Derrick Nottage, Northern Bahamas Council for the Disabled's Office Administrator, and Bessiemae Nottage, President of NBCD receive their new logo donated by Freeport Advertising and Printing and presented here by Chassarie Sealy on October 10th, 2007.
October has been deemed ‘Disability Awareness Month’ by the Northern Bahamas Council for the Disabled, and what better way to pay attention to this important organization than with a new image and logo.
Freeport Advertising and Printing heard that the Council was in need of a logo and came to their aid presenting them with not only one, but three logos to choose from.
Mrs. Bessiemae Nottage, president of the Northern Council for the Disabled selected the logo shown here as she felt it depicted the Bahamian colours, and the team spirit required to help one another.
On Wednesday, October 10th, Chassarie Sealy of Freeport Advertising presented the logo to the council outside their small headquarters at 11A Kipling Building. The Council is extremely pleased and grateful by this generous donation and they look forward to using the logo to help promote their group and bring awareness and support to disabled persons.
Since being installed as the new president in July of this year, Mrs. Nottage said that her group’s main objective is it to build a meeting place for the disabled. A place they can call their own, whether it is for their monthly meetings, educational seminars, social activities or to simply handle their administrative needs.
Until now they have had to hold their meetings in various places and they are continually challenged with access to the buildings used.
They want their own building and home space specifically suited to their needs.
The Council also wishes to advise and encourage all those who are disabled on Grand Bahama Island to register and join them.
Persons who join the Council receive support, education, fellowship, and come together to work as a group to find solutions for individual and community challenges.
If you have not already registered with the Council you may do so by downloading the attached registration form below.
In light of Disability Awareness month, the Council has already held their
Annual Fun, Run, Walk & Push on Saturday, October 6th and are very excited to be having their Gospel Concert fundraiser this Friday, October 19th at 8:00pm at the Hilton Outten Convention Centre. The concert is under the distinguished patronage of Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Loretta Butler-Turner. The concert will headline Cooling Waters, Rev. Rudy Roberts and the Sensational Seven, and the Shekinah Choir to name a few. Available at the door, tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for children 12 and under, and groups of 20 or more are $10 each. Door prizes will also be given out kindly donated by Gizmos & Gadgets, Galleria Cinemas, the Two Dollar Store, The Seventeen Shop among other generous donors.
Please come out and enjoy a gospel music concert, and by doing so help support the Northern Bahamas Council for the Disabled to realize their dream of a new headquarters!

Education and Support - at the most recent NBCD meeting Mrs. M. Brook (Senior Nursing Office Minister Of Health) spoke to the disabled community at the Foster B. Pestina Centre.
Northern Bahamas Council for the Disabled contact Information:
Derrick J. Nottage, Office Administrator
11A Kipling Building, Freeport, GBI
Tele/ Fax (242) 352-7720 (office) or 727-0452 (cell)
NBCD REGISTRATION FORM BELOW - click to download, print, mail in or drop off.