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Participate in the Bahamian Leadership survey! (Video)
By Kent Osmon
Sep 30, 2008 - 11:10:59 AM

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Fellow Bahamians and Bahamian residents,

My name is Kent Osman, I am a Bahamian studying for my Masters of Business Administration degree with Henley Business School at the University of Reading (formerly Henley Management College) in the United Kingdom. Henley is one of the world’s foremost providers of graduate business education and a pioneer in the delivery of education by distance learning, utilizing technology and innovation in the delivery of their courses.


In partial completion of the degree’s requirements, I am required to produce a dissertation on a subject area of my choosing. I have chosen to focus on an area of interest to me that I hope will provide information to stimulate debate about Leadership and, specifically, "Emotional Intelligence" (commonly referred to as one’s EQ) in Leadership within Bahamian organizations. My research has been unable to find any similar studies in The Bahamas so it is hoped that Bahamian leaders will adopt this work as a starting point for more in depth research and reflection.

Socrates stated “know thyself”, implying the importance of self-knowledge and appreciating what we stand for is at the core of our personalities (Collingwood, 2001). In this light, EQ was defined by Peter Salovey and John Mayer (1990); they proposed a construct that has become the basis of much debate and research as it relates to leadership abilities. They suggested that emotionally intelligent individuals have a competency built around the understanding and knowledge of how to utilize the following:

• Emotion in self
• Emotion in others
• Regulation of emotion in self
• Regulation of emotion in others

Each of these pieces of work, referenced on this website, has proposed that the further one progresses in an organization and the greater the leadership responsibility one has, the more important emotional intelligence becomes.


In a pilot survey conducted earlier this summer in a single large retail firm in Grand Bahama, the hypothesis was supported by an increase in the analyzed emotional intelligence scores of participants at each subsequent level of organizational hierarchy.


In providing the survey listed on this website, I hope to elicit a numerically significant volume of responses to determine if there is supporting evidence for this theory in Bahamian organizations across the occupational spectrum.


The survey takes approximately 5 to 7 minutesto complete and is being hosted on an independent website to ensure anonymity of participants and confidentiality of their responses, CLICK HERE TO PARTICIPATE .The statistically analyzed results will be made public at the conclusion of the project on the website. Should you wish to be notified when the results are posted, please email me through the Contact Us section and you will be notified when the information is posted.


I would like to thank you in advance for your participation in my research project. I hope that the background information provided on the website and the results that will be provided later will stimulate debate and reflection about emotional intelligence in your leadership team and add value to your organization as a whole.


Bahamians and Residents of The Bahamas ONLY please.


Kent Osman

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