BTC made network upgrades in Grand Bahama within the eastern communities allowing for faster internet speeds and extending FLOW TV services to those residents. ThePE in the arealy, -
After those network upgrades, the teams went door to door in the various neighborhoods to address any lingering concerns customers might have with their current service and encouraged customers who have not already done so, to take advantage of the new products and services.

BTC Teams converge in Pelican Point before going to door to door in that, and other Eastern Grand Bahama community as part of a July outreach by BTC. Pictured is BTC Customer Rev. Lawrence Laing.
BTC’s Engineers, Technicians, Buildings and Grounds Personnel, Retail and Public Relations Teams took to the streets of the communities in East Grand Bahama, to speak with their customers specifically in Pelican Point and Sweeting's Cay with the mandate to ensure that all of BTC’s Customers in those areas were receiving optimal fixed and broadband services.
“This initiative really gave us an opportunity to reconnect with our customers, many of whom have been land line or cellular customers for decades” explained BTC Northern Bahamas Public Relations Lead, Leteasha Lord. “It was also a chance to introduce some of the newer products like FLOW TV, especially since many of these residents in the past may have only received minimal television service options.
We were excited that with these improvements, more remote customers, can now have access to the strongest and best technology that BTC can provide.”
“BTC is one of the company’s I think every Bahamian should support” said Shervin Tate, a resident of Sweetings Cay for nearly 50 years. He was particularly pleased with the improved quality of his internet services. “To receive internet services all the way out here in Sweetings Cay is awesome!”
Coupled with additional updates to the company’s building structures and improved branding on the island, residents in those Eastern communities can be assured of BTC’s commitment to them.
“It’s exciting to be able to reach all our customers,” noted Lord. “Our improved internet and television packages offer our clients so much more than just cell services.”

A BTC Technician carries out much needed upgrades to the company's legacy network. Customers will now have access to BTC's NGN Platform which allows us to offer improvements in broadband services such as internet data speed and also FlowTv.

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